BullShift WWIII

October 1st-3rd, 2022
Red October Submarine Standoff
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“The submarine genre is a category with all its own rules. But shooting on water is famously tough.” ― Kevin Macdonald

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  • Could you survive without buying groceries for 1-3 months?
    Behind the scenes by >QTSR ; The world will experience what Russia experienced during the COLLAPSE of The Soviet Union in 1991 ... The DEPRESSION/V COLLAPSE was hard to handle...... But after the DARKNESS PASSED and EXPOSURE of the DEEP STATE under Boris yeltsin was EXPOSED The CABAL [DS] BILLIONAIRE'S and Trillionaires money was was cut off and the funneling of the Stolen money was returned to the peoples and economy fast..... And the RUSSIAN citizens had more than double their income.. Some triple. >> This was all because of VATICAN> ROTHSCHILDs KAZARIAN Mafia ROTHSCHILDs Was EXPOSED> who CONTROLLED their presidents including BORIS YeltSIN who was a traitor to his country....( In his death YeltSIN was not given the Russian Honor of burial nor were any top Generals and commanders present at his side before or after DEATH.) & large sums ( trillions) of RUSSIAN money was given back. ☝️ The U.S. WILL face these EVENTS.....I have WARNED since last year of the COLLAPSE since January 2021 and the WAR we were headed into ,which would lead to NUCLEAR STANDOFF.... ( Follow Q The Storm Rider} _CURRENT >}WIRES/CABLES> UN. NATO STILL IN COLLAPSE as money is running out And WEF, UN NATO is being cut off from world originations that funnel WAR MONEY. (As you know now the ROTHSCHILDS ( Obama handler's, VATICAN CIA) was cut off from Chinese Elders, dragon families and super ELITES and the money to control DEEP STATE MILITARY GENERALS AND WAR HAWKS in the U.S. is ceasing. > THIS cut off is coming from all directions as VANGUARD silently COLLAPSEs. >> SILENT MIL. CONTROL OF VATICAN HAS ARRESTED/KILLED / IMPRISONED NIGHTS OF MALTA who control UN and>tried to install an African pope which had now been stopped///// >Follow Q The Storm Rider< The Deep State United States bad military and war hawks are bleeding for MONEY and currently selling of WEAPONS/animations/ U.S. Artillery> to IRAN, PAKISTAN, Malaysia COUNTRIES including south America..... >The Great sell off is a desperate attempt to generate money >Weapons and money going to UKRAINE are being stolen by DEEP STATE and the weapons resold to other countries As the Great Reset/ PLANDEMIC is COLLAPSING in real time.... BILLIONS of humans are waking up! Even those who have Been vaccinated up to 3X are now denying the vaccines. Several countries being led by Israel, UK with national reports on vaccine deaths and damages hitting the MSM media and backed by Elite Scientist, Collages, government Research programs and Military Studies .....>The world is waking up and standing against the vaccines and world AGENDA.... Many have seen the collapse of their economy death of friends after vaccines ( the darkness ) and obvious control of Censorship happening world wide and these Agendas have pushed the Sleeping population to open their eyes and reject the vaccines. >The GLOBAL AGENDA headed by WEF UN KAZARIAN MAFIA. ROCKEFELLERS INSTITUTIONS are now losing Trillions as the agenda is being EXPOSED and the Chinese Elders, clans and Dragon families have stopped their FUNDING...... The desperate FBI DOJ DEMOCRATS RINOS are in PANIC as the WORLD MILITARY OPERATIONS COME CLOSER TO HEIR DEMISE AND> ENDING< ..... TRUMP publicly comes out playing The Storm. WWG1WGA song and Shares a photo of him wearing a Q bottom on his jacket ( reTruthed q pic)..... You must Remember in all this that is happening in the world... SEVERAL white hat LEADERS have doubles as do the black HATS. And currently green/blue screen digital EFFECTS is in FULL projection and being used. The death of the Queen and her WRINKLED FLAG on the casket is that of George H W. Bush when he died... It's a military white HATS code and signals > TRAITOR TO HIS/HER PEOPLE< ...>This signal of the WRINKLED FLAG on casket means OPERATIONS are place to correct the CORRUPTION ( this person created or was part of)/// __ Inside the STORM of the century ALL SOURCES/ALL CONFIRM.. NOW IS THE TRUE TIME TO STOCK UP OR RESTOCK YOUR FOODS goods and supplies.... FOR AT LEAST ONE TO THREE MONTHS/// >EYES TO GERMANY< count down on the ⏰ 🔴OPREATION "RED OCTOBER"🔴🔴 What will happen on October 8th? "Cyber attacks ON GOOGLE" The 8th day of the month has been interesting as of late. July 8: Shinzo Abe assassinated Aug 8: Mar a Lago raided by FBI Sep 8: Queen Elizabeth dies Oct 8: Secret❗️ Nov 8: Midterm elections
  • Pipeline investigations ongoing...
    MSM: Russia destroyed its pipeline / PUBLIC: they could have just turned off the pipeline, why destroy it? / MSM: Look! Nukes!
    NATO believes Baltic Sea gas pipeline leaks were sabotage... The NATO military alliance warned Thursday it would retaliate for any attacks on the critical infrastructure of its 30 member countries and joined other Western officials in citing sabotage as the likely cause of damage to two natural gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea. Russian Embassy in the United States - Comments on pipeline (quote) ⏺️ We note the attempts by some U.S. legislators to put blame on Russia for the incidents that occurred on Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines. ⏺️ Perhaps, they have a better view from the top of Capitol Hill. But if that is the case, they must also have seen the U.S. warships’ activities at the very site of the Russian infrastructure disruption just the day before. Or noticed drones and helicopters fly over there. Or observed U.S. Navy exercises with underwater explosives that have been conducted in the same area some time ago. Finally, they should have recalled the promises made by President Biden to “bring an end” to the Nord Stream 2 project. ⏺️ What is obvious to us is that those who ponder about the incident seem to forget to ask the main question: who benefits from the pipelines’ rupture? The answer is on the surface. The decades-long energy trade between Moscow and Europe has long turned into an eyesore for Washington strategists. Unable to offer a decent alternative to reliable and, no less importantly, cheap supplies of gas, the U.S. decided to “squeeze out” Russia as a competitor using non-market methods and sanctions. Washington is trying hard to get its allies hooked on an expensive and environmentally unfriendly “LNG needle”. ⏺️ For our part, we insist on the need for a comprehensive and objective examination of the circumstances of the unprecedented attacks on Russian pipelines. To discuss this issue, the Russian Federation will convene an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council. (end quote) ### INTERESTING FACTS; Nord Stream explosion . "There will be no longer a Nord Stream 2 .. We will bring an end to it. I promise you will be able to do it. -Biden - "One way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward " _US State Department spokesperson Ned Price told NPR in an interview. CIA told GERMANY > UKRAINE would destroy the pipelines and they had INTEL just days before the Explosion of Nord Stream (Though Ukraine doesn't have military subs or sub drones or the military traing to pull off an underground mass explosions in two different locations ) >Germany was in the middle turning on the Nord Stream two despite all the pressure from NATO .& US .... They were doing test runs into the country. >On the same day Baltic Pipe: Norway-Poland gas pipeline opens Leaders from Poland, Norway and Denmark attended a ceremony to mark the opening of the new Baltic Pipe ( Their biggest investors are from BLACKROCK) >The U.S. navy conducted exercises over the same region with Subs and drone- subs weeks before >NATO conducted naval exercises near the same epicenter of the explosions in July ______ There were talks in the works of PUTIN restoring oil/gas to EU in late January... These private talks were taking place without the knowledge of The U.S. ... But now the talks are off MSM blames RUSSIA for the explosions.... But the Truth is WEF ordered this Event with U.S. DEEP STATE . The WEF Devos group got their Climate change catastrophic event with the Nord Stream and Deep State plans on holding Europe hostage with MASSIVE inflation for the oil to come from the Baltic pipes from Poland. >>> Most will be sold to China on the black markets as Netherlands gas/oil also disappears into GERMANY, NATO operations and into the Chinese markets. ______ I had dropped a bomb shell last year.... Giving insight into RUSSIANs military that far exceeds the Fake Google and department of defence numbers of Russias Active soldiers >Active personnel 1,000,000 million >Reserve personnel 2,000,000 million ( Some Google pages estimate over 3,500,000 million soldiers ) The real truth, these numbers are very modest and insiders from Russian Armed Forces/ World intelligence agencies suppressed information reveals between 10 _ 20 MILLION SOLDIERS IN RUSSIA What I can say is.... PUTIN. RUSSIA is pissed over the 9.5 BILLION $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ lost constructing the Nord Stream and the EXPECTED quarter Trillion in oil/gas sales GONE!..... The Russian Armed Forces possess the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world, surpassing the arsenal of the United States. >WILL RUSSIA ATTACK POLAND / Norwegian PIPE LINES ......???? What ever is happening.... Things just took a turn for the worst... As RUSSIA CABLES; GO HOT Interesting facts; Nord Stream updates US Air Force helicopters conducted a series of sorties in the area where the Nord Stream explosion and the mysterious gas leak occurred just days ago, much ahead of the accident that Europe claims may have been a 'sabotage', Oleg Makarov, military and defence analyst and co-founder of Vatfor claimed on Tuesday. The trajectory of the flight of the American helicopters with the callsign 'FFAB123' coincided with the site in the Baltic Sea where the major gas leaks subsequently took place on the Nord Stream pipelines to Europe Military plane tracking site, he found that at least six US aircraft used the call sign FFAB123 and flew exactly along the Nord Stream pipelines area. _The military and Defense analysts stressed that he managed to track the tail number of three US helicopters and found that they were Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk, the multi-mission United States Navy helicopters. Germany Believes High Explosive Devices Equivalent To "500 Kilograms Of TNT" Used To Destroy Nord Stream... German newspaper Der Spiegel reported that German security officials believe "highly effective explosive devices" were used to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea. Russia’s Attack On Nord Stream Pipelines Means Putin Has Truly Weaponized Energy... Russia’s wartime arsenal now appears to include sabotage of underwater pipelines. Spain says Nord Stream gas leaks likely a deliberate act — and points the finger at Russia... Spanish Energy Minister Teresa Ribera said Thursday that the damage caused to the two subsea Nord Stream gas pipelines was likely an intentional attack linked to the Russian government. Nord Stream: Sweden finds new leak in Russian gas pipeline... Sweden has found a new leak in a major undersea pipeline carrying Russian natural gas to the EU - making it the fourth discovered this week. Russian Analysts Claim Nord Stream 2 Could Still Export Some Gas To Europe... One of the four lines of the Russian Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines could still be able to ship gas to Europe if Nord Stream 2 receives all necessary certification, Russian analysts told Reuters on Wednesday. Europe will cave and will require Russian gas. With the pipelines out of the way, suddenly Ukraine is back in the energy business to collect on transit fees. Oh, conveniently a bunch of US politicians have kids on boards of Ukrainian energy companies... Russia 'probably' bombed Nord Stream pipeline with underwater drone in premeditated attack... Russia probably attacked the Nord Stream pipeline with an underwater drone, a British defence source has said. The source said that the attack was probably "premeditated and planned for" using an explosive device dropped into the sea weeks before it was detonated. Trump calls for peace, offers to broker deal between US, Russia, and Ukraine to end war... Following reports on Tuesday that the Nord Stream pipelines traveling across the Baltic Sea were leaking, with European officials pointing to sabotage as the likely reason, former President Donald Trump called for a negotiated deal to get done, and for American leaders to remain "calm." NATO Says Sabotage Behind Destruction Of Natural Gas Pipelines... NATO’s Secretary-General said the leaks on the Nord Stream pipelines for sending natural gas from Russia to Europe were the result of sabotage. "Discussed the sabotage on the NorthStream pipelines with Defence Minister Morten Bødskov," said Jens Stoltenberg on Twitter. "We addressed the protection of critical infrastructure in NATO countries." Thank you, USA. C-SPAN: President Biden on Nord Stream 2 Pipeline if Russia Invades Ukraine: "We will bring an end to it."... During a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, President Biden is asked about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. "If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it." When asked how, the president says, "I promise you, we will be able do that."
  • 💥War Moves - Updates (from all sides) 💥
    Ukraine applies for NATO membership, rules out Putin talks... President Volodymyr Zelenskiy announced a surprise bid for fast-track membership of the NATO military alliance on Friday and ruled out talks with President Vladimir Putin, striking back at Moscow after it said it had annexed four Ukrainian regions. Nuclear War Is "Possible" For 1st Time Since Cold War: US Commander... Soon after Russian President Vladimir Putin's speech announcing partial mobilization of national forces for the operation in Ukraine, which included a hint of willingness to resort to nuclear defense of Russia's territorial integrity, Navy Admiral Charles A. Richard - who currently serves as the US Strategic Command chief - confirmed that the Pentagon is taking the Russian nuclear threat seriously. Behind the scenes: BLACKROCK [ DS] ( Rockefellers , ROTHSCHILDs DAVID'S ECT) controlling BIDEN. UN. NATO had used U.S. military special operations forces to Sabotage the Nord Stream 1&2 with 4 explosions ( Sweden now has records of four explosions) Behind the scenes.. the BLACKROCK [DS] are planning to supply EU with new uranium to restart NUCLEAR powerplants With the help of Burisma oil ( BIDENs) , BLACKROCK VANGUARD. With several companies/AGENCIES INVOLVED in supplying Uranium to EU Including U.S. DOE (Department of Energy ) the connections is reaching far and wide into the Clinton Foundation and the world Deep State play to pay operations/ SOROS , BLM. Oregon Energy LLC red ECT ECT ECT... Are all in on the next phase of controlling EUROPEAN ENERGY LIFE AND MONETARY SYSTEM THROUGH THE ENERGY GRID. _____>} WIRES; Mil. INTEL. White HATS long expected this move to happen and been tracking the Nord Stream pipeline explosions long before the actual [ DS] Event took place. _ Behind the scenesTom Cotton WILL lead the [ EXPOSURE] of the Uranium Deep State agenda connected to U.S. diplomats and U.S. agencies in 2023 hearings as the uranium case/ files and EVIDENCE is mounting.. Which will all lead to the Nord Stream explosions and the Environment catastrophe////and U.S. inference in Foreign operations connected to EXPOSURE Of Military coup of Donald J. TRUMP Presidency.... - Military CABLES say TRUMP was well aware of WHAT'was going to happen and has plans for EXPOSURE of his own...... ______ Everything is pointing to MILITARY CONFLICT.>MILITARY EXPOSURE .>MILITARY GOING AFTER THEIR OWN MILITARY [ DS] OPERATION, OPERATORS and COMMANDERS connected to the world Deep state ponzi scheme..... pay to play networks EVERYTHING happening is being recorded.USSF . Real operations from CHEYENNE mnt. Military base...... Who led U.S. Forces into UKRAINE in September 2022 to attack Russian forces. Who ok'd U.S. military forces operations on Nord Stream .. That let to ALL OUT NUCLEAR CONFLICT Why did U.S. intelligence agencies cover-up for _UKRAINE BIOLABS. NORD STREAM EXPLOSIONS that caused the biggest climate attack catastrophe in the world, _ATTACK ON RUSSIAN FORCES _Why Was the U.S. Mil commanders involved with UKRAINE money laundering systems?????? All these answers WILL LEAD TO MILITARY WHITE HATS INTERVENTIONS......//// WE EXPECT >CNN< TO FULLY START DROPPING BOMBS IN FEBRUARY after the are completely cleaned out.. And CNN Puts their weight behind TRUMP ELON MUSK HAS BIG PLANS TO EXPOSE NORD STREAM EXPLOSIONS AND COMING URANIUM SAGA.... Everything is LEADING to FBI CIA ELECTIONS FOR EXPOSURE CONNECTED TO TREASON. AND MAJOR COVER UPS.> LAPTOPS. BIDEN. UKRAINE/CHINA INVESTMENTS ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT...... /./>THE EXPOSURE OF THE DOE ( department of Energy ) connections to world agenda Uranium scam and connection to Nord STREAM which will CONNECT THE U.S. [ DS] MILITARY...... >UKRAINE EXPOSURE So Much is happening behind the scenes as Q Military OPERATIONS move forward..... ______ BILL GATES just announced that "We’re going to have a hung election and a civil war’.... As you all know now.. CIA_GATES is always giving you the DEEP STATE game plan in advance..... ______ GATES is connected to everything happening. >ITALY already gave everything to Pompeo U.S. mil.>on the VATICAN SATS & SERVERS , ASI ( Italian space agency) corruption and connections to U.S. elections inference in 2021 .... The connection of GATES INSIDE WORLD OPERATIONS TO MANIPULATE WORLD ELECTIONS AND CORRELATING COLOUR REVOLUTIONS through Microsoft and world fundings 4rth generation warfare operations is coming close to his END....... [DURHAM] CONNECTS EVERYTHING<<<< DURHAM investigation goes deep into Five Eyes services agencies...... And DARPA > the creators of Bill GATES and ZUCKERBERG operations.. [COMMUNICATION SHUT DOWN]>>>this text is running through the CABLES;:... the last week's and increasing.....//// Usually when CABLES are hot, its only weeks away..... > With the U.S. elections of he Republicans getting ready to take control of the House... ( Which WILL effect the Whole world.. Bringing EXPOSURE to the PLANDEMIC/ FAUCI NIH CDC. WUHAN, CHAPEL HILL.../ EXPOSURE OF THE VACCINES BIO-WEAPONS/ EXPOSURE OF STOLEN ELECTIONS/ FBI DOJ COVER-UPS / ( will CONNECT world wide stolen elections schemes - colour Revolutions involving CIA Microsoft big tech. Usual [DS] SOURCES)../ EXPOSURE OF BIDEN CRIME FAMILY CORRUPTION.... ECT ECT ECT EXT EXPOSURE ECT ECT ECT ECT ...../////..... when Republicans../Patriots/ democratic turn coats plants take control of the House..... The EXPOSURE of the Deep State Crime syndicate operations will be EXPOSED that is connected globally...... The DEEP STATE INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES WORKING ON BEHALF OF THE CABAL....> DON'T WANT THE NOVEMBER U.S. ELECTIONS TO HAPPEN... AND ARE PLANNING A MASSIVE COMMUNICATION SHUTDOWN > MORE IMPORTANTLY _UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE MILITARY INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS ALSO WANT THE SAME COMMUNICATION SHUT DOWNS TO HAPPEN....( It's all for military purposes from securing phone data from [DS] Operatives to installing full grid control of the internet and social media to banking systems and All would lead to Marshal law .. 11.3)..... ________ Let's see what develops in the next week's.... October surprise 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Back Channel ; TURKEY/CHINA Alliance _In the spring of 2022 NATO, U.S. [DS] military w/ UN was puzzled as China delivered ( flew in direct from Turkey) state of the art high-tec Missile guidance systems and////> _hundreds of Club K box container missiles and heavy artillery shipped from CHNIA> TURKEY> Romania>(then trucked into) SERBIA After the first delivery of guidance missiles systems on Chinese Military aircrafts were delivered to SERBIA the Chinese flew over U.S. military bases near the regions (if you remember I did a drop on this story back in spring)..... Then Chinese Air Force abruptly returned to Turkey and All went DARK/ Sky scanners were turned off and scrambled. _Now the reason why TURKEY the largest military unit inside of NATO was helping China, SERBIA is because >> TURKEY Has now joined the Chinese/RUSSIAN ALLIANCE. with >INDIA,Belarus,Pakistan,Iran,, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Maldives, Egypt United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Myanmar, Mongolia, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Armenia Azerbaijan and Afghanistan. As the DEEP STATE MSM promptly pushed for Chinese President Xi arrest in world[DS] MSM news ...i had reported XI was well aware of a counter Coup happening and is protected heavily by military Alliance and in safe locations .... _.XI made this statement at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Uzbekistan last week. There, Xi declared war on the KM, stating: “We must prevent outside forces from starting a color revolution."... this message was loud and clear, directly sent to ROTHSCHILDs, SOROS, ROCKEFELLER ORGS. VATICAN they are under surveillance< _Behind closed doors TURKEY pledged their ALLIANCE to CHNIA/RUSSIA and the growing GRAND ALLIANCE... WHITE HATS OPERATIONS IN EVERY COUNTRY WHO HAVE VOWED TO TAKE DOWN THEIR OWN DEEP STATE MILITARY. With TURKEY joing the ALLIANCE openly the direct message was sent to NATO & UN . >>>> YOU ARE DONE! /// _The COLLAPSE of UN . NATO ( To be restructured by White Hats in 2025 ) Is underway.... Now you know why I have been reporting for months since last year.... INFIGHTING inside NATO. UN was happening and infiltration by White Hats ALLIANCE was giving DECLASSIFIED updates to NATO/UN commanders... because white HATS were in the midst of making TURNING TURKEY AND SERVAL OTHER COUNTRIES AGAINST THE DEEP STATE MILITARY REGIMEN>NATO, CABAL UN GLOBAL AGENDA military headed by KAZARIAN Mafia, VATICAN, ROTHSCHILDs ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT. > UK is currently in talks with RUSSIA/ CHINA on publicly announcing to joining the Chinese MONETARY system... ( If this happens, then the EU will fall abruptly as others EU countries WILL wage in joining CHINA / Chinese gold/ precious metals backed monetary SYSTEM....as Hungary/SERBIA/Belarus is already planning in secret negotiations to join the systems Immediately )//// As the countries inside the growing mil. Whites hats ALLIANCE come together they are cutting off oil and gas to [DS] MILITARY resources in NATO. UN structures..... The complete Cutoffs off Chinese Dragon. Clans FINANCIAL FUNDING to VATICAN, DEEP STATE MILITARY W/ PUTIN Destroying the UKRAINE world money laundering system these operations has left the U.S. military BROKE as soldiers now are forced to food stamps. And oil has been cut/ severally decreasing to NATO.UN DEEP STATE MIL. OPERATIONS..... (We pray and love the U.S. military soldiers as they go through hard events in the world operations that effect them personally and to all people across the Globe who will feel the effects growing as the COLLAPSE of the [ DS] CABAL continues)//// keep your food stocked up my friends Good bless ____ Inside the STORM Texas Gov. Abbott signs executive order labeling drug cartels terrorists, urges same from Biden admin... Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday he has signed an executive order designating Mexican drug cartels as terrorists in his state. Three explosions heard, power out in Ukrainian city of Kharkiv... Three explosions were heard, then electricity was cut out on Tuesday in Ukraine's second city of Kharkiv, a Reuters witness reported. Putin gives NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden Russian citizenship: Contractor who leaked classified documents on surveillance program has been avoiding U.S. espionage charges since ... President Vladimir Putin has granted Russian citizenship to former U.S. security contractor Edward Snowden, who leaked information showing the NSA was covertly collecting data on millions of Americans. Protest in Iran are getting worse.... More violence and fire in the streets of Iran. Poland, Denmark fear ‘sabotage’ over Russian gas pipeline leaks... European Union member states are racing to investigate sudden and unexplained leaks in two Russian gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea, infrastructure at the heart of an energy stand-off between Moscow and the bloc. Sweden’s Maritime Authority issued a warning on Tuesday about two leaks in the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, the day after a leak on the nearby Nord Stream 2 pipeline was discovered, prompting Denmark to restrict shipping and impose a small no-fly zone. Both were in an area northeast of the Danish island Bornholm. HACKED: Anonymous Brings Down Website of Iranian Supreme Leader As Iran rages in protest, the hacktivist group has taken down the official website of Ali Khamenei. Anonymous targeted the page a few hours after it claimed to be in control of more than 300 street surveillance cameras in the country. It continues to step up its cyber operations after attacks on the central bank website, its forensic data research centre - while posting a message, "We Are With You." Reports have suggested Tehran has been blocking the Internet during mass demonstrations over the death of a young woman in police custody. ### Russian state TV tells viewers nuclear war is likely - 'Everyone dies'... Russian state media are saying nuclear war appears to be “a given” and “everyone will be destroyed” if the West “pushes us into a corner”.
  • The TRUMP files... Everything Trump from all sides... Is Trump prodding them to indict him? Trump openly supports the Q movement...
    CNN NOW REPORTING !! 👇👇 Qanon Is Fully Embraced By Trump! This is a Big Wake Up call to Fake Media and Those who Thought Q was a CULT that they have been Gaslighted By Media as they grasp at Straws hoping for a HAIL MARY PASS to save their Legacy Media Institution from an Impending Self Ruination for Lying To Public. This is How Trump Used OBAMAS sinister Law to Reverse Game the Media.👇👇👇 If you were AG would you indict Trump... NY probe found potential crimes. Why isn’t Trump in cuffs?... New York’s attorney general says her three-year investigation of former President Donald Trump uncovered potential crimes in the way he ran his real estate empire, including allegations of bank and insurance fraud.
  • Everything Pandemic: Mandates, Quarantine, Passports, Disc rimination, Boosters, Tests, Protests, Censorship, Lockdowns, Masks, Fines, Incentives and Lawsuits
    Top Vaccine Expert and FDA Adviser Says Young Healthy People Should NOT Get the New Booster Shot – No Clear Evidence of Benefit... A top vaccine expert and FDA adviser has warned that there is insufficient evidence to recommend the new booster shot for healthy young adults and said it could carry risks. NEW in COVID-19: Skin Rashes Linked to Virus... As scientists and doctors worldwide try to quickly expand their knowledge to fight COVID-19, new developments are being found and shared, including information on a variety of rashes linked to the virus. Famous Pro-Vaccine Doctor Suspects Pfizer Booster Shot Sent His Cancer Into Overdrive... Michel Goldman, M.D., Ph.D., professor of immunology and pharmacotherapy at the Université libre de Bruxelles in Belgium, suspects his third dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine may have sent his cancer into overdrive. STUDY: COVID Vaccines Detected In 45% Of Breast Milk.... Trace amounts of Moderna and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines were detected in new mothers’ breast milk, according to a study conducted by researchers at New York University. Vaccine Mandate Ruled ‘Invalid’ for Police Association Members in New York... New York police officers have scored a big win in their fight against the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate that cost some their jobs, with a New York Supreme Court judge ruling that the mandate—as it applies to members of the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)—is “invalid” and that fired cops must be given back their jobs. FDA vaccine adviser warns healthy young people should NOT get new COVID booster: Says it's 'unfair to make them take a risk' after data suggested shot was not as effective as first... A top vaccine expert and pediatric doctor is cautioning parents of healthy young people to hold off getting the new COVID booster shot, saying it can carry risks and its efficacy hasn't yet been proven. Canada announces end to COVID border restrictions... The country will no longer enforce testing, quarantine, vaccination or mask rules for travelers wishing to enter Canada, the agency said in a statement. Doctor Turns Against Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines, Calls for Global Pause... A doctor who promoted COVID-19 vaccines is now calling for health authorities around the world to pause administration of two of the most-widely utilized COVID-19 vaccines, asserting that the benefits from the vaccines may not outweigh the risks. “There is more than enough evidence—I would say the evidence is overwhelming—to pause the rollout of the vaccine,” Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a British cardiologist and evidence-based medicine expert, told The Epoch Times. 1.4 Million Adverse Events After COVID Vaccines Reported to VAERS, Canadian Woman Dies 7 Minutes After Bivalent Booster Shot... The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,418,220 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 16, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 10,811 adverse events over the previous week. How the CDC Uses Math to Hide COVID Vaccine Harm... Last week, The Epoch Times reported that Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), admitted the CDC had stopped monitoring the safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines using a method of analysis called proportional reporting ratio (PRR). BREAKING: Senator @RandPaul “There will be a Special Counsel for Dr Fauci” I am guessing you have missed the overwhelming number of scientific studies that showed masking was not effective in stopping the spread of this virus. What is effective is staying in good shape and eating right. Start living, stop fearing. We are winning. Not even two weeks as leader and Trudeau is backing down on his unscientific vaccine mandates & making the disastrous ArriveCAN app voluntary. Let’s keep going.
  • End of September - Beginning of October
    XX_ A LOT** OF THINGS CLOSING FROM SEPT 30-OCT 5. RUSSIA MARTIAL LAW SEPT 30 VATICAN BANK DEADLINE SEPT 30 BANKS “UPGRADING” SEPT 30-OCT 5 MORE AND MORE CANCELLED CONCERTS & PUBLIC EVENTS THAT WEEK+ NOT SAYING SOMETHING IS HAPPENING, BUT I DONT BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCES STAGED NASA's DART Spacecraft Collides with Asteroid Dimorphos... 9-26: DART spacecraft prepares to collide with asteroid target later this month... The spacecraft will intercept the Didymos system at 7:14 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 26, with DART slamming into Dimorphos at roughly 4 miles per second. A watch party featuring giveaways, food, and a live DJ will begin on the 26th at 6 p.m. on Keyser Quad of the Homewood campus. Large screens will feature NASA's stream of the collision. NASA probe ready to slam into an asteroid this month in landmark planetary defense test... The milestone comes courtesy of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, which launched just last fall. On Sept. 26, DART will slam headfirst into a small asteroid, the rare case when a spacecraft's destruction is the desired outcome. 9-30: ALERT: Pope Francis Orders All Church Funds To Be Sent To Vatican By September 30th!... HEADS UP FOLKS! Something major is coming. Do NOT underestimate the global power of the Vatican. Is a major financial collapse coming? THE START - THE BEST IS YET TO COME...
  • Financial Markets and Money Warfare... The end of the fiat dollar and reserve currency status?
    Bank of England to buy UK bonds to avert financial risk... The Bank of England moved Wednesday to halt a slide in British government bonds that posed a "material risk to U.K. financial stability," after political leaders' plans to slash taxes and increase borrowing spooked investors and sent the pound tumbling. Bank of England is falling down!!! Bank of England intervenes in market to halt economic crisis... The Bank of England took emergency action Wednesday to stabilize U.K. financial markets and head off a crisis in the broader economy after the government spooked investors with a program of unfunded tax cuts, sending the pound tumbling and the cost of government debt soaring. PayPal, Google Execs to Help Bank of England 'Understand' Digital Currency... The Bank of England today announced members of two forums that will explore a potential central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the UK. The forum members include PayPal and Google bigwigs among representatives from many Silicon Valley giants. The ‘real cure’ for inflation has gone ignored, Steve Forbes says... Currencies are weakening against the U.S. dollar as interest rates in the United States continue to rise. Both the Chinese yuan and Japanese yen also fell heavily as the two economies maintain more accommodative monetary policies than the U.S. ‘The indicators are not looking good.’ World Trade Organization chief latest to warn a global recession is on the way... A number of coinciding crises are slowing global economic growth and threatening to tip the world into a recession, the World Trade Organization chief warned on Tuesday, making it the latest global institution to issue a dark forecast for the world economy. The pivot has arrived: Bank of England will carry out temporary purchases of long-dated UK government bonds from September 28 to restore orderly market conditions, according to a statement. Mass insolvency of pension funds would have happened TODAY - Bank of England 'had to act'... The Bank of England was forced to take emergency action in a desperate attempt to stabilise the UK economy to stop mass insolvencies of pension funds today, it has been claimed. Earlier today, the BoE announced it would be carrying out "temporary purchases of long-dated UK government bonds" after Kwasi Kwarteng's mini-budget announcement last week sent the value of the pound plummeting. Central Bank of Iraq: We are working on issuing a digital currency and deleting zeros from the dinar requires an atmosphere... The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makheef, said on Tuesday that the bank is working on issuing digital currency to keep pace with the development of monetary transactions in the region and the world, stressing that deleting zeros from the local currency requires a calm economic atmosphere for that. Zimbabwe ready to dump US dollar... Zimbabwe Must Revert to Using Own Currency, Ruling Party Says. ZANU PF National spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa says the country will soon dump the American dollar in favor of the local currency, Zimdollar. He said abolishing the multi-currency would help Zimbabweans get value for their money. XRP Price Action Remains Bullish as Investors Await SEC v Ripple News... On Sunday, XRP rose by 0.50%. Partially reversing a 3.87% fall from Saturday, XRP ended the week up 37.31% to $0.49052. Goldman Throws In The Towell: Slashes S&P Price Target To 3,600... Warns Of Recesion Crash To 3,150... Less then a week after Goldman slashed its 2022 GDP forecast to stagnation (i.e. 0% growth) hinting that a recession was on deck...
  • Outbreaks: Mouse Disease LsPyV-KY187, Langya, Diphtheria, Melioidosis, Monkeypox, Marburg, Polio and more... What could be a common cause? Could a weakened immune system and dormant diseases explain all of these otherwise rare outbreaks?
    Zombie virus entering China... CHINESE DROPPING LIKE FLIES - NOTHING TO SEE HERE - VACCINATION DAMAGE 💥🇺🇸 SHARE! Deadly new Ebola-like virus that lives in African monkeys is 'poised for spillover' into humans and could cause next pandemic, study warns... Scientists fear they've found the next big pandemic threat — a virus that lives in African monkeys. Four deaths at Manhattan nursing home linked to Legionnaires' outbreak: DOH... Five residents of a Manhattan nursing home have died after an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease was detected at the facility, and at least four of those deaths are directly linked to the disease, according to the state Department of Health.
  • Politics and Election Integrity
    2020 Election Irregularities... This website aims to summarize and curate the major irregularities and unresolved anomalies in the 2020 presidential election. Every piece of evidence is sourced from news reports, sworn affidavits, data analyses, or witness testimonies at state legislatures or U.S. Senate hearings.
    PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY SUES DOMINION VOTING MACHINES... A county in Pennsylvania has taken legal action against Dominion Voting Systems by filing a lawsuit claiming that there were “severe anomalies” related to vote counting in the 2020 presidential election, as reported by Just the News. Mark Zuckerberg hit with legal complaints over alleged attempt to influence 2020 election... Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, his wife and three voting rights groups were hit Thursday with legal complaints alleging malfeasance related to activities surrounding the 2020 election.
  • Watching a Movie
    Actors are everywhere Jonathan Pryce... Sir Jonathan Pryce CBE (born John Price; 1 June 1947) is a Welsh actor who is known for his performances on stage and in film and television. He has received numerous awards, including two Tony Awards and two Laurence Olivier Awards. In 2021 he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his services to drama.
  • Trump was not the first to use the term, "invisible enemy"
    So let me get it, John F Kennedy speaks of "invisible enemy" back in 1961, no one asks questions. That's called thoughts planting.
  • Dark winter references re-appear
    German Municipalities Preparing for Dark Winter of Blackouts, Simulate 400 Deaths in First 96 Hours... The German Association of Towns and Municipalities (DStGB) are now warning about a catastrophe that doomsday preppers have long prepared for: blackouts and civil unrest. Thanks to European leaders’ knee-jerk sanctions against Russia and Europe’s hasty implementation of green energy policies, the European people will have to pay insane energy costs and live under the constant threat of blackouts, especially during the upcoming winter months. DARK WINTER Simulated a biological weapons attack—or an outbreak of deadly smallpox—on simulation was conducted to gauge how senior leaders would respond to such an attack and included such high-level participants . _ Dark Winter clearest exhibit of the spiraling stresses, and potential social , ECONOMIC [COLLAPSE] that could be sparked by a public health crisis. _DARK WINTER was Designed by the Johns Hopkins Center (for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (now called the Center for Health Security) and the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), >Rockefeller and Johns Hopkins were Behind the Horrific Human Syphilis Experiments were also behind the now infamous Tuskegee experiments, in which 600 impoverished African-American sharecroppers were never informed they had syphilis, and were given placebos rather than real medicine. The researchers watched while the experiment subjects wasted away and infected their wives and children with the disease. The Tuskegee experiments were halted after being exposed by a whistleblower. >ROCKEFELLERS AND THEIR SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES OWN JONH HOPKINS RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT AND CENTER. //[ DS*]BLACKROCK VANGUARD INVESTORS ARE THE FUNDERS OF JONH HOPKINS ... Note: Research has uncovered census records that indicate enslaved people were among the individuals living and laboring in Johns Hopkins’ home in 1840 and 1850, with the latter document denoting Johns Hopkins as the slaveholder. Other new findings documented additional links between the Hopkins family and slavery, as well as indentured servitude DARK WINTER> CREATED BY ROCKEFELLERS ROTHSCHILDS dates back to 1950s when Bohemian Grove ELITES was in its prime of controlling the United States Medical industry, world banking, funding the top scientific research programs through the world including Wuhan labs in China. From Dick CHENEY CIA funding Bio-weapons study through the world in underground labs since 1992 > to BUSH allowing military operations and development of Bio-weapons that targeted specific DNA genes as Slavic, Native American people and certain Ethnicity groups in 2000s through > Obama funding the SARS projects , COVID Bio-weapons Gain of function in chapel hill north Carolina and transferring the project to Wuhan in 2014-2015 .... << ALL OF THE THESE PROJECTS WERE FUNDED THROUGH ROCKEFELLER CONGLOMERATES AND THE DEEP STATE INDUSTRIAL MILITARY COMPLEX WAR MACHINE. ( It's long been coded in Deep State talks among ELITES and classified docs. OPERATION DARKWINTER22 was the nuclear fall out of 22 cities across the world after the COLLAPSE of social and Economic turmoil After a great PANDEMIC< CODED: BIDEN GIVES SPEECH IN 2020 AND MENTIONS .> DARK WINTER< ( this was the C CABAL world deep state signal to all countries and operations to begin the start of DARK WINTER SEQUENCES. TODAY GERMANY ISSUES WARNING ON DARK WINTER AS SEVERAL OTHER NATIONS BEGAN TALKING OF DARK WINTER. __ //// > TODAY you can be thankful to the USSF . The world ALLIANCE.MILITARY OPERATIONS coming out of Chyanne mountains connected to more than 30 countries ( and counting) who have SECURED a WORLD> THAT WILL NOT LEAD TO Full out NUCLEAR WAR.....( this means the Nuclear threats is only a threat and part of the END GAME .....if something goes off in 2023💥 BOOM... It will be over the WATERS..... ) DON'T BE SCARED AS [DS] MSM BEGANS PUSHING DARK WINTER WORLD WIDE( counter moves already happened.... GAME THEORY)
  • What did Nostradamus predict for 2022?
    Nostradamus predictions for year 2022: Asteroid strike, Global warming and more... As the year 2021 draws to a close, another year has passed. And with that, we all know what's in store: a chance to reflect on what we've done, what we've accomplished, and what's ahead. Nostradamus predictions: Massive earthquakes, the third Antichrist and World War Three... If you thought 2020 was bad - and feel 2021 isn’t shaping up to be much better - wait until you hear what else could be in store in the future. Perhaps Nostradamus Predicted Coronavirus After All...... A couple weeks ago, a meme started doing the rounds on social media, claiming that Nostradamus had predicted the coronavirus.
  • Court rules against Social Media Censorship in fight against free speech
    Court Rules Against Social Media Companies in Free Speech Censorship Fight... A federal appeals court in New Orleans has ruled in favor of a Texas law that seeks to rein in the power of social media companies like Facebook and Twitter to censor free speech.
  • RECESSION 2022-2023: Shortages, recalls, high prices, supply chain disasters, energy, and a record recession in the makings...
    Map of all supply chain disasters...
    Fire breaks out at world's biggest produce market in Paris... A billowing column of dark smoke towered over Paris on Sunday from a warehouse blaze at a massive produce market that supplies the French capital and surrounding region with much of its fresh food and bills itself as the largest of its kind in the world. Americans Have Lost $4,200 in Annual Income Under Biden Administration: Report... Americans have lost over $4,000 in annual income since President Joe Biden took office owing to soaring inflation and higher interest rates, according to data compiled by The Heritage Foundation and released on Sept. 22. Three Dead In Explosion, Fire At Argentine Oil Refinery... At least three people died in an explosion that sparked a fire at an oil refinery in the south of Argentina, local authorities said on Thursday. The explosion at the refinery owned by Argentine company New American Oil in the town of Plaza Huincul, around 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) south of Buenos Aires, hit "one of the main crude tanks," local mayor Gustavo Suarez told LU5 radio station.
  • NATURAL DISASTERS... Storm brewing for next week... Storms and earthquakes hit Puerto Rico, Taiwan, and Mexico...
    Magnitude 7.5 earthquake shakes La Placita de Morelos, Mexico region - USGS Entire island of Puerto Rico loses power as Hurricane Fiona approaches... The entire island of Puerto Rico has lost power as Hurricane Fiona approaches, according to officials. More than 1.5 million customers are without electricity as the Category 1 storm, with sustained winds at 85 mph and torrential rain bear down on the island, Puerto Rico Gov. Pedro Pierluisi announced on Facebook Sunday afternoon. 100% of Puerto Rico is without power...
    ⚠️ ARK ALERT: Monitor Internet Outages, Cyber Attacks, Power Outages, Earthquakes, Flooding, Droughts, Solar Activity, Fires, Natural Disasters and World COVID Statistics
    💉 Check Vaccine Batch Codes 💉
    How Bad is My Batch... 💉 Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines Moderna batch codes... Pfizer batch codes... Janssen batch codes... Europe is at DEFCON 2... Queen Elizabeth II Has Now Passed On - Queen Elizabeth II Has Now Passed On. The official Royal Family Twitter account has released a statement saying that the Queen Elizabeth II has now passed on. The statement said, "The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow." Taken from Defcon Level Warning System: https://www.defconlevel.com/european-command-news.php#breaking-news
    👀 MONITOR: Cyberattacks, Floods, Earthquakes, Power Outages, Internet Outages, Defcon Level, and Solar Flares 👀
    National Integrated Heat Health Information System... Heat related illnesses and death are largely preventable with proper planning, education, and action. Heat.gov serves as the premier source of heat and health information for the nation to reduce the health, economic, and infrastructural impacts of extreme heat. 📈 U.S. Debt Clock... US Debt in real-time 🚨 Cyberattack map... Cyberthreat Real-Time Map 💥 Map of all supply chain disasters... From food to fuel... From fires to hacking... 💡 Power Outages Website See the latest power outages Website Down Detector See the latest Website Outages... 👁 Internet Eyes Website See the Latest Internet Disruptions. ☀ Real-time solar activity... Monitor Solar Activity ⚡ Flash Floods and Severe Weather... See the latest Flood Warnings and other Severe Weather Monitoring ⚠️ National Hurricane Center... See the latest on Hurricanes 🌊 U.S. Tsunami Warning System... Monitor Tsunami Warnings for US 🌎 Worldometer Statistics... Worldometer is run by an international team of developers, researchers, and volunteers with the goal of making world statistics available in a thought-provoking and time relevant format to a wide audience around the world. 📈 The Latest Earthquake Data... See the latest Earthquake Updates ⚠️ EMSC Earthquakes Interactive Map... Interactive Map for Viewing Earthquakes around the world... Zoom in on the La Palma Earthquake "GRID" See November 24th, 2021 Edition for details on flooding, fires, and earthquakes from 2021
  • What's Durham up to? The flame thrower footnote that torches everything...
    Durham insists Danchenko lies about ‘pee tape’ sourcing be evidence at trial... John Durham argued Friday that lies Igor Danchenko told the FBI, in particular misleading on the salacious and unfounded “pee tape” allegations about former President Donald Trump, be allowed as evidence at his trial next month. Special Counsel, John "The Punisher" Durham | Something in the Air... Special Counsel, John "The Punisher" Durham | Message from JeD... John Durham’s final act: exposing the FBI... Russiagate special counsel John Durham is in the homestretch. His grand jury wrapped up work last week, apparently with no new indictments on the horizon. Durham sends out 56 Indictments... Special Counsel, John "The Punisher" Durham | The Battle
  • Was JFK assasinated with an air gun by his driver?
    Former Navel Intelligence officer, Cooper presents the missing footage showing the driver's actions...
  • White House stance on Digital Assets
    FACT SHEET: White House Releases First-Ever Comprehensive Framework for Responsible Development of Digital Assets... The digital assets market has grown significantly in recent years. Millions of people globally, including 16% of adult Americans, have purchased digital assets—which reached a market capitalization of $3 trillion globally last November. Digital assets present potential opportunities to reinforce U.S. leadership in the global financial system and remain at the technological frontier. But they also pose real risks as evidenced by recent events in crypto markets.
  • GESARA/GCR and Earth Alliance updates...
    GESARA: BRICS Currency announcement... BRICS Nations Discussing Introduction Of Single Currency To Ease Trade, Says Russian Envoy China trials cross-border settlement involving cenbank digital currencies Russia plans to use digital rouble in settlements with China, says lawmaker Yuan and ruble to replace dollar in Pakistan Kazakhstan ready to legalize crypto as Russians flock to the country Gold Buying Once Again on the Agenda for Central Banks: International Banker Stocks resume losses after relief rally falters The Bank of England Quantitative Easing (QE)... 1. is not temporary 2. was planned 3. will destroy the purchasing power of fiat currency 4. will also happen in other major currencies 5. will provide an "excuse" for a monetary reset Problem, reaction, solution See it? GESARA: A Global Currency Reset is the solution to the crisis... Saudi king names crown prince as prime minister Central Bank of Iraq: We are working on issuing a digital currency and deleting zeros from the dinar requires an atmosphere US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Set For Departure Ripple vs. SEC: 189 Page Hinman Calendar Revealed Covering His Entire Tenure BRICS have already started working on enlargement of the alliance GESARA: The financial storm is here... Stock futures crater as Fed, growth fears intensify Major Australian bank to close ALL of its branches on the east coast and force customers to go to the post office UK government bonds sell off as Kwarteng unveils tax cuts Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will actively participate in the work of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud told Russian President Vladimir Putin Turkey is looking at alternatives to Russian Mir card system GESARA: Red September... Wall St Week Ahead Investors wonder when the vicious sell-off in U.S. stocks will end After Starlink Activation In Iran, Elon Musk's SpaceX To Launch 52 Satellites On Sept 25 Ripple Sees Strong Addition to Its Legal Team Russia's SWIFT alternative expanding quickly this year Russia And China Will Soon Declare The Truth About Their Massive Gold Reserves Zimbabwe ready to dump US dollar, Mutsvangwa Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 23, 2022... New gold/asset-backed Global Monetary System set for the beginning of the new fiscal year on Sat. 1 Oct. 2022.
  • MerKaBa and Your Light Body
    Activate and Increase Your Light Body (better than meditation)... What is a light body? In today’s video, I will be explaining to you what is a light body. I will also share with you a practice my mentor taught me on how you can increase and activate your light body. MerKaBa Meditation According to Drunvalo Melchizedek... MerKaBa comes from a Hebrew word meaning chariot, or vehicle, and can also be defined as the light spirit body. Mer~Light Ka~Spirit Ba~Body “Mer Ka Ba” Mer Ka Ba... Mer Ka Ba · Drunvalo Melchizedek Merkaba & Kundalini - Drunvalo Melchizedek (part 2/3)... Merkaba, also spelled Merkabah, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.
  • Gun sales, gun laws, shootings, and mass murder...
    13 Dead including Seven Children, 21 Wounded in Russia School Shooting... A gunman killed 13 people, including seven children, and wounded 21 other people in a school in central Russia on Monday, authorities said. N.J. man found dead inside kettle cooker at Lassonde food processing plant: Report... New Jersey state troopers responded Monday morning to a food processing plant in Cumberland County where a worker was found dead inside a kettle cooker, NJ.com reported.
  • Spotlight on Public Embarrassment, Resignations, Arrests, COVID+, and Notable Deaths...
    Resignation.info... Notable Resignations Worldwide
    Dem Congressman Gets 30 Months in Prison For Election Fraud... Corrupt politicians were not only active in the 2020 elections, but they have also really been around for a very long time and oftentimes, they are repeat offenders, with the public supporting them even after they have been caught and found guilty. The cognitive dissonance between what the public claims they want-trusted politicians and what they actually support- is shocking. Gov. DeSantis appointee in predominantly black county resigns after photos emerge of him wearing a KKK outfit at a Halloween party... A commissioner of Florida's only predominantly black county resigned after a photo emerged of him wearing a Ku Klux Klan outfit at a Halloween party. Well that didn't take too long.....after just ONE DAY in office, folks....ONE DAY!! Drunk' Canadian PM Trudeau is slammed as a 'tone deaf embarrassment' for singing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody at London hotel before Elizabeth II's state funeral... Justin Trudeau faced intense criticism after he was recorded singing a rendition of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody following a dinner just two days before Queen Elizabeth II's state funeral.
  • China double coup and arrest of Xi Jinping... Fake, foiled, or covered up?
    China coup rumors quashed by state media... Rumors of a China coup and Xi Jinping’s house arrest have been quashed by a statement released by the Xinhua News Agency revealing Xi Jinping loyalists will all but seal his controversial third term as leader. China's Xi makes first public appearance in Beijing since trip to Central Asia... Chinese President Xi Jinping visited an exhibition in Beijing on Tuesday, according to state television, in his first public appearance since returning to China from an official trip to Central Asia in mid-September. Xi is widely expected to secure a precedent-breaking third term as leader at the Communist Party's once-in-five-years congress next month. Is Xi Jinping Under Arrest After Military Coup? Three Senior Anti-Xi Officials Sentenced to Death... Today I will talk about three topics: a CCP’s new document that gives Xi Jinping another green light and almost unlimited power with the CCP, a leaked internal speech by Xi Jinping, which allows us to have a rare glimpse of what’s really inside his mind, and one of the predictions about the new CCP leadership at the upcoming 20th National Congress, who will be in, and who will be out, etc. So make sure you stick around till the end. Xi Jinping Trends Online Amid Coup Rumors, Canceled Flights... Chinese President Xi Jinping became one of the top trending topics on Twitter amid unsubstantiated reports he is under house arrest and that China is in the midst of a military coup. Xi and the phrase #ChinaCoup trended on social media after tens of thousands of users spread unconfirmed rumors that the president was detained and overthrown by the China's People's Liberation Army. This speculation, which has not been discussed by any reputable sources, arrived as there are hardly any commercial flights flying over the capital of Beijing on Saturday, with unverified reports claiming all trains and buses are also being canceled out of Beijing. Last year and twice this year I dropped WIRES here in Q The Storm Rider Official Page... I had stated a MAJOR War/ infighting was taking place inside the Chinese military and CCP REGIMEN and a Full coup would start. _ Just days after PUTIN and President XI met and discussed Renaming the CCP after the coming Planned take down of the Communist regime..... The DEEP STATE CCP made their move against the White Hat's in their country and pulled a military Coup of their own, sending thousands of soldiers into Beijing with military Units and hundreds of Armed military assault vehicles that lined the highways up to 50 miles long ( 80 Km long) and arresting President XI and his top officials. The Deep States CABAL ROTHSCHILDs /Rockefellers in China along with CCP MIL. and black society Dragon families that run the world Adrenochrome Industry along with human trafficking and weapons trade, all decided it was time to try and take over the BRICS MONETARY RESERVE OPERATIONS and Arrest XI and start their campaign to stop the current WHITE HATS Military coup taking place.....>>>>>> A DOUBLE COUP< I had mentioned last month in my report the White Hat's ALLIANCE in China had Mil Ops that was Militarizing the Chinese Students through Universities, and these Students woulb be a large part in the Military planned coup my the ALLIANCE.... This plan now is taking AFFECT as thousands of Universities have been Activated ( Students) to start the campaign and Uprising ... With the help of the ALLIANCE the past three years the well placed information DROPS of The PLANDEMIC/ BIO VACCINES / FORCED LOCKDOWNS leading to deaths and COLLAPSE of the economy, regional stores and local trading, have all led to tens of Thousands of Universities and Millions of Students being prepared to fight for their country in case of a Black hat military Coup OPERATION ( which has now taken place)// > In the Weeks to come and months, the FIGHT to free the Chinese People from the Communist regime that has Ruled, killed Hundred of millions of their own people is now coming into a CIVIL WAR for FREEDOM .... As the Biden crime family and their many dealings with CCP (Hunter Biden’s involvement with a Chinese investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) and several other illegal investment's into Asian money laundering rings) begins to get EXPOSED and the REPUBLICAN U.S. house Committee have all the evidence on but await the 2022 ELECTIONs to take back the house and EXPOSE Biden. Russia gate, fauci , bring real light into congress on Hunter laptop and EXPOSURE OF BIG TECH in conspiring a military coup with democratic leaders and [DS] military and UN powers ... The EXPOSURE OF MILITARY COUPS began... [ DURHAM] ]. DURHAM. [ WILL CONNECT ALL. >TRUMP WILL CONNECT ALL In the END.... MILITARY IS THE ONLY World coups happening and continuing leading to a DOUBLE COUP (ALLIANCE LEADING THE SECOND COUPS) INSIDE THE STORM THE BLACK SWAN _EVENT(s} Follow Q The Storm Rider _____ >}CABLES : President XI and his family had not returned home since his meeting with Putin days back. Chinese sources confirm the current XI in house arrest is a DOUBLE. ( With the power of technology, and CIA advanced mask creations that can not be detected, even in up close communications with agents wearing face masks... These features of mask have become a norm for ELITES to use ( DOUBLES)/// as MI6 sources reveal even the Queen had been dead over ten years ( I suspect three years) and her DOUBLE wore these MASK. >PUTIN >TRUMP are just a few That have many DOUBLES... ( Have you ever noticed TRUMP is SUPER CHUBBY and a bit shorter in some photos and other EVENTS tall and stocky and fit)/// _________ King CHARLES Is expected to hold the crown for only three years before his PLANNED Imminent departure ( mil. ALLIANCE planned) and the power will go to PRINCE DIANAS SON WILLIAM 😉 > This is all in the cards.... ________ BLACK SWAN EVENT Dominos When Germany publicly [COLLAPSE]s this RIPPLE EFFECT is going to trigger MASS PANIC through the EU and FRANCE is expected of an Early military Coup to remove Macron/// as CANADA White Hats also plan on removing Trudeau by February 2023 or even sooner..... The BLACK SWAN_ EVENT(S) has taken flight as VATICAN recalls all assets. RUSSIA/ NATO . US Nuclear escalation hits. CHNIA CIVIL UNREST and arrest of their President happened and continues.. Into Taiwan EVENT. Iran EVENT. COMING NORTH KOREA Watch the Water EVENT . 💥 💥 ... The U.S. civil unrest builds as Large portions of Civil unrest leads to distrust of the FBI. Department of Justice and BIDEN regimen... There is so much happening. Friends. Patriots. ANONS FREEDOM FIGHTERS ... >be sure to {re}stock up on food goods and resources .... And when you can please find the time to help those less fortunate in need..... We are all connected WWG1WGA
  • BullShift News
    What are you missing? See the Latest Mainstream News next to Citizen Journalists and Trending Internet Theories. We recognize that there is an abundance of information and theories out there, and that conflicting views need to be presented side-by-side in order to try and find the theme behind them. Even though we like to keep things lighthearted, we are very serious about bringing transparency to the media (all news, including the fringe stuff). What is the bullshift?... An unreasonable work shift. One that starts at an unreasonable time or is of unreasonable length. It may also be a change to your regular time or day. Bookmark BullShift.News IP Address Link (, In Case of Internet Issues...
  • How do you win every chess game you ever play? ... Always play with yourself!

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🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
Past Editions:
09/30/2022 09/29/2022 09/28/2022 09/27/2022 09/24/2022 09/23/2022 09/22/2022 09/21/2022 09/20/2022 09/17/2022 09/16/2022 09/15/2022 09/14/2022 09/13/2022 09/09/2022 09/08/2022 09/07/2022 09/03/2022 09/02/2022 09/01/2022 08/31/2022 08/30/2022 08/27/2022 08/26/2022 08/25/2022 08/24/2022 08/23/2022 08/20/2022 08/19/2022 08/18/2022 08/17/2022 08/16/2022 08/12/2022 08/11/2022 08/10/2022 08/09/2022 08/08/2022 08/06/2022 08/05/2022 08/04/2022 08/03/2022 08/02/2022 08/01/2022 07/29/2022 07/28/2022 07/27/2022 07/26/2022 07/22/2022 07/21/2022 07/15/2022 07/14/2022 07/13/2022 07/12/2022 07/09/2022 07/08/2022 07/07/2022 07/06/2022 07/02/2022 07/01/2022 06/30/2022 06/29/2022 06/28/2022 06/27/2022 06/13/2022 06/11/2022 06/10/2022 06/09/2022 06/08/2022 06/07/2022 06/04/2022 06/03/2022 06/02/2022 06/01/2022 05/31/2022 05/27/2022 05/26/2022 05/25/2022 05/24/2022 05/23/2022 05/21/2022 05/20/2022 05/19/2022 05/18/2022 05/17/2022 05/16/2022 05/14/2022 05/13/2022 05/12/2022 05/11/2022 05/10/2022 05/09/2022 05/07/2022 05/06/2022 05/05/2022 05/04/2022 05/03/2022 04/30/2022 04/29/2022 04/28/2022 04/27/2022 04/26/2022 04/25/2022 04/22/2022 04/21/2022 04/20/2022 04/19/2022 04/18/2022 04/16/2022 04/15/2022 04/14/2022 04/13/2022 04/12/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2022 04/08/2022 04/07/2022 04/06/2022 04/05/2022 04/04/2022 04/02/2022 04/01/2022 03/31/2022 03/30/2022 03/29/2022 03/28/2022 03/26/2022 03/25/2022 03/24/2022 03/23/2022 03/22/2022 03/21/2022 03/19/2022 03/18/2022 03/17/2022 03/16/2022 03/15/2022 03/14/2022 03/12/2022 03/11/2022 03/10/2022 03/09/2022 03/08/2022 03/07/2022 03/05/2022 03/04/2022 03/03/2022 03/02/2022 03/01/2022 02/28/2022 02/26/2022 02/25/2022 02/24/2022 02/23/2022 02/22/2022 02/19/2022 02/18/2022 02/17/2022 02/16/2022 02/15/2022 02/14/2022 02/12/2022 02/11/2022 02/10/2022 02/09/2022 02/08/2022 02/07/2022 02/05/2022 02/04/2022 02/03/2022 02/02/2022 02/01/2022 01/31/2022 01/29/2022 01/28/2022 01/27/2022 01/26/2022 01/25/2022 01/24/2022 01/22/2022 01/21/2022 01/20/2022 01/19/2022 01/18/2022 01/17/2022 01/15/2022 01/14/2022 01/13/2022 01/12/2022 01/11/2022 01/10/2022 01/08/2022 01/07/2022 01/06/2022 01/05/2022 01/04/2022 01/03/2022 01/01/2022 12/31/2021 12/30/2021 12/29/2021 12/28/2021 12/27/2021 12/24/2021 12/23/2021 12/22/2021 12/21/2021 12/20/2021 12/17/2021 12/16/2021 12/15/2021 12/14/2021 12/13/2021 12/11/2021 12/10/2021 12/09/2021 12/08/2021 12/07/2021 12/06/2021 12/03/2021 12/02/2021 12/01/2021