BullShift The Great Wave Cover

September 20th, 2022
Censorship Cancelled
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.” ― Joseph Brodsky

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  • Court rules against Social Media Censorship in fight against free speech
    Court Rules Against Social Media Companies in Free Speech Censorship Fight... A federal appeals court in New Orleans has ruled in favor of a Texas law that seeks to rein in the power of social media companies like Facebook and Twitter to censor free speech.
  • Q flag flies over Camelot Castle
    WHITE HAtS IN CONTRoL; WE R THE NEWS NOW; WWG1VVGA; N.C.S.VV.I.C; Q... Camelot Castle Hotel, Tintagel
  • Dark winter references re-appear
    German Municipalities Preparing for Dark Winter of Blackouts, Simulate 400 Deaths in First 96 Hours... The German Association of Towns and Municipalities (DStGB) are now warning about a catastrophe that doomsday preppers have long prepared for: blackouts and civil unrest. Thanks to European leaders’ knee-jerk sanctions against Russia and Europe’s hasty implementation of green energy policies, the European people will have to pay insane energy costs and live under the constant threat of blackouts, especially during the upcoming winter months. DARK WINTER Simulated a biological weapons attack—or an outbreak of deadly smallpox—on simulation was conducted to gauge how senior leaders would respond to such an attack and included such high-level participants . _ Dark Winter clearest exhibit of the spiraling stresses, and potential social , ECONOMIC [COLLAPSE] that could be sparked by a public health crisis. _DARK WINTER was Designed by the Johns Hopkins Center (for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (now called the Center for Health Security) and the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), >Rockefeller and Johns Hopkins were Behind the Horrific Human Syphilis Experiments were also behind the now infamous Tuskegee experiments, in which 600 impoverished African-American sharecroppers were never informed they had syphilis, and were given placebos rather than real medicine. The researchers watched while the experiment subjects wasted away and infected their wives and children with the disease. The Tuskegee experiments were halted after being exposed by a whistleblower. >ROCKEFELLERS AND THEIR SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES OWN JONH HOPKINS RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT AND CENTER. //[ DS*]BLACKROCK VANGUARD INVESTORS ARE THE FUNDERS OF JONH HOPKINS ... Note: Research has uncovered census records that indicate enslaved people were among the individuals living and laboring in Johns Hopkins’ home in 1840 and 1850, with the latter document denoting Johns Hopkins as the slaveholder. Other new findings documented additional links between the Hopkins family and slavery, as well as indentured servitude DARK WINTER> CREATED BY ROCKEFELLERS ROTHSCHILDS dates back to 1950s when Bohemian Grove ELITES was in its prime of controlling the United States Medical industry, world banking, funding the top scientific research programs through the world including Wuhan labs in China. From Dick CHENEY CIA funding Bio-weapons study through the world in underground labs since 1992 > to BUSH allowing military operations and development of Bio-weapons that targeted specific DNA genes as Slavic, Native American people and certain Ethnicity groups in 2000s through > Obama funding the SARS projects , COVID Bio-weapons Gain of function in chapel hill north Carolina and transferring the project to Wuhan in 2014-2015 .... << ALL OF THE THESE PROJECTS WERE FUNDED THROUGH ROCKEFELLER CONGLOMERATES AND THE DEEP STATE INDUSTRIAL MILITARY COMPLEX WAR MACHINE. ( It's long been coded in Deep State talks among ELITES and classified docs. OPERATION DARKWINTER22 was the nuclear fall out of 22 cities across the world after the COLLAPSE of social and Economic turmoil After a great PANDEMIC< CODED: BIDEN GIVES SPEECH IN 2020 AND MENTIONS .> DARK WINTER< ( this was the C CABAL world deep state signal to all countries and operations to begin the start of DARK WINTER SEQUENCES. TODAY GERMANY ISSUES WARNING ON DARK WINTER AS SEVERAL OTHER NATIONS BEGAN TALKING OF DARK WINTER. __ //// > TODAY you can be thankful to the USSF . The world ALLIANCE.MILITARY OPERATIONS coming out of Chyanne mountains connected to more than 30 countries ( and counting) who have SECURED a WORLD> THAT WILL NOT LEAD TO Full out NUCLEAR WAR.....( this means the Nuclear threats is only a threat and part of the END GAME .....if something goes off in 2023💥 BOOM... It will be over the WATERS..... ) DON'T BE SCARED AS [DS] MSM BEGANS PUSHING DARK WINTER WORLD WIDE( counter moves already happened.... GAME THEORY)
  • Trump was not the first to use the term, "invisible enemy"
    So let me get it, John F Kennedy speaks of "invisible enemy" back in 1961, no one asks questions. That's called thoughts planting.
  • Buriel cave from Pharoah Ramses II discovered
    A new arch was found.... „Israeli archaeologists on Sunday announced the "once-in-a-lifetime" discovery of a burial cave from the time of ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Rameses II, filled with dozens of pottery pieces and bronze artefacts. The cave was uncovered on a beach Tuesday, when a mechanical digger working at the Palmahim national park hit its roof, with archaeologists using a ladder to descend into the spacious, man-made square cave. In a video released by the Israel Antiquities Authority, gobsmacked archaeologists shine flashlights on dozens of pottery vessels in a variety of forms and sizes, dating back to the reign of the ancient Egyptian king who died in 1213 BC. Bowls -- some of them painted red, some containing bones -- chalices, cooking pots, storage jars, lamps and bronze arrowheads or spearheads could be seen in the cave. The objects were burial offerings to accompany the deceased on their last journey to the afterlife, found untouched since being placed there about 3,300 years ago.“ -TheNewArab
  • Predicting the future or predictive programming to tell you the plan?
  • Ash in the garden...
    What Happens When You Use Ash in the Garden?... This video shows what happens when you use ash from a fire in the vegetable garden and around fruit trees.
  • Queen's Funeral - 9-19-2022
    And then they were gone...President Biden and Jill fly back to U.S. IMMEDIATELY after Queen's Westminster Abbey funeral service - where they sat FOURTEEN rows back behind Polish Pr... President Joe Biden and first lady Jill sat 14 rows back in Westminster Abbey, behind the president of Poland, for Queen Elizabeth's funeral on Monday, after arriving for the memorial service in his motorcade while other world leaders took the bus. THE COMMITTAL of HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II... The Order Of Service C-Span coverage of the Queen's Funeral...
  • What's planned for the end of September?
    9-19: Arrests 9/19, Banks, Market to Zero, XRP, XLM, Gesara, Gold & Silver Rule!... Arrests 9/19, Banks, Market to Zero, XRP, XLM, Gesara, Gold & Silver Rule! 9-24: German Legislator Warns Of September 24th: Everyone Will Remember "Exactly Where He Or She Was"... 9-24: The Extraterrestrial Factor in the Second Coming... This is the official trailer/short film for "The Prophesied ‘Second Coming’ - ET Motherships, Webb Telescope & Congressional Legislation" webinar to be held on September 24, 2022. Trailer covers how the Second Coming is described as the return of a revered Messiah, Prophet, Avatar, Son of God, or of multiple Shining Ones, Creator Gods, Elohim, in many religious traditions, and how extraterrestrial visitors to ancient Earth civilizations are a key factor in the genesis of these prophetic beliefs. 9-26: DART spacecraft prepares to collide with asteroid target later this month... The spacecraft will intercept the Didymos system at 7:14 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 26, with DART slamming into Dimorphos at roughly 4 miles per second. A watch party featuring giveaways, food, and a live DJ will begin on the 26th at 6 p.m. on Keyser Quad of the Homewood campus. Large screens will feature NASA's stream of the collision. NASA probe ready to slam into an asteroid this month in landmark planetary defense test... The milestone comes courtesy of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, which launched just last fall. On Sept. 26, DART will slam headfirst into a small asteroid, the rare case when a spacecraft's destruction is the desired outcome. XX_ SEPTEMBER 22-23 HOLLYWOOD 33 TIMES AT LEAST CREDIT TO SARAH CONNOR ON TG FOR SHARING LIST. GREAT WORK 9-25: WITCHCRAFT REVEALED... 9-30: ALERT: Pope Francis Orders All Church Funds To Be Sent To Vatican By September 30th!... HEADS UP FOLKS! Something major is coming. Do NOT underestimate the global power of the Vatican. Is a major financial collapse coming? THE START - THE BEST IS YET TO COME...
  • Could you survive without groceries for 3 months?
    Behind the scenes by >QTSR ; The world will experience what Russia experienced during the COLLAPSE of The Soviet Union in 1991 ... The DEPRESSION/V COLLAPSE was hard to handle...... But after the DARKNESS PASSED and EXPOSURE of the DEEP STATE under Boris yeltsin was EXPOSED The CABAL [DS] BILLIONAIRE'S and Trillionaires money was was cut off and the funneling of the Stolen money was returned to the peoples and economy fast..... And the RUSSIAN citizens had more than double their income.. Some triple. >> This was all because of VATICAN> ROTHSCHILDs KAZARIAN Mafia ROTHSCHILDs Was EXPOSED> who CONTROLLED their presidents including BORIS YeltSIN who was a traitor to his country....( In his death YeltSIN was not given the Russian Honor of burial nor were any top Generals and commanders present at his side before or after DEATH.) & large sums ( trillions) of RUSSIAN money was given back. ☝️ The U.S. WILL face these EVENTS.....I have WARNED since last year of the COLLAPSE since January 2021 and the WAR we were headed into ,which would lead to NUCLEAR STANDOFF.... ( Follow Q The Storm Rider} _CURRENT >}WIRES/CABLES> UN. NATO STILL IN COLLAPSE as money is running out And WEF, UN NATO is being cut off from world originations that funnel WAR MONEY. (As you know now the ROTHSCHILDS ( Obama handler's, VATICAN CIA) was cut off from Chinese Elders, dragon families and super ELITES and the money to control DEEP STATE MILITARY GENERALS AND WAR HAWKS in the U.S. is ceasing. > THIS cut off is coming from all directions as VANGUARD silently COLLAPSEs. >> SILENT MIL. CONTROL OF VATICAN HAS ARRESTED/KILLED / IMPRISONED NIGHTS OF MALTA who control UN and>tried to install an African pope which had now been stopped///// >Follow Q The Storm Rider< The Deep State United States bad military and war hawks are bleeding for MONEY and currently selling of WEAPONS/animations/ U.S. Artillery> to IRAN, PAKISTAN, Malaysia COUNTRIES including south America..... >The Great sell off is a desperate attempt to generate money >Weapons and money going to UKRAINE are being stolen by DEEP STATE and the weapons resold to other countries As the Great Reset/ PLANDEMIC is COLLAPSING in real time.... BILLIONS of humans are waking up! Even those who have Been vaccinated up to 3X are now denying the vaccines. Several countries being led by Israel, UK with national reports on vaccine deaths and damages hitting the MSM media and backed by Elite Scientist, Collages, government Research programs and Military Studies .....>The world is waking up and standing against the vaccines and world AGENDA.... Many have seen the collapse of their economy death of friends after vaccines ( the darkness ) and obvious control of Censorship happening world wide and these Agendas have pushed the Sleeping population to open their eyes and reject the vaccines. >The GLOBAL AGENDA headed by WEF UN KAZARIAN MAFIA. ROCKEFELLERS INSTITUTIONS are now losing Trillions as the agenda is being EXPOSED and the Chinese Elders, clans and Dragon families have stopped their FUNDING...... The desperate FBI DOJ DEMOCRATS RINOS are in PANIC as the WORLD MILITARY OPERATIONS COME CLOSER TO HEIR DEMISE AND> ENDING< ..... TRUMP publicly comes out playing The Storm. WWG1WGA song and Shares a photo of him wearing a Q bottom on his jacket ( reTruthed q pic)..... You must Remember in all this that is happening in the world... SEVERAL white hat LEADERS have doubles as do the black HATS. And currently green/blue screen digital EFFECTS is in FULL projection and being used. The death of the Queen and her WRINKLED FLAG on the casket is that of George H W. Bush when he died... It's a military white HATS code and signals > TRAITOR TO HIS/HER PEOPLE< ...>This signal of the WRINKLED FLAG on casket means OPERATIONS are place to correct the CORRUPTION ( this person created or was part of)/// __ Inside the STORM of the century ALL SOURCES/ALL CONFIRM.. NOW IS THE TRUE TIME TO STOCK UP OR RESTOCK YOUR FOODS goods and supplies.... FOR AT LEAST ONE TO THREE MONTHS/// >EYES TO GERMANY< count down on the ⏰ 🔴OPREATION "RED OCTOBER"🔴🔴 What will happen on October 8th? "Cyber attacks ON GOOGLE" The 8th day of the month has been interesting as of late. July 8: Shinzo Abe assassinated Aug 8: Mar a Lago raided by FBI Sep 8: Queen Elizabeth dies Oct 8: Secret❗️ Nov 8: Midterm elections
  • White House stance on Digital Assets
    FACT SHEET: White House Releases First-Ever Comprehensive Framework for Responsible Development of Digital Assets... The digital assets market has grown significantly in recent years. Millions of people globally, including 16% of adult Americans, have purchased digital assets—which reached a market capitalization of $3 trillion globally last November. Digital assets present potential opportunities to reinforce U.S. leadership in the global financial system and remain at the technological frontier. But they also pose real risks as evidenced by recent events in crypto markets.
  • Building a home in the side of a mountain
    Man Digs a Hole in a Mountain and Turns it Into an Amazing Apartment... Big cities have many amenities and attractions, but it doesn't compare to the calm of the countryside. This man grew tired of living in the big city and returned to his hometown, where he now uses all his knowledge and resourcefulness to dig a house in the mountains. Could you build something like this? Leave your answer in the comments
  • Watch out for this common text to bank scam...
    How to Spot a Pay Yourself Scam...
  • Amtrak still on edge... Was the shutdown planned?
    First railroad union votes to STRIKE as negotiations deadline looms... The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) has voted to reject a tentative agreement with the nation’s railroads, with a strike authorized for later in the month.
  • Q on Quantum
    Q on Quantum... In these conversations, Q describes the nature of what is being called The Quantum Computer (for convenience) and how to develop your own Quantum Field for healing.
  • Was JFK assasinated with an air gun by his driver?
    Former Navel Intelligence officer, Cooper presents the missing footage showing the driver's actions...
  • The Storm is Upon Us
    COVID911 - INSURGENCY... You're being scammed by enemies of America who occupy powerful positions in government and the media. November 2020 is the way we, the people, can fight back. Know your enemy.
  • What's Durham up to? The flame thrower footnote that torches everything...
    Paul Manafort - The Swamp Is Trapped, Durham Is Exposing It All, The Truth Will Be Revealed... Paul Manafort, was the campaign chairman for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, Paul put into place the structure that delivered the nomination and eventually the general election for Donald J. Trump. Paul Is the author of Political Prisoner: Persecuted, Prosecuted, but Not Silenced. The conversation begins on how Paul got involved in the 2016 election and how they were able to get the winning electoral votes. Danchenko is trapped. He hid two emails from the FBI that Durham found. Durham also has both his phone and his phone records. Durham can definitively prove Danchenko lied to federal agents about his contacts with Sergei Millian.
  • The TRUMP files... Everything Trump from all sides... Trump with 2 victories...
    Judge Dismisses DOJ Request To Review Classified Files, Giving Trump Two Major Victories... President Donald J. Trump has won again over the highly politicized FBI, as his legal request is bringing him vindication upon vindication by a Florida judge who appointed the promised special master to handle documents taken from his home and then dismissed the Department of Justice’s request to start reviewing classified files.
  • Everything Pandemic: Mandates, Quarantine, Passports, Discrimination, Boosters, Tests, Protests, Censorship, Lockdowns, Masks, Fines, Incentives and Lawsuits
    US Marines quietly stop punishing troops that refuse Covid vaccine... Following last month’s decision by a federal court against the Department of Defense and the US Marine Corps, which allowed US Marines with religious objections to refuse covid vaccine mandates imposed by the Biden Administration, the US Marine Corps has abandoned punishments for most service members who are seeking the exemptions. ‘Hospital Holocaust’: Woman Escapes COVID-19 Hospital Treatment Protocols, Says Others Not So Lucky... Over a week after Gail Seiler’s physician had given her a terminal diagnosis, her husband, Brad Seiler, wheeled her out of the back door of the hospital where she had been admitted for COVID-19 on Dec. 3, 2021. CDC admits KILLER BATCHES of COVID-19 shots are still given to the public... An investigation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that certain lots of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines linked to extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths were still rolled out to the public. Complete exchange between Sen. @RandPaul and Dr. Anthony Fauci at Monkeypox hearing. Sen. Paul plays @cspanwj clip of Dr. Fauci. Fauci: "That film that you showed was really taken out of context...Reuters fact-checked, looked at that..." Paul: "Actually, words don't lie."
  • 💥War Moves - Updates (from all sides) 💥
    Part 1 Final WARNING ⚠️ DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE LAWS OF WAR> (PROTOCOL) The LAW OF WAR> MILITARY Action and protocol on foreign occupation inside United States territories and branches of U.S. Governments/offices/sectors that have been occupied by foreign governments/ leaders/ Intelligence/forces, that entity has one year to vacate the U.S. territories and premise. Failure to head this Warning will result in Full Military defense, retribution and tribulations in accordance to Military Courts, Tribunals, imprisonment or Death. (☝️ this how a senior Military commander stated the Law of Wars in layman's terms )/// _____ As you most of you know by now, the illegal election that happened in 2020 was a Military Sting operation to watch the Deep State and their CCP REGIMEN in cohesion/ help from VANGUARD CIA DARPA to control BIG TECH ,MSM outlets and Industries that are also runned by foreign influences that are loyal to Europe Elites add the DAVOS group. ECT ECT. The military operations was to insure the Deep State would cheat/illegally interfere in U.S elections using foreign powers, foreign occupation, foreign money and influences. This domestic [DS] military Coup against a sitting President would ensure activating the LAWS OF WAR PROTOCOL and PROCEDURES that would lead to EXPOSURE of Foreign and Domestic Forces that worked together in a conspired will of corruption to take over the United States and their three branches of government. _ On January 20, 2021 the U.S. military white hate issued their first warning to the BIDEN regimen and BLACKROCK, VANGUARD, STATE STREET EXECUTIVES. INCLUDING 16 Families and Royals across the world to vacate their actions in the Stolen 2020 U.S. constitutional elections and were told to leave the U.S. territories. _On January 20, 2022 the year long grace pass expired and The LAWS OF WAR PROCEDURE WERE FOLLOWED ( and silent military actions operations continued before, during and after the First WARNING of 2021) ___ Military Working behind the scenes __ TODAY _ Record Bankruptcy in US* ( 👇 from Anna khait) 1. Victoria's Secret declared bankruptcy. 2. Zara closed 1,200 stores. 3. La Chapelle withdrew 4391 stores. 4. Chanel is discontinued. 5. Hermes is discontinued. 6. Patek Philippe discontinued production. 7. Rolex discontinued production. 8. The world's luxury industry has crumpled. 9. Nike has a total of $23 billion US dollars preparing for the second stage of layoffs. 10. Gold's gym filed for bankruptcy 11. The founder of AirBnb said, 12 years of efforts were destroyed in 6 weeks. 12. Even Starbucks announced to permanently close their 400 stores. 13. WeWork isn't in a great spot either *Nissan Motor Co. may close down in USA.* 1. Biggest Car Rental company (Hertz) filed for bankruptcy - they also own Thrifty and Dollar 2. Biggest Trucking company (Comcar) filed for bankruptcy - they have 4000 trucks 3. Oldest retail company (JC Penny) filed for bankruptcy - to be acquired by Amazon for pennies 4. Biggest investor in the world (Warren Buffet) lost $50B in the last 2 months 5. Biggest investment co. in the world (BlackRock) is signalling disaster in the world economy - they manage over $7 Trillion 6. Biggest mall in America (Mall of America) stopped paying mortgage payments 7. Most reputable airline in the world (Emirates) laying off 30% of its employees 8. US Treasury printing trillions to try to keep the economy on life support 9. Estimated no. of retail stores closing in 2020 - 12,000 to 15,000. 👇closing:* - J. Crew - Gap - Victoria's Secret - Bath & Body Works - Forever 21 - Sears - Walgreens - GameStop - Pier 1 Imports - Nordstrom - Papyrus - Chico's - Destination Maternity - Modell's - A.C. Moore - Macy's - Bose - Art Van Furniture - Olympia Sports - K Mart - Specialty Cafe & Bakery &many more ____ Inside the Storm 🔥 Ukraine says Russia strikes Pivdennoukrainsk nuclear power plant, reactors undamaged... Russian troops struck the Pivdennoukrainsk nuclear power plant in Ukraine's southern Mykolaiv region early on Monday but its reactors have not been damaged and are working normally, Ukraine's state nuclear company Energoatom said. Russia strikes Ukrainian nuclear plant in enormous nighttime strikejust 300 yards from the reactors... Russia has struck a nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine, damaging power plant buildings in an act of 'nuclear terrorism', Kyiv's energy operator said. Russia says PRIVATE satellites used by America and its allies could become a 'legitimate target' during wartime in latest space provocation... Russia said private satellites being used by the U.S. and its allies could become legitimate military targets amidst the ongoing war in Ukraine.
  • Financial Markets and Money Warfare... The end of the fiat dollar and reserve currency status?
    Lebanon banks close branches for 3 days after depositors' incidents... The Association of Banks in Lebanon, on Friday, announced the closure of all banks' branches across Lebanon for three days after a series of depositors' hold-ups demanding withdrawal of their savings, Anadolu News Agency reports. The Nilar: A Pan-African Gold Currency – OpEd... African countries emerged as “independent” nation-states in the context of a debt-based fiat money system, the fiat dollar standard. Independent is in quotation marks because the independence of the countries of Africa is nominal. This is said with due respect and gratitude to all the brave men and women who fought, bled and died to end (direct) colonialism.
  • Hunter and Joe... Hunter's e-mails, and how the FBI suppressed the laptop investigation...
    Chuck Grassley: Fmr. FBI Agent Must Testify About Burying Hunter Biden Laptop Probe... Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, demanded Tuesday that former FBI agent Tim Thibault answer questions before the Senate about allegedly shutting down the FBI’s 2020 probe into Hunter Biden’s laptop.
  • Outbreaks: Mouse Disease LsPyV-KY187, Langya, Diphtheria, Melioidosis, Monkeypox, Marburg, Polio and more... What could be a common cause? Could a weakened immune system and dormant diseases explain all of these otherwise rare outbreaks?
    China records first monkeypox case... China recorded its first case of monkeypox on Friday in a person who had recently entered the country, officials said.
  • Trending: '17','7's, '11', and '9' in the news... Certain numbers are trending in the news... e.g. 5+2=7
    Kat Anonup Update: Danske Bank Cancels Debt... 17 hours ago DANSKE BANK CANCELS DEBT Denmark’s largest bank is a multinational banking & financial services corp. with 5+ million retail customers.
  • BullShift News
    What are you missing? See the Latest Mainstream News next to Citizen Journalists and Trending Internet Theories. We recognize that there is an abundance of information and theories out there, and that conflicting views need to be presented side-by-side in order to try and find the theme behind them. Even though we like to keep things lighthearted, we are very serious about bringing transparency to the media (all news, including the fringe stuff). What is the bullshift?... An unreasonable work shift. One that starts at an unreasonable time or is of unreasonable length. It may also be a change to your regular time or day. Bookmark BullShift.News IP Address Link (, In Case of Internet Issues...
  • When major flooding strikes, fresh water sources become undrinkable... These water purification techniques could save your life and others around you...
    Emergency Water Source - Evaporating with a Solar Still: Survival Tip ► All 4 Adventure TV... Jason shows a survival skill how to make a bush still or evaporator using the sun's solar power to collect fresh water from vegetation and sea water. Emergency Preparedness - Best Ways to Purify Water... I recorded this video months ago but am releasing it now (before I planned to) in light of Hurricane Harvey which has devastated the Houston area and surrounding areas as well. As we all should do our part to HELP THOSE IN NEED IN HOUSTON, TEXAS (as I am planning my part as well), we should also be reminded to prepare for emergencies whether it be a tropical storm like Hurricane Harvey or Katrina, or whether it be some other disaster. If you would like to help, organizations such as Samaritan's Purse or the Red Cross are providing assistance and accepting donations. How To Make Solar Water Purifier (DIY)...!!!... This video is all about how to use solar energy to purify muddy water. This is only a small scale demonstration and we can increase the purification scale as per the need. DIY water filter. 3 gallon-12 litre capacity no tools no electricity.... 5 minute DIY water filter. 3 gallon-12 litre capacity. $10 us total cost . Activated Nano Colliodal Silver Bacteria protection. DIY Solar Water Distiller! - Simple Solar Water Distilling - Easy DIY (for survival/SHTF)... DIY Solar Water Distilling! Simple Solar Water Distiller! Easy DIY. Great for survival/SHTF situations. made using 2 clear (plastic or glass) bottles and glue (or tape). fill one bottle with dirty/or saltwater. then connect the second bottle and set in the sun. within a few minutes the water begins to evaporate and the other bottle collects the clean distilled water vapor. tips: make sure the bottles have an airtight connection. prop up bottles at a slight angle so as the dirty/or saltwater starts to evaporate - the max. amount of water vapor will travel up to the higher collection container. works best in bright sun. Can a Solar Still Generate Enough Fresh Water for Survival? | MythBusters... Stranded on an island with just duct tape and plastic wrap, Jamie constructs a solar still to create drinkable water from condensation.
  • How to activate your pineal gland (detailed instructions)
    How To Activate Your Pineal Gland (extremely detailed explanation!)... In todays video we'll take a look at Joe Dispenza' chapter The Pineal Gland, from his latest book, Becoming Supernatural.
  • How do you win every chess game you ever play? ... Always play with yourself!

    🛒 Browse Limited Edition Merchandise...

    Unisex Basic Tee
  • For the people... We are all children of GOD/SOURCE... We are GODS... Let's act like it and make the present what we love... Stop thinking like a slave and start thinking like a creator of your own reality...
    24-05-2022 Q and Antonio... Q Discusses the QFS and more with Antonio... Q AND ANTONIO 17-05-2022... Q and Antonio 03-05-2022... Q and Antonio 19-04-2022 For The People... The Spirit of Life pulsing through every being of LIGHT represents the foundation of the original United States Constitution. The grace of our Creator moving through our Forefathers, formed this sacred covenant. RON AMITRON... Ron Amitron is one of the truly profound enlightened Spiritual teachers of our time. Ron cuts through illusion, allowing clarity of vision, bringing forth Creation’s sacred knowledge and a true connection to our Divine Authentic Self.
Special Report - Holograms and Light
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Elections and Fraud
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Persuasion Techniques
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - COVID and Vaccines
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - the History of Money
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - United States of America
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - The Capitol Insurrection
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Blockchain and Crypto
BullShit News Blockchain Special Report
🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
Past Editions:
09/17/2022 09/16/2022 09/15/2022 09/14/2022 09/13/2022 09/09/2022 09/08/2022 09/07/2022 09/03/2022 09/02/2022 09/01/2022 08/31/2022 08/30/2022 08/27/2022 08/26/2022 08/25/2022 08/24/2022 08/23/2022 08/20/2022 08/19/2022 08/18/2022 08/17/2022 08/16/2022 08/12/2022 08/11/2022 08/10/2022 08/09/2022 08/08/2022 08/06/2022 08/05/2022 08/04/2022 08/03/2022 08/02/2022 08/01/2022 07/29/2022 07/28/2022 07/27/2022 07/26/2022 07/22/2022 07/21/2022 07/15/2022 07/14/2022 07/13/2022 07/12/2022 07/09/2022 07/08/2022 07/07/2022 07/06/2022 07/02/2022 07/01/2022 06/30/2022 06/29/2022 06/28/2022 06/27/2022 06/13/2022 06/11/2022 06/10/2022 06/09/2022 06/08/2022 06/07/2022 06/04/2022 06/03/2022 06/02/2022 06/01/2022 05/31/2022 05/27/2022 05/26/2022 05/25/2022 05/24/2022 05/23/2022 05/21/2022 05/20/2022 05/19/2022 05/18/2022 05/17/2022 05/16/2022 05/14/2022 05/13/2022 05/12/2022 05/11/2022 05/10/2022 05/09/2022 05/07/2022 05/06/2022 05/05/2022 05/04/2022 05/03/2022 04/30/2022 04/29/2022 04/28/2022 04/27/2022 04/26/2022 04/25/2022 04/22/2022 04/21/2022 04/20/2022 04/19/2022 04/18/2022 04/16/2022 04/15/2022 04/14/2022 04/13/2022 04/12/2022 04/11/2022 04/09/2022 04/08/2022 04/07/2022 04/06/2022 04/05/2022 04/04/2022 04/02/2022 04/01/2022 03/31/2022 03/30/2022 03/29/2022 03/28/2022 03/26/2022 03/25/2022 03/24/2022 03/23/2022 03/22/2022 03/21/2022 03/19/2022 03/18/2022 03/17/2022 03/16/2022 03/15/2022 03/14/2022 03/12/2022 03/11/2022 03/10/2022 03/09/2022 03/08/2022 03/07/2022 03/05/2022 03/04/2022 03/03/2022 03/02/2022 03/01/2022 02/28/2022 02/26/2022 02/25/2022 02/24/2022 02/23/2022 02/22/2022 02/19/2022 02/18/2022 02/17/2022 02/16/2022 02/15/2022 02/14/2022 02/12/2022 02/11/2022 02/10/2022 02/09/2022 02/08/2022 02/07/2022 02/05/2022 02/04/2022 02/03/2022 02/02/2022 02/01/2022 01/31/2022 01/29/2022 01/28/2022 01/27/2022 01/26/2022 01/25/2022 01/24/2022 01/22/2022 01/21/2022 01/20/2022 01/19/2022 01/18/2022 01/17/2022 01/15/2022 01/14/2022 01/13/2022 01/12/2022 01/11/2022 01/10/2022 01/08/2022 01/07/2022 01/06/2022 01/05/2022 01/04/2022 01/03/2022 01/01/2022 12/31/2021 12/30/2021 12/29/2021 12/28/2021 12/27/2021 12/24/2021 12/23/2021 12/22/2021 12/21/2021 12/20/2021 12/17/2021 12/16/2021 12/15/2021 12/14/2021 12/13/2021 12/11/2021 12/10/2021 12/09/2021 12/08/2021 12/07/2021 12/06/2021 12/03/2021 12/02/2021 12/01/2021