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May 9th, 2022
2000 Sheep
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“In the world of mules there are no rules.” Ogden Nash

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  • 2000 Mules... 2000 Arrests next???
    2000 Mules - Full Documentary... What happened with the previous elections? Official Website: 2000 Mules...
  • Election Integrity
    Republican Clerk in Colorado Hands Over Copies of Hard Drives After Attempting to Protect Evidence Soros-Backed Secretary of State Tried to Delete... A Republican Clerk in Colorado handed over hard drives to authorities after capturing the drives when the corrupt Secretary of State (Jena Griswold – above) attempted to illegally delete information from the machines. See May 7th's election integrity media...
  • Financial Markets and Money Warfare... Fed raises rates the most since 2000... Morgan Stanley raided not long after Deutsche Bank for Money Laundering...
    No money in Saint Lucia... Breaking news in Saint Lucia. Chinese, Russian cenbanks to discuss use of national payment systems... The Chinese and Russian central banks will discuss the use and promotion of their respective national payment systems in both countries, Beijing's envoy to Moscow told the TASS news agency in an interview published on Thursday. Historic Rout Isn’t Over Yet, Bank of America Strategists Say... The global market selloff that saw the S&P 500 Index post its worst first four months of a year since 1939 has further to run, according to Bank of America Corp. The Fed's New "Tightening" Plan Is Too Little, Too Late... Since 2008, a key component of Fed policy has been to buy up mortgage-based securities and government debt so as to both prop up asset prices and increase the money supply. Over this time, the Fed has bought nearly $9 trillion in assets, thus augmenting demand and increasing prices for both government bonds and housing assets. Analysis: Buckle up, say traders as Wall Street's wild ride shows no sign of end... A massive two-day swing in U.S. stocks highlights a trend that some market participants believe will be a hallmark for months to come: intense volatility. See more Financial Updates - May 7th Edition
  • Biden's Union Meeting
    Today, I met with grassroots worker organizers to thank them for their leadership in organizing unions. From the Amazon Labor Union to IATSE at Titmouse Productions, these folks are inspiring a movement of workers across the country to fight for the pay and benefits they deserve. NEW: Starbucks is NOT happy with Biden's meeting y'day with union leaders that included @SBWorkersUnited. The company wants its own meet-and-greet: "We are deeply concerned that Workers United was invited... while not inviting official Starbucks representatives."
  • Is HEMP a miracle plant?
    Hemp Eats Radiation, Cleans Toxic Metals From Soil... It appears the uses of hemp are endless. In addition to myriad industrial products such as paper, construction material, clothing, food and fuel, hemp is also known to draw out toxic substances from the soil. In other words, not only does hemp provide humans with innumerable products, it also helps to clean the environment of the mistakes we have made in the past.
  • Royal Pain in the Arse
    Prince Harry is accused of 'plotting to bring the monarchy down' by his biographer Angela Levin following reports he may miss the Queen's Jubilee to play polo in California... Royal biographer Angela Levin has accused Prince Harry of 'plotting to bring the monarchy down' as speculation continues over whether he will attend the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations next month.
  • The Brain Hemi-Synch method and the Gateway Experience derived from declassified CIA documents
    C.I.A DECLASSIFIED - The Gateway Experience: Brain Hemisphere Synchronization... The author of The Gateway Process report is Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. McDonnell, hereon referred to simply as Wayne. There isn’t a tremendous amount of information available on the man, nor many photographs. CIA DOCUMENT Part 6 The Missing Page 25 This is the fifth installment of my coverage of the declassified CIA Document which depicts a feasibility study for the US Army to militarize psychic ability. Included is coverage of the mysterious missing page 25 that has since been revealed. Found: Page 25 of the CIA’s Gateway Report on Astral Projection... Page 25 of the CIA’s “Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process” hitched a ride with an email one evening and landed in my inbox. A digital attachment felt like an unceremonious entrance for a document that was produced 38 years ago and has been missing and highly sought after since it was declassified in 2003. C.I.A Declassified | Holographic Universe (The Consciousness Matrix)... Declassified: CIA Explains Consciousness, the Matrix, How World is a Hologram, Telepathy C.I.A DECLASSIFIED: Intervening Dimensions (Traversing Time Space Reality)... In this third instalment of C.I.A declassified, we'll review the sections regarding consciousness and dimensions. C.I.A DECLASSIFIED | Advanced Techniques (Time Travel, Energy Healing, Manifestation)... The fourth instalment of C.I.A Declassified. Having now established an understanding as why to these techniques work, in this video we'll review what the techniques actually are, and how one can achieve them. The Gateway Experience Wave 1 Discovery (1996) Discovery introduces the Mind Awake/Body Asleep state (Focus 10) and other “mental tools” to help you experience states of expanded awareness. You are led from your physical waking state into deep relaxation and then into unexplored levels of your consciousness. Discover new potentials in thought and action as your total self becomes your personal gateway into profound forms of perception. Voiced by Bob Monroe. The Gateway Experience Wave 2 Threshold (1996) Learn more Focus 10 “mental tools” and benefit from exercises which take you to a state of expanded awareness known as Focus 12. Threshold opens new perceptual channels for expanding and integrating personal awareness while developing creative insights which assist in dissolving fear barriers. Voiced by Bob Monroe. The Gateway Experience (Gateway Tapes) WAVE III - Freedom Enjoy Focus 10 and Focus 12 exercises developed specifically to make the methods for perceiving and controlling your nonphysical energy a comfortable and joyous experience. Learn tools and techniques to have conscious control of the energy system that is you. Enjoy Focus 10 and Focus 12 exercises developed specifically to make the methods for perceiving and controlling your non-physical energy a comfortable and joyous experience. Voiced by Bob Monroe. The Gateway Experience (Gateway Tapes) WAVE IV - Adventure Explore new experiences, new ideas, new places and new friends. This album provides you with the ultimate expression beyond Freedom – that of a personally controlled and directed adventure. Voiced by Bob Monroe. Gateway Experience Wave V – Exploring (A Journey to Focus 15) From the now familiar state of Focus 12, you will be introduced to Focus 15 – the “no time” state – the state of simply being. Here, far beyond your five physical senses, you can connect with the source of your intuition. Voiced by A.J. Honeycutt. The Gateway Experience (Gateway Tapes) WAVE VI - Prospecting (1996) These six Prospecting recordings provide the tools to explore and dig for that golden idea which is important to your personal growth. The Metamusic exercises are designed to take you one step further in Non-Verbal Communication than the EXPLORING series. In Wave VI, Odyssey, we arrive prepared with all the knowledge we gained in the previous lessons. We continue exploring our self in what is called Locale 1 using Focus 12. to learn about the Energy Body, which some calls the Second Body. The exercises are intended to give you more confidence and trust in your own wisdom. If there are any doubts or fears that crop up here, you can always revisit Focus 10 Exercise 4 Release and Recharge to address them. Again, patience is the key and learning to trust your self along the way. Wave VI features high adventure exercises in Focus 21 (the bridge to other energy systems). Explore realms of awareness that defy description in dimensions beyond physical time-space reality in this much-requested continuation of the Gateway Experience. Voiced by Laura Monroe. WAVE VII - Voyager A Journey to Focus 27 Learn to be of service to self and others. Journey to Focus 21 and on to states of awareness associated with the afterlife state, Focus 23 through Focus 27. From these levels contact is made with individuals who have died physically but remain “static” — unable to detach completely from the earth energy systems. One objective is to guide these individuals beyond the earth experience to a “reception center” where they can rest, review their life experiences, and consider their next evolutionary steps. You will also have the opportunity to connect with loved ones, and send/receive messages. Voiced by A.J. Honeycutt.
  • Florida plans to release more GMO mosquitoes
    Florida to Release Billions More GMO Mosquitoes Despite Health, Safety Concerns... Overlooking potential public health risks, lingering scientific questions and deficient public data, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) approved the extension of Oxitec’s two-year field trial on Wednesday, which includes releasing several billion more genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes into the Florida Keys — one of Florida’s most ecologically sensitive areas.
Special Report - Holograms and Light
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Elections and Fraud
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Persuasion Techniques
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - COVID and Vaccines
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - the History of Money
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - United States of America
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - The Capitol Insurrection
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Blockchain and Crypto
BullShit News Blockchain Special Report
February 5th Edition on Myanmar
February 11th Edition on Epstein
March 1st Edition on DUMB
March 31st Edition on John Durham
April 16th, 2021 on Food Shortage
May 5th, 2021 on Critical Race Theory
Coming Soon:
Q is for Quantum
Coming Soon:
A New World Order
🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
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