BullShift News Revolution Cover

November 10th, 2022
Ordinary Courts
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“In general, the courts and other tribunals of the occupied territory, like other governmental functions, should continue to operate. For example, ordinary crimes that do not affect the security of the Occupying Power or its personnel should continue to be administered by the courts in the occupied territory. However, the administration of justice in the occupied territory, like the performance of other governmental functions, is subject to the direction of the Occupying Power.” ― Law of War, 11.10

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  • Revolution 2022
    The Election. The Revolution. “If people don’t see arrests after this Mid-Term Election, you know what needs to and would happen: THE REVOLUTION! People will have to stand up, as the Government and Justice Systems don’t work. Then Military will take over and give back power to The People. Remember what Q said: Military is the only way. Already fraud has occurred: Tabulators and machines that don’t work, not enough paper – a total scam already. Military will step in and save us from this madness.” …Great Awakening World Q + Trump “Freedom For All” It was a diverse team of brave men and women working together who overcame the Deep State Cabal and put us on a path to secure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for each of us. Yet there remained victories to be won, freedoms to be preserved and strengthened. As in the past, an international team of Patriots now must band together to keep Freedom alive for us all. This Is a Great Country, by Irving Berlin (thetabernaclechoir.org) Judy Note: In 2015 Jacob Rothschild accused Putin of being a traitor to the New World Order. Let that sink in. In recent years Military Earth Alliance Covert Operations have neutralized high-level parasitic elites, bloodline families and secret societies. Vatican City, City of London, Washington DC, the Federal Reserve and Central Banks have all been seized. The US Revolution: “In the Mid-term Election they will 100% cheat again and 100% get caught again” according to President Trump. “This is the idea. Need to let them commit crimes to prove crimes and arrest them all. Once crimes are proven they can cancel/invalidate elections including the 2020 Election too. Trump can be reinstated as the legitimate President. You will witness the Great Red Wave and also massive cheating, so get ready for The Revolution. Then the Military will take over and implement Martial Law. 11/9 reverses to 9/11 – the day of the Main Event.” Analyst Martin Armstrong has warned that there may not be an election in 2024 and that “the United States will not exist after 2032” due to massive societal upheaval and financial collapse. Revealing that he has received emails from people in Canada saying they had been delivered voting ballots for Pennsylvania, Armstrong is predicting utter chaos. Warning that the mid-term result will “not be accepted” by one side, Armstrong says Trump won’t be able to run in 2024 because there probably won’t be an election due to a total loss of confidence in the system. This is a worldwide effort,” he said. “They had to get rid of Trump. The other one who stood in their way is Bolsonaro. Then there is Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (China). I think you are going to have historians look back at this 50 years from now, and they will call this period ‘The Climate Change Wars’… They are trying to take down as much oil energy capacity as possible. The United States will not exist after 2032. After 2028 and 2029, we are going to have to redesign a government from scratch. America is being destroyed,”
  • Take Cover... Nicole!
    Evacuations announced for thousands in Florida ahead of Tropical Storm Nicole... Residents in parts of Florida have been asked to evacuate as Tropical Storm Nicole spins closer to the east coast of Florida.
  • Emergency Action Message... In the event of nuclear war...
    Emergency Action Message... In the United States military's strategic nuclear weapon nuclear command and control (NC2) system, an Emergency Action Message (EAM) is a preformatted message that directs nuclear-capable forces[1] to execute specific Major Attack Options (MAOs) or Limited Attack Options (LAOs) in a nuclear war. They are the military commands that the US military chain of command would use to launch a nuclear strike. Emergency Action Message... In the U.S. military's strategic nuclear weapon command and control system, an Emergency Action Message (EAM) is a preformatted message that directs nuclear-capable forces to execute specific Major Attack Options (MAOs) or Limited Attack Options (LAOs) in a nuclear war. Individual countries or specific regions may be included or withheld in the EAM, as specified in the Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP).[ The HF-GCS and Emergency Action Messages... The HF-GCS is used by the United States Air Force to send instructions for their operations through messages, and most commonly send Emergency Action Messages (EAMs). The HF-GCS is not exclusive to the USAF, and is used by other countries too, but not as often. Emergency Action Message From Andrews Air Force Base... Emergency Action Message From Andrews Air Force Base I picked this up in the north east england nice echo from the multi path propagation Emergency Action Message...
  • Enjoy the Show
    TRUMP and DeSantis are playing a part. Their growing feud Will grow more!!!!.... IT'S ALL A SHOW!!!!!! ( it's for a reason..... Not All Republican voters Trust TRUMP nor do the deserters of Democratic party ( voters).... This sector of the New REPUBLICANs WILL VOTE FOR DESANTIS<)///// LATER IN END SUMMER. TRUMP AND DESANTIS WILL UNITE THEIR PARTIES! WIRES; TRUMP & DESANTIS WILL Run together for 2024 and their announcement WILL COME AFTER MAJOR FEUDING ERUPTS BETWEEN THEM 🎥 Get out and vote TODAY 🇺🇸 *Even though we know the cheat is ON by the Democratic party deep state.... It's still important to vote and keep the Red Wave moving...//)//... I have stated many times . Everything leads later to real uncoverings as the Mil. Is watching the elections . National Guard. U.S. SPACE FORCE.. ///) (A professional thief usually comes back and does the same crime in the same way and gets comfortable not getting caught. >>>> The military white hats needs this to be witnessed in live time and record. Document everything///
  • Have the arrests begun?
    For now.. We all know the CLOWN SHOW OF CHEATING had/has begun....as many election sites are experiencing problems/// from machines malfunction to threat reports.. To DNC States looking to withhold counting to later.. To several excuses......... This is ALL EXPECTED .... This ELECTION alone with be worst than 2020 with 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Open corruption.... ( EVERYTHING LEADS TO [ DS] DOJ being OVER HAULED.... As TRUMP said..... Thousands of government employees in top Branches will be fired through the US.*.... Restructuring...... ARRESTS....))////) On Fri. 4 Nov. 2022 Nancy Pelosi was (again) arrested at her house in California by the same Federal Marshals who put her under House Arrest at the US Capitol on Biden’s so-called “Inauguration Day” of 20 Jan. 2021. Tues. 8 Nov. was the US Midterm Election Day, complete with a Blood Moon and total Lunar Eclipse – the last total Lunar Eclipse until 2025. This second Tues. in November was also “Slaughter Day” for members of the Occult, where innocent children were raped, tortured and tied to altars to be sacrificed in order for their Satan worshipping perpetrators to “obtain power” from Lucifer. Wed. 9 Nov (9/11) was designated as Freedom Day, the day of the Main Event called “The Revolution.” Trump has designated Fri. 11 Nov. 2022 as Resurrection Day: President Trumpnever conceded the US Presidency and created the fake Biden Administration to catch the Deep State in further Acts of Treason and corruption. On Tues. 15 Nov. Trump was scheduled to make a special announcement from Mar-a-Largo, “to put pressure on the other side,” according to Juan O Savin. Rothschilds and Rockefellers Surrender as Germany joins Liberation Alliance: https://benjaminfulford.net/2022/11/07/rothschilds-and-rockefellers-seek-to-surrender-as-germany-joins-planetary-liberation-alliance/ US Military Warning Governors: US Governors and State senior leadership were being individually contacted by the US Military and given ‘Need to Know Information’ such as a review of what happened (Mass Arrests), with evidence, and a vague idea of where we were going next. For those states who had ‘War Criminals’ who had not yet been apprehended – those meetings were being used to ‘put them on notice’ with a Summons, or were advised to expect a Summons in short order. 🔴RED OCTOBER; COMMUNICATION SHUTDOWN.🔴 >As Pope Francis traveled to Asia and tried to have a meeting with President XI, but was denied and turned away .... This last attempt was by the ROTHSCHILDS family and Rockefellers/OBAMA [ DS] in a made effort to Stop XI from Military operations to take down the CCP Regime and also asking XI to opening up the BRICS MONETARY RESERVE to the VATICAN banks. .. But XI did not make any attempt to meet the Pope. Within hours the ROTHSCHILDS ordered their next move to arrest XI and begin the COUP and activate MSM on the arrest of XI. (fortunately their plans had fallen a part for the moment..AS I had reported XI was in safe protections after the meeting with PUTIN ).... Several CCP commanders loyal to XI Arrested several of the military commanders who helped in the Coup and stopped the full Coup from escalation for the current moment....> back Channels > From PUTIN advised XI to make and appearance on TV and counter the arrest MSM narration and send a message to the DEEP STATE letting them know their attempts failed. _XI and Putin had met earlier and discussed Growing black U.S. military operations with UK forces killing and targeting Russian Forces with Drones.... And what the next steps were to counter these offences in a major move)//// >A fleet of Russian and Chinese Battleships in formation were ordered to enter U.S. Waters. ( Update just 80 miles from U.S. Alaska territory the fleet was spotted with 2 Chinese naval war ships and 4 Russian Naval vessels and a Destroyer and lurking just a few miles behind ..>insiders: report up to 8 Submarines in the vicinity.)//// _The CIA [ DS] with mini Military subs had long planned to Explored the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline.. As BIDEN had publicly stated before he had operations in place to bring down the pipeline without German consent _As Russian subs entered the Mediterranean Waters last week and cut gas pipelines to France from Algeria , the CIA counter move of taking down Nord Stream 2 Gas lines brings a long awaited Nuclear War ( awaited by Cabal) even closer ( this EVENT was long planned by OBAMA, CLINTONS and DAVOS ECT ECT ECT.. To bring in a nuclear war through DARKWINTER22 classified projects .... The agenda of depopulation and nuclear fallout would connect clearly to new vaccines countering supposedly radiation exposure to survivors and much more New World operations)///// > I was one of the first to drop INTEL Drops on these EVENTS COMING last year in January and February 2021 ( many thought I was lying and just fear mongering and all the EVENTS i for told have now come to past as we are in huge MILITARY EVALUATION AND NUCLEAR EVENTS STAGING AROUND THE WORLD.. CHNIA. RUSSIA. U.S. IRAN. JAPAN. FRANCE. GERMANY AND SEVERAL OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE THEIR NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON HIGH ALART STAND BY........( but you must Remember!!!!... I have WARNED you about the EVENTS all coming./ happening.. From the WORLD COLLAPSE TO STOCK . SUPPLY CHAIN COLLAPSE TO>>> NUCLEAR EVENT.... >>>///// I WARNED YOU because I was truthful in the what was going to happen.... But I also told you many many times...... The NUCLEAR EVENT is STAGED... (if something goes off it will be over the oceans...)... ALL THESE EVENTS HAVE TO HAPPEN FOR A REASON THAT LEADS TO FULL MILITARY INTERVENTION AND FULL INVESTIGATION OF ALL MILITARY COMMANDS THAT HELP PULLED THESE MILITARY COUPS AND COMPLIED WITH DEEP STATE AGENDA..... > it all connects to FUTURE WORLD MILITARY TRIBUNALS AND TRIBULATIONS///// EVERYTHING IS GOING TO COLLIDE... THE EXPOSURE OF PANDEMIC, BIO-WEAPONS VACCINES, FULL DEEP STATE EXPOSURE. THE NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT NUCLEAR 🎥 EVENT. // The month of OCTOBER IS RED AN CABLES;;: ARE HOT..... In the underground mil. Channels, the word is COMMUNICATION SHUTDOWN EVENT. buckle up buttercups... Inside the STORM.... No oil for U.S. , Europe means.. Shut down!!!!! There will be no gas for everyday things and businesses.. Complete shutdown EXPECTED. .. COMMUNICATION SHUTDOWN
  • Bill Clinton doesn't even hide it
    Bill Clinton laughs at his relationship with Epstein.... BREAKING: Bill Clinton is asked about his ties to Jeffrey Epstein He laughs and says: "I think the evidence is clear."
  • Paying Bribes
    Glencore Flew Cash Across Africa in Private Jets to Pay Bribes... Glencore Plc officials delivered cash in private jets to officials across Africa, UK prosecutors said as they laid out a web of bribery and corruption orchestrated by the London oil trading desk.
  • Stop licking toads
    National Parks Service tells people to stop LICKING 'hypnotoads' for their psychedelic toxins... National Park Service officials warned visitors about a poisonous toad that can cause hallucinations and 'powerful psychoactive' reactions.
  • Biden and the Debt Clock
    How crazy is this? Biden claims that he cut US federal debt in half. Have a look: http://usdebtclock.org US National debt = $31 trillion. US total debt = $92 trillion. The only thing that Biden has cut in half is the expiry date of US Empire. The U.S. debt clock.... If the Dems are not majorly defeated in the #Midterms2022 after their abysmal economic performance then maybe it’s time to look at election manipulation. It’s unimaginable that Americans pay double for everything now and still vote for the party that is responsible for that.
  • Creating a watertight bunker
    How To Create a Watertight Underground Bunker & Food Cache for $699... Ron gives great tips on how to bury your survival food or yourself for a low budget this is the beginning of our do-it-yourself tip series.
  • CIA Church Committee investigations
    William Colby Church Committee Hearing... CIA Director William Colby testified before the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, commonly known as the Church Committee. This hearing concerned unauthorized storage of toxic agents by the CIA that could have potentially been used to assassinate people without leaving a discernible trace of the poison CIA Officer Frank Snepp Discusses Planting Stories in Vietnam... Frank Snepp arrived in Vietnam in 1969 and stayed on until he was evacuated as Saigon fell in 1975. The CIA's Murder Manual... THE CIA manual advising Nicaraguan guerrillas how to kidnap, assassinate, blackmail and dupe civilians is an appalling production, and its disclosure has produced a first-class storm. The Democratic ticket has seized on the manual as evidence of the darkest and least defensible tendencies of the Reagan administration's foreign policy; no doubt Walter Mondale will bring it up in his debate with President Reagan tonight. John Stockwell (CIA officer)... John R. Stockwell (born 1937) is a former CIA officer who became a critic of United States government policies after serving seven tours of duty over thirteen years. Having managed American involvement in the Angolan Civil War as Chief of the Angola Task Force during its 1975 covert operations, he resigned and wrote In Search of Enemies. CIA Sues 2d Ex-Agent for Book Profits... The Justice Department accused another former CIA officer-turned-author yesterday of violating his secrecy agreement with the agency and filed suit for the profits his book. Sinclair Broadcast Group: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)... Sinclair Broadcast Group is the largest owner of local TV stations in the country. That's alarming considering that they often inject political views into local news. CIA and Communists, they both gross me the heck out. Church Committee Hearing on FBI Intelligence Activities... Frederick Schwarz and Curtis Smothers testified before the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, commonly known as the Church Committee, on FBI intelligence activities. Committee staffers Frederick Schwarz and Curt Smothers detailed FBI abuses including spying, bugging, and attempted intimidation of Martin Luther King, Jr. This is a portion of the full hearing and includes commentary by NPACT news anchor Paul Duke. William Colby Church Committee Hearing... CIA Director William Colby testified before the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, commonly known as the Church Committee. This hearing concerned unauthorized storage of toxic agents by the CIA that could have potentially been used to assassinate people without leaving a discernible trace of the poison. 40 years ago, Church Committee investigated Americans spying on Americans... This week marks the 40th anniversary of the Church Committee calling CIA Director William Colby to testify on revelations that U.S. intelligence agencies had engaged in controversial covert action against foreign leaders and U.S. citizens. Chaired by Senator Frank Church (D-ID), the committee held a series of hearings and published 14 reports as it investigated the legality of intelligence operations by the CIA, NSA, and FBI, including attempts to assassinate foreign leaders, spying on Martin Luther King, Jr., and monitoring the political activities of other U.S. citizens.
  • Rebel News exposed as controlled opposition
    BUSTED: REBEL NEWS EXPOSED AS MONEY GRUBBING CONTROLLED OPPOSITION & LIKELY AGENTS OF THE DEEP STATE... Earlier this year, when Rebel News had first come out with their "Fight The Fines" campaigns while they were also claiming to be helping bona fide Hero's like Pastor Artur Pawlowski, I was initially a big supporter. I used my social media reach to help promote what they were doing because I wrongfully believed that they were the only "honest" media in Canada.
  • Q Post about the midterms and cheating
    Why do some elections take more than a day to count? Can cheating be done after the polls are closed? Who controls the pollbooks? Who controls the databases? Who controls the elections? Why are extra ballots printed? If someone doesn't vote, can bad actors hijack their vote? How? Why did the National Guard activate cybersecurity teams? Who gave the order to 'activate' the cybersecurity teams? Why? To protect the elections? To claim the midterms are 'safe'? Safe from what? Setting the stage? Watch carefully. White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain. You have all the tools you need. Vote. Q What groups are financing Ukraine? Why are they financing Ukraine? Why was Hunter in Ukraine? What did 'Pop' threaten to withold from Ukraine? A billion dollars? Who benefits? What did 'Pop' receive in return? Why is Hunter not in jail? Think. Blackmail? Bribes? Extortion? Threats? How do you control a 'leader'? How do you control a country? Are you ready to take back control? Your vote matters. You have all the tools you need. Q Endless lies. Endless wars. Endless inflation. Endless 'printing'. Endless oppression. Endless subjugation. Endless surveillance. Who will put an end to the endless? Taking control. Q All assets deployed tomorrow. False flags, delayed vote count, pipe bursts, dead voters, fake ballots, electronic voting systems being rigged. Tomorrow they commit treason for the second time.
    Will there be riots in response to claims of fraud?
    Will Martial Law be declared?
    Will it be a blue sweep?
    Will it be a red wave?
    Simon Parkes: November 8th Midterms Intel Update...... Simon discusses possible scenarios for the outcome from November 8th midterm elections... Which one do you believe will happen?
  • Trump's on a roll...
    LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Sioux City, IA... President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks in Sioux City, Iowa on Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 8:00PM EDT. LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Latrobe, PA... President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks in Latrobe, PA on Saturday, November 5, 2022 at 7:00PM EDT. LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Miami, FL... President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks in Miami, FL on Sunday, November 5, 2022 at 5:00PM EST. LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Dayton, OH... President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks in Dayton, OH on Monday, November 6, 2022 at 8:00PM EST.
  • Magnetic Pole Shift
    Magnetic Pole Shift | The Most Important Disaster... The magnetic pole shift is an extinction risk. This video tells the three key points to share, with the data to back them up.
  • Did Nancy put out a hit on her husband?
    Long story short. Pelosi tried to have her husband KILLED. He was becoming a huge liability ( he was caught partying multiple times and with latest DUI arrest... He was a huge problem and TALKING TO MUCH WHEN HE'S DRUNK ABOUT DEEP AGENDAS)..... The idea Pelosi Handler's ( Clintons CIA black ops) was to use Paul Pelosi's gay lover to kill him and of course blame the killing on Trump supporters and January 6 AGENDA. Unfortunately the HAMMER to the head only cracked Paul's SKULL ( attempted murder) Kill two birds with one stone. Get rid of the LIABILITY and HELP create CIVIL WAR. ____ ALL POLICE CAMERAS WERE CONFISCATED. AS ALL THE NEIGHBORS IN THE SECURE NEIGHBOURHOOD HAD ALL THEIR HOME CAMERAS SEARCHED AND CONFISCATED CERTAIN FOOTAGE. SECURITY OFFICERS THAT PATROL THE ELITE NEIGHBORHOOD HAD THEIR CAR VIDEOS CONFISCATED. PELOSI MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR HOME HAD THEIR CAMERAS OFF. THE POLICE ARRIVING ON THE SCENES HAD THEIR BODY CAMERAS CONFISCATED. THE 6 SECURITY DOGS IN THE HOUSE( KNEW DAVID). Pelosi house had broken windows.. Broken from the inside out. >Nancy Pelosi the third most high ranking official in the U.S. had no personal security at her home that night.... Even though California is one of the most crime infested states in the country and as SUPPOSED ( false) millions of TRUMP SUPPORT is causing civil unrest ... Even in this moment Nancy had no SECURITY for her house. ALL SECURITY FOOTAGE OF DAVID THE INTRUDER COMING TO PELOSI HOME HAS BEEN CONFISCATED. As news has broken that Paul knew the man and the man was a BLM. follower and has gay flags outside his home ( travel Van).... Is very highly unlikely he was a republican. The strange twist to this story is Paul and David were both near naked in underwear. The Truth is simple . Nancy wanted Paul dead and [ DS] operations FAILED in their plan to KILL PAUL. ( Hammer to the head. Cracked skull.. But the assailant got a lesser charge... 🤔)/// _____ >]WIRES: There was a third man in the house............ 😉 _______ How do you keep a secret between three men.... The only way is to KILL the other two//// Well that didn't happen..... Whos going to sing? 🕊️
  • Politics and Election Integrity
    Election Results could take until the 14th...
    2020 Election Irregularities... This website aims to summarize and curate the major irregularities and unresolved anomalies in the 2020 presidential election. Every piece of evidence is sourced from news reports, sworn affidavits, data analyses, or witness testimonies at state legislatures or U.S. Senate hearings.
    Anti-Semitism in Action: New York Officials Understaff Conservative Jewish Precinct in New York – Creating Line Hundreds of Yards Long, Waiting Time for Hours... Conservative Jewish voters are waiting in lines HUNDREDS OF YARDS LONG in New York today. HERE WE GO: TIME Writer Says “Election Night Is Going to Take All Week. That’s Democracy at Work”... Far-left TIME magazine released a piece this morning full of outrageous statements and opinions that border on the absurd. What this article does tell us that the fix is in, Americans just need to accept it and move along. WHAT’S GOING ON? More Democrat Absentee Ballots in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny County than in Philadelphia County Despite There Being 275,000 More Democrats in Philly... In Pennsylvania today there are some very big races for the US Senate and the Governor and more. These races could determine the direction of the country over the next two years. This is why it is very important to have free and fair elections. Election results for the House and the Senate... Oz concedes Senate race to Fetterman... Republican candidate Mehmet Oz called his Democratic opponent, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, to concede the Pennsylvania race for US Senate, says Fetterman's camp. Fetterman's communications director, Joe Calvello, tweeted that the star of The Dr. Oz Show called the left-wing candidate at 9:30 Wednesday morning to accept defeat. Calvello's announcement came just seven minutes after the call reportedly took place. A video of a man filling in several ballots in a stack (removed from Twitter) The Absentee Ballot situation in Detroit is REALLY BAD. People are showing up to Vote only to be told, “sorry, you have already voted.” This is happening in large numbers, elsewhere as well. Protest, Protest, Protest! Voter turnout across Michigan appears strong, a state election official said Tuesday, as an estimated 2 million people were expected to vote by absentee ballot. ... Anecdotal evidence from Detroit and other parts of the state showed voters were casting in-person ballots in numbers exceeding the August primary and the 2020 general election, said Jake Rollow, chief of external affairs for the Michigan secretary of state. They are now saying that about 20% of the so-called Voting Machines in Maricopa County are not counting the Votes that have been placed in the Machine. Only Republican areas? WOW! Kari Lake, Blake Masters, and all others are being greatly harmed by this disaster. Can’t let this happen, AGAIN!!! I believe Attorney General Mark Brnovich is on the case, big time. He has a chance to be the biggest hero of them all, and at the same time save our Country from this Cancer from within!!! ELECTION 2022.🗳️🚨 This just in: Pennsylvania Judge allows ballots to count that are received up until November 14th. This is unconstitutional. Florida Department of State Says No to Federal Election ‘Monitors’: ‘Not Permitted Under Florida Law’... The Florida Department of State is rejecting the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) plan to send federal election “monitors” to certain counties across the country, including three in the Sunshine State, advising the department that federal monitors are “not permitted under Florida law.” Election Day data shows Republicans in Maricopa County casting ballots at a rate of 4 to 1 over Democrats. My son and I were just KICKED OUT OF BEING A FULTON COUNTY POLL WORKER because I posted on Twitter this morning that I was working at the polls to ensure a free and fair election. HELP! Why on earth is it so hard for America to get elections right? Republicans — RESTORE Faith in our Elections. FIX THIS. Judge Gives Over 1,000 Georgia Voters Extra Time to Mail in Absentee Ballots... The consent order (pdf) from Cobb County Superior Court Judge Kellie Hill means that the Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration will send replacement ballots to the 1,046 affected voters overnight on Monday. Voters can still cast ballots in Mercer County despite issues... It's important to emphasize that voters in Mercer County can still vote. The Mercer County clerk says there's a problem with Dominion Voting Systems' scanners not reading the ballot. Election scrutiny high, but no big hitches as voting begins... MSM: Final voting began without major hitches Tuesday in midterm elections under intense scrutiny after two years of false claims and conspiracy theories about how ballots are cast and counted. ILLINOIS: Voters Told to Use Sharpie Pen Provided or Their Vote May Not Count!... Some counties in Illinois are requiring voting by sharpies. I brought my own black pen and was told my vote may not count. Voting machines down in New Jersey's Mercer County... As voters across Mercer County, New Jersey head to the polls to cast their ballots on Tuesday, officials have announced that voting machines had gone down to due to a "county-wide system outage." Authorities informed residents that they could still vote via standard ballot. MARICOPA COUNTY... It's Going Down...AGAIN ... Maricopa county experiences issues with the ballot readers and suggests that ballots may be counted manually 🚨🚓🚔 Numbers to call if you witness or experience voter intimidation or harassment happening at your polling station DOJ plans to monitor elections in these 46 cities and counties to ensure voters aren’t harassed... The department’s Civil Rights Division selected 64 jurisdictions in 24 states, including Alaska, Florida, Georgia and Nevada, for oversight in both the general election and early voting. Milwaukee election official fired after alleged stunt to prove voter fraud is possible: Report... Wisconsin election official has been fired from her post and could face criminal charges after she reportedly fraudulently requested ballots as part of a plan to prove the feasibility of voter fraud, according to media reports.
    Foreign Elections
    Elections in Israel do not use electronic voting for fear of stolen elections... Israel's defeated Prime Minister calls for unity after Benjamin Netanyahu storms to victory with backing of far-Right ultranationalists in country's fifth election in less than fou... Israel's prime minister on Sunday issued a plea for national unity, days after he was defeated in national elections by the former premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, with the backing of a far-right ultranationalist party. Brazilian Leaders and Military Reportedly Planning to Release Evidence of a Corrupted Election This Week... There are reports that Brazilian leaders are planning on releasing information regarding the corruption in the recent election. The report will show that the election was stolen from Bolsonaro. The mainstream media is attempting to silence the people of Brazil by refusing to report on the massive protests that continue to this day. Brazil court presses military on review of voting system, document shows... Brazil's federal audit court asked the Defense Ministry on Tuesday to provide its report on Brazil's electronic voting machines used during this month's election, which President Jair Bolsonaro has attacked baselessly as vulnerable to fraud.
    The National Guard was activated to monitor the election cybersecurity...
    National Guard to Activate Cybersecurity Teams to Help with Midterm Elections in 14 States... In preparation for upcoming Tuesday’s midterm election, the National Guard will be activating cybersecurity teams in 14 states to assist in keeping election authorities’ networks secure from cyber attacks and from any malicious activities, Politico reported.
    EO 14019 - Is there a flaw that could SPELL disaster for the midterm elections?
    Executive Order 14019—Promoting Access to Voting...
  • 💥War Moves - Updates (from all sides) 💥
    Sergey Naryshkin, the Russian spy chief, revealed that he has “indirect confirmation” that the message “It’s done” from former UK Prime Minister @trussliz to @SecBlinken was sent shortly after the Nord Stream pipelines blew up. Let’s explore what “indirect” means. Leaked documents: British spies constructing secret terror army in Ukraine... On October 28th, a Ukrainian drone attack damaged the Russian Black Sea fleet’s flagship vessel in the Crimean port of Sevastopol. Moscow immediately blamed Britain for assisting and orchestrating the strike, as well as blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines – the worst acts of industrial sabotage in recent memory. MASSIVE ANTI-RUSSIAN ‘BOT ARMY’ EXPOSED BY AUSTRALIAN RESEARCHERS... A team of researchers at the University of Adelaide have found that as many as 80 percent of tweets about the 2022 Russia-Ukraine invasion in its early weeks were part of a covert propaganda campaign originating from automated fake ‘bot’ accounts. INSIDE THE FALCON>STORM_ PUTIN SEIZES OVER 160 OLIGARCHS companies, holdings, assets and properties in a single 24 hour operation sweep in South Ukraine which controls 70% of Ukraine's shipping industry. The worlds second largest money laundering operations through UKRAINE oligarchs that control banks, shipping, weapons, foods ( grain), fertilizer took a MAJOR hit as PUTIN seized their ACCOUNTS. Operations, businesses and assets.... The Fall of the DEEP STATE operations in Southern Ukraine is connected to Pelosi, BIDENS , Obama's, CIA, BILDERBERG ( Roth's) group companies, subsidiary companies and holdings that invested Trillions (money LAUNDERED ) and still had Trillions invested through these UKRAINE OLIGARCHS companies. Banks. Business's. >UN NATO ECT ECT ECT ECT Biden ECT ECT took a MAJOR hit with this RUSSIAN operation [ INFILTRATION ] ] INFILTRATION [ ]. Italy. [ Italy halts weapons to UKRAINE.... This temporary stall is connected to Italy supplying UKRAINE with the minimum assist and postponing severa promised major deliveries to UKRAINE to fight Russia Over 9 months ago I stated the ITALIAN government had been SILENTLY infiltrated. Or overthrown and replaced with a REGIME that was installed by some of the richest families in Italy Who banned together ( they were upset that their country was sprayed with Frozen spike proteins and the first BIO-WEAPONS release in their country which started the world pandemic....... Thousands of their friend. Family and Own kids died in the COVID bio-weapons release)..... This coalition of Elite White hats wealthy families are in compliance with ITALIAN White hats OPERATIONS that secured the Fall, arrest of The Sovereign Military Order of Malta in the Vatican. _As you have seen now ITALY is receiving RUSSIAN gas and their imports from Russia has doubled as SPAIN now has goods IMPORTS from Russian and increased their imports by 162%/// even though the EU had put sanctions on Russia... Several EU countries have increased their RUSSIAN imports with 100 BILLION €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ EUROS PLAID TO RUSSIAN IN SEPTEMBER & 260 MILLION €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ EURO PER DAY >The EU’s imports of fossil fuels from Russia since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine reached EUR >100 BILLION in late September, according to CREA’s real-time estimates. While coal imports from Russia have stopped and gas imports have decreased dramatically, the EU continues to import crude oil, oil products, LNG and pipelined gas worth approximately EUR >260 MILLION PER DAY. It's no COINCIDENCE [ INFILTRATION ] on the HIGHEST levels in military Alliance Operations Have gained ACCESS INTO THE> DAVOS GROUP< REGIMEN....... SEVERAL moles, plants were placed as far BACK as 2009 after the U.S. housing banking COLLAPSE of 2008. ( Direct dark operations from ROTHSCHILDs/Rockefellers inside Bilderberger group -DAVOS - headed the COLLAPSE //// and at the same time STOLE an Estimated 15 TRILLION from the Chinese clans, dragon families that control Asia /)........ After the 2008 COLLAPSE THE ALLIANCE INSTALLED SEVERAL OPERATORS INSIDE>THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM GROUP AND DEEP STATE OPERATIONS. _As WEF DEVOS see the steady COLLAPSE of NATO UN coming they are PAIN in realizing from all corners of the Earth..a huge PUBLIC rebellion is in effect........as TWITTER BECOMES ALLIES TO SEVERAL COUNTRIES DROPPING TRUTH BOMBS THROUGH THE WORLD . __AND TWITTERS SELF INVESTIGATION OF IT'S OWN COMPANY TO EXPOSE MASS CORRUPTION CONNECTED TO BOTS. CONNECTED TO DIRECT CONTROL BY FBI DOJ CIA DS/PENTAGON ops.> WILL EXPOSE FACEBOOK. GOOGLE YOUTUBE and their deep state ties to the CABAL. UN NATO. GATES. ROTHSCHILDS.////// MUCH IS HAPPENING BEHIND THE SCENES PATRIOTS.......... WHITE HAT SLEEPERS AND MOLES/TRIPLE AGENTS WAKING UP THROUGH EU///// helping guild a [ COLLAPSE] that WILL EXPOSE a World Corruption SYSTEM ITALY white hats are playing a game with> EU. NATO. UN. [ DS]>>> The same game Germany is playing by not paying NATO.. stalling weapons delivery ...( This GAME brings NATO. UN. Into an ECONOMIC CRISIS ).. As several other countries like TURKEY decide to join Russia Chinese BRICS system and POLAND silenty shifts from EU.......>Now you know why deep state is losing control of NATO UN as [ DS] U.S. military is looking to other countries outside of NATO to help in creating a Coalition to fight Russia in UKRAINE.,..... Because NATO countries (mil leaders) are refusing NATOS AGENDA more and more as the COLLAPSE of their regimen becomes evident in their circles. PANIC inside NATO HAITI] U.S. special forces training Haitian law enforcement police and military and have already Started an assault on the Haitian group that has seized the oil and gas the past 9 weeks due to high INFLATION and ILLEGAL sellimg of oil to Foreign regimens. Bombs exploded as the U.S. MILITARY and cargos came into Haitian ports. _The media is reporting only one blockade Is in place around the fuel terminals... But SEVERAL sources on the ground confirm through the city and villages are hundreds of blockades as the local people are fighting against the Police. Haitian Mil. Military. .U.S special forces. And The Royal Bahamas Defence Force. Just like Kuwait>>the lies and Invasion is connected to stealing the oil...... But as i have stated earlier in Posts....[ HAITI] is the Central hub in Caribbeans of CLINTONS, Maxwell, Epstein human trafficking ring CIA..//// This small nation is trying hard to EXPOSE the U.S. / CLINTON FOUNDATION/ UN. And the disappearance of Hundreds of Thousands of children in the past 10 years alone....... Many go missing direct from Hospitals and orphanage. THE DEEP STATE IS TRYING HARD TO COVER-UP the atrocities they have created in [HAITI] >As RUSSIA is in communication with HAITIAN MILITARY COMMANDERS who desire to create a MILITARY COUP.... The U.S. is also aware of this coup and sent [ DS] Mil. Intervention to try and stop a FULL MILITARY COUP Cover story/// With so much deaths of American soldiers in Ukraine it was only logical to bring in an Infantry Unit as is the 101st Airborne U.S Army Military. I had reported as did several other channels that the U.S. was fighting inside Ukraine the 8 months,,, leading Ukrainian divisions, their own special ops , heading foreign legion divisions, , training forces inside UKRAINE ( more U.S. forces were their training than they have the past 60 years.. Since CIA was training west Ukraine and Polish fighters for imminent invasion of Russia ... This was always the PLAN..... In the past 8 years the deep state control of certain military GENERALS in the U.S. mil. Had built up the UKRAINE Army to 600,000 . Now the Ukraine army is using the last of it's soldier and dependent on Foreign fighters. ..... Several Mil. Insiders have confirmed these events.... Including Colonial Douglas Macgregor . The past 8 months.... The U.S. military has used thousands of U.S. soldiers from neighboring UKRAINE ( there are over 80,000 U .S. troops in Neighborhood of Ukraine countries)//////this is where thousands of U.S. soldiers were deployed from and lost their lives in UKRAINE, under mil. Operations that were annihilated by Russian Forces in the past months...... The lost of already tens of thousands of U.S. troops in the WAR, needed a COVER STORY<.... So the 101st Airborne infantry was deployed. ( This deployment of U.S. army is for several reason.....>COVER-UP of U.S. troop deaths that already happened, > a sacrificial chess move by[ DS] to create another 911 like event and gather sympathy and anger and bring in All NATO nations into FULL combat> [ DS] WANTS WAR and had declined all PUTINs request to peace talks... This WAR is needed to create confusion, cover-ups. Ten[s] of U.S. BIOLABS in Ukraine ,DNC laundering ops. ECT ECT ECT..... Behind the scenes. NATO. UN. U.S. trying to cover_up the already thousands of U.S. military deaths in UKRAINE. _Why didn't Putin directly acknowledge the U.S. as the planner of the NORD STREAM bombings? ( WhY didn't Finland release it's military investigation and findings into the Nordstream bombings?) >Why did Liz Truss (UK) immediately resign after Nord STREAM?..... Who caught the audio recordings and text messages of UK ELITES moments before the EXPLOSIONS of Nord STREAM that connected them to the U.S. in the messages and text....?. ________ What I can tell you is PUTIN is holding ♠️♦️♠️ ❤️ CARDS///// Remember white HATS in the PENTAGON and RUSSIA are Working together to bring the U.S. [ DS] commanders AND >NATO< let's just say February 2023 WILL be interesting As WHISTLEBLOWERS///// step forward into the light in Congressional hearings and TWITTER sings and CNN FLIP IS NEAR COMPLETION Putin Issues Statement on Avoiding Nuclear War: ‘I WON’T Let the Global Elites Depopulate Our Planet’ Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to prevent the global elites from depopulating the planet via a nuclear war. According to Putin, the elites are desperate for a global nuclear war as it will allow them to drastically reduce the Earth’s population and implement their ‘Great Reset’ agenda. Considering Russia is one of only five countries in the world with nuclear weapons, Putin’s foreign ministry issued a statement declaring that Russia “bears a special responsibility in matters related to strengthening international security and strategic stability.” Russia called on the other four nuclear nations to work together instead of instigating a volatile situation where “a direct armed conflict” could ultimately lead to “catastrophic consequences.” UN Votes Overwhelmingly to Condemn US Embargo of Cuba... The U.N. General Assembly voted overwhelmingly Thursday to condemn the American economic embargo of Cuba for the 30th year, with the Biden administration continuing former President Donald Trump’s opposition and refusing to return to the Obama administration’s 2016 abstention.
  • Could planes, trains, and trucks come to a halt in November with the lack of diesel fuel and contractc agreements?
    United pilots reject contract offer as they push for raises... United Airlines pilots have overwhelmingly rejected a tentative contract, the latest move showing the resolve by airline unions to push for significant pay raises. A second railroad union votes down labor deal needed to avoid nationwide strike... The Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen is the second union to vote down the tentative agreement between rail unions, freight rail companies and the Biden administration that was reached on September 15 and critical to avoiding a nationwide rail strike. The BRS, which represents over 10,000 rail workers and is one of the last three unions at the bargaining table, overwhelmingly rejected the deal, with 39.23% of members approving and 60.57% voting not to approve. So THIS is why people are going to FREEZE this winter, it's all planned | Redacted w Clayton Morris... CNBC calls the diesel market a "perfect storm" as some say that the U.S. has less than two weeks' supply. Prices have increased by 33% and are expected to keep going and reserves are at their lowest level since the 1950s! And in case you missed it, we use a heck of a lot more fuel these days than we did in the 1950s. What is going on here??
  • Biden addresses election deniers... Has he forgotten 2016?
    Biden directly addresses election deniers in prime-time speech l ABCNL... With just five days until the election, security has ramped up for poll workers and election officials amid fears of violence at the ballot box. Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klain says Biden's speech last night was "one final warning." Here’s something Joe Biden DOES NOT want you to see. WATCH: 10 minutes of Democrats denying election results.
    ⚠️ ARK ALERT: Monitor Internet Outages, Cyber Attacks, Power Outages, Earthquakes, Flooding, Droughts, Solar Activity, Fires, Natural Disasters and World COVID Statistics
    💉 Check Vaccine Batch Codes 💉
    How Bad is My Batch... 💉 Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines Moderna batch codes... Pfizer batch codes... Janssen batch codes... Europe is at DEFCON 2... Queen Elizabeth II Has Now Passed On - Queen Elizabeth II Has Now Passed On. The official Royal Family Twitter account has released a statement saying that the Queen Elizabeth II has now passed on. The statement said, "The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow." Taken from Defcon Level Warning System: https://www.defconlevel.com/european-command-news.php#breaking-news
    👀 MONITOR: Cyberattacks, Floods, Earthquakes, Power Outages, Internet Outages, Defcon Level, and Solar Flares 👀
    National Integrated Heat Health Information System... Heat related illnesses and death are largely preventable with proper planning, education, and action. Heat.gov serves as the premier source of heat and health information for the nation to reduce the health, economic, and infrastructural impacts of extreme heat. 📈 U.S. Debt Clock... US Debt in real-time 🚨 Cyberattack map... Cyberthreat Real-Time Map 💥 Map of all supply chain disasters... From food to fuel... From fires to hacking... 💡 Power Outages Website See the latest power outages Website Down Detector See the latest Website Outages... 👁 Internet Eyes Website See the Latest Internet Disruptions. ☀ Real-time solar activity... Monitor Solar Activity ⚡ Flash Floods and Severe Weather... See the latest Flood Warnings and other Severe Weather Monitoring ⚠️ National Hurricane Center... See the latest on Hurricanes 🌊 U.S. Tsunami Warning System... Monitor Tsunami Warnings for US 🌎 Worldometer Statistics... Worldometer is run by an international team of developers, researchers, and volunteers with the goal of making world statistics available in a thought-provoking and time relevant format to a wide audience around the world. 📈 The Latest Earthquake Data... See the latest Earthquake Updates ⚠️ EMSC Earthquakes Interactive Map... Interactive Map for Viewing Earthquakes around the world... Zoom in on the La Palma Earthquake "GRID" See November 24th, 2021 Edition for details on flooding, fires, and earthquakes from 2021
  • Was Aaaron Carter murdered by his own brother?
    NEW: In an unearthed video, Aaron Carter said his family was after his life and that he had to protect himself from his brother, Nick Carter, who he claimed was a rapist. Aaron said his realtor wouldn’t let him sell his house and that "they’re all involved." He added that Sony owed him $3.5 million and didn’t want to pay. Aaron Carter: Coroner Releases 1st Official Report On His Death & Insider Reveals More Details On Timeline... New details about Aaron Carter‘s tragic death came out in the first official coroner’s report released Monday, November 7. The 34-year-old pop star was pronounced dead on Saturday, November 5 at 11:14 AM in the 42500 block of Valley Vista Drive in Lancaster, California, according to the report. An official cause of death was not immediately determined. The Public Information Officer at LA County Dept. of Medical Examiner-Coroner told HollywoodLife in a statement that Aaron “was examined on 11/6/2022 and the cause of death was deferred. Deferred means that after an autopsy, a cause of death has not been determined and the medical examiner is requesting more investigation into the death, including additional studies. Once the tests/studies come back, the doctor evaluates the case again and makes the cause of death determination.”
  • US sanctions of Cuba voted out
    185 countries vote at the UN to end US economic sanctions against Cuba. Only the US and Israel vote that the embargo which has been in place since 1960 should remain. 62 years of sanctions because Cuba refused to be a US puppet.
  • Solar Storms and Space Mayhem
    Potential ‘Planet Killer’ Asteroid Found Hidden By Sun’s Glare... Three near-Earth asteroids were found using the Dark Energy Camera in Chile. One, called 2022 AP7, is a “planet killer” whose orbit could eventually cross Earth’s path. That’s why NASA wants to keep tabs on it.
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