BullShift The Great Wave Cover

September 14th, 2022
Hidden in Plain Sight
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” ― Confucius

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  • Building a Secret Room in Public
    I Built a Secret Room in Public... Here's What I Got!
  • Protecting waterways from invasive carp by electrifying the waterways
    Why the US Army electrifies this water... The Chicago and Sanitary Ship Canal is the path that invasive carp would take to reach the Great Lakes. So to stop them, the US Army Corps of Engineers has installed an electric barrier. Although for obvious reasons, I didn't get to see it close up. [The interviewee is project manager Jeff Zuercher, whose name caption got missed out! Apologies, Jeff.]
  • Navy says UFO videos would hurt national security
    Navy admits it has more UFO videos but says releasing the footage publicly would 'HARM national security' because it would reveal 'valuable' information regarding the Pentagon's op... A spokesperson for the military branch made the statement in response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by the government transparency site The Black Vault - which has previously shared thousands of pages of UFO-related documents received from the CIA and other agencies.
  • London, Vatican City, Washington D.C.
    Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City... World events most of which are ‘engineered’ leave a trail that leads to the architects. We next discover that there are 3 cities on earth that come under no national authority, they have separate laws, they pay no taxes, they have their own police force and even possess their own flag of ‘independence’. These 3 cities control the economy, military onslaughts and the spiritual beings of those in powers. The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Rothschild, Rockefeller and Morgan Families... The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. The Rothschild’s representative at 1913 Federal Reserve, the CFR,+ I.G. Farben... Paul Warburg was probably the most important person at the 1913 Federal Reserve establishment meeting on Jekyll Island because of his knowledge of banking as it was practiced in Europe. He was a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company and was a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty in England and France where he maintained a very close working relationships throughout his entire career with his brother, Max Warburg, who was the head of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany and the Netherlands. Vatican City... Vatican City (/ˈvætɪkən/ (listen)), officially Vatican City State (Italian: Stato della Città del Vaticano;[e] Latin: Status Civitatis Vaticanae),[f][g] is an independent city-state and enclave surrounded by Rome, Italy.[13][14] Also known simply as the Vatican, the state became independent from Italy in 1929 with the Lateran Treaty, and it is a distinct territory under "full ownership, exclusive dominion, and sovereign authority and jurisdiction" of the Holy See, itself a sovereign entity of international law, which maintains the city state's temporal, diplomatic, and spiritual independence. 3 Corporations Run The World: City Of London, Washington DC And Vatican City... World events most of which are ‘engineered’ leave a trail that leads to the architects. We next discover that there are 3 cities on earth that come under no national authority, they have separate laws, they pay no taxes, they have their own police force and even possess their own flag of ‘independence’. The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order... Is there any doubt that the United States of America is the military arm of the New World Order (NWO), as it has been since World War I? Washington DC, London and Vatican City... For the first time, the Solar Rishi are able to look at the complex infrastructure of the Lunar Female Demonic Forces that have been co-created with the Lunar Matrix and built into the Elite Pedophilia Networks for global human trafficking and Child Sacrifice. This includes the extensive NAA infestations within the grid networks located in Washington DC, London and Vatican City, which are used as spiritual ritual centers and more loosh harvesting.
  • Will Will-i-am replace Charles in the near Future?
    Doctor reveals why King Charles III's fingers are so swollen and red in photos of the royal - and what it could mean for his long-term health... A doctor has revealed the possible health conditions the new King Charles III may be suffering from after royal fans noticed his 'swollen fingers'. Dream PROPHECY regarding King Charles III... Last night I had a dream about Prince Charles. This is my Prophecy of what could possibly happen now... The Line of Succession to the British Throne... Who will be the next King or Queen?
  • Bloodlines and Royalty
    Abraham's family tree... Abraham is known as the patriarch of the Israelite people through Isaac, the son born to him and Sarah in their old age and the patriarch of Arabs through his son Ishmael, born to Abraham and Hagar, Sarah's Egyptian servant. Council of the 13 Royal Families... Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. 13 Families Rule Our Planet Earth... Curse and mark of Cain... The curse of Cain and the mark of Cain are phrases that originated in the story of Cain and Abel in the Book of Genesis. In the stories, if someone harmed Cain, the damage would come back sevenfold. Some interpretations view this as a physical mark, whereas other interpretations see the "mark" as a sign, and not as a physical mark on Cain himself. The King James Version of the Bible reads "set a mark upon Cain." What are the Origins of the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families?... In the book of Deuteronomy 30:19 God commands the Israelites (and by extension, Christians and all humanity) to obey this decree and curiously includes a sentence about genealogy – “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:” These Are The 13 Families In The World That Apparently Control Everything - From Politics To Terrorism... This is about the fascinating conspiracy theory that claims these most powerful families in the world own 99% of the wealth, leaving 1% for the rest of the world to fight over. The 13 Main Families of the Illuminati... The Illuminati might have their hooks into virtually every politician, business, and entertainer, but at the top, there are alleged to be only 13 bloodlines who control the Cabal. These are some of the wealthiest families in the world with connections to wealth and power all over the world, from Europe to China. And according to Illuminati watchers, they use it to ensure their grand design is carried out. 13 BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI... Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). As such, Satan needs a way to control it. This is accomplish through demon-controlled Luciferians, occultists and Satanists who carry out Satan's bidding. THESE 13 FAMILIES RULE THE WORLD: THE SHADOW FORCES BEHIND THE NWO... The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over mankind and our planet’s resources. David Icke coined it the “Totalitarian Tip-Toe,” because “they” are making very small steps towards our complete and definitive enslavement.
    Cain's Bloodline
    The bloodline of Cain | Who is the real father of cain | Part 1... We go in-depth to find out what really happened in the garden of Eden and who the real father of Cain was. Part 1 The Royal Bloodline of Cain - The Globalist NWO Elites... Dr Joye Pugh joins Zen Garcia to speak on her extensive research of the beguilement of Eve in the Garden and it's connections to the modern royal bloodlines. With the events that have been shaping up in the world, it's essential to have a firm grasp of the history of how things ended up the way they are.
    Merovingian dynasty... The Merovingian dynasty (/ˌmɛrəˈvɪndʒiən/) was the ruling family of the Franks from the middle of the 5th century until 751.[1] They first appear as "Kings of the Franks" in the Roman army of northern Gaul. The Merovingians: Were these Dark Age Kings descended from Christ?... The Merovingian Dynasty was a family of Frankish Kings who ruled during the 5th century AD, a key dynasty of rulers in Dark Age continental Europe. They were often called as the “long-haired kings” owing to their tradition of keeping unshorn hair. The Merovingian Bloodline: One of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines that Rule the World... In my writings this bloodline has been interwoven into the text of many articles, but it hasn’t been singled out very much.
    Sinclair and the St. Clair bloodline
    Henry Sinclair, the Knights Templar, and the Holy Bloodline: A Chronology... My brief mention on Monday of online feuding over the Sinclair family’s DNA heritage certainly sparked quite a bit of conversation. One interesting question that arose asked who was responsible for proposing that the Sinclair family was part of the Holy Bloodline of Jesus and brought said bloodline to America in the Middle Ages when Henry I Sinclar, Earl of Orkney traveled to Nova Scotia in 1398. THE HOLY BLOOD AND THE SAINT-CLAIRS... In 911 AD, the village of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, in France, saw the signing of a Treaty between the French and the Vikings which created the Duchy of Normandy. The newly-created Norman Dukes then entrusted this wild region to a younger branch of their family: Walderne (1006-1047), Duke Richard II's nephew, is the first recorded Lord of Saint-Clair.
    House of Windsor
    The Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (aka Windsor) Family... Saxe-Coburg-Gotha are all regions of Germany. These are German ‘Jews’ or Talmudic ‘Jews’ or flat out usurpers of the British Crown. They are descendants of PIRATES who basically murdered and manipulated to take over the British Crown. They are not even British. The House of Windsor... The House of Windsor came into being in 1917, when the name was adopted as the British Royal Family's official name by a proclamation of King George V, replacing the historic name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. It remains the family name of the current Royal Family. House of Windsor... The House of Windsor is the reigning royal house of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. In 1901, a line of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (itself a cadet branch of the House of Wettin) succeeded the House of Hanover to the British monarchy with the accession of King Edward VII, son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. In 1917, the name of the British royal house was changed from the German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to the English Windsor because of anti-German sentiment in the United Kingdom during the First World War.
    House of Glücksburg
    House of Glücksburg... The House of Glücksburg (also spelled Glücksborg or Lyksborg), shortened from House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, is a collateral branch of the German[1] House of Oldenburg, members of which have reigned at various times in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Greece, several northern German states, and the United Kingdom.
    House of Wettin
    House of Wettin... Glamis Calling: September 2022 - London Bridge is Down... It’s been a long time since I or anyone from the Council has posted here, and I’m sorry that the Queen’s passing is the subject that brings us back together. The world has changed so very much since this portal became known to the public. We’ve seen world-wide strife, disease, and wanton destruction on a massive scale. No one has been left untouched by the events of the previous two and a half years. At the Council, we are employing means at our disposal to exert, where appropriate, a degree of influence, and we have seen progress. Over the past several weeks it’s become apparent that a post here is long overdue, and in the very near future we’ll provide insight into our successes and failures in our efforts to repair some of what has been broken. But that is for another day. For the moment, I wish to express my gratitude to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth for allowing me to represent the United Kingdom on the Wettin Council. Although the Council and my position here have evolved, and though our views and opinions were sometimes worlds apart, I remained the Queen’s most humble and obedient subject. I hope my tenure on the Council brought Her Majesty more comfort than vexation. With the ushering in of a new monarch, a new era of governance begins, and my time as the United Kingdom’s representative on the Council comes to an end. His Majesty, King Charles will almost certainly appoint a new representative to sit in the Upper Chamber. Since the restructuring of the Council I have officially held dual positions as the chief executive of the WGC and also as Her Majesty’s official representative. This has sometimes presented awkward choices as I’ve endeavored to serve the Queen’s interest while also making decisions as head of the Council. Going forward, I welcome the King’s newly appointed Elector, but rest assured, I shall remain firmly at the helm of this governing body. Thank you all for your support and comments. Faithfully Yours,
  • The Significance of the 50 year Jubilee and Land Ownership... Any relationship to the Queen's Platinum Jubilee?
    The Jubilee and Land Ownership... The Jubilee laws are an unavoidable feature of any discussion of “Biblical politics” or “Biblical economics.” Typically more “conservative” minded thinkers prefer to mute their force, arguing that the Jubilee was redemptive in nature and wholly bound up with the polity of ancient Israel, now fulfilled in Christ. Does Jubilee Require the Redistribution of Wealth or Land?... This week, we’re continuing a series on the biblical concept of Jubilee—its context, its definition, and what it means for us as Christians as we seek to honor God with how we engage our culture and its economy. The Year Of Jubilee: How God Views Land Ownership and Social Responsibilities? Article compiled by oTTo NaTioN... Jubilee, The year of. (1. The name.—The name jubilee is derived from the Hebrew jobel, the joyful shout or clangor of trumpets, by which the year of jubilee was announced. 2. The time of its celebration. A history of Jubilees... Royal Jubilees are an occasion to celebrate the life and reign of a monarch, and are significant events which are celebrated around the world. Though the concept of the jubilee began in biblical times, today the term is most closely associated with the Royal Family, and the ceremony and spectacle which the term symbolises Jubilee... A jubilee is a particular anniversary of an event, usually denoting the 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, and the 70th anniversary. The term is often now used to denote the celebrations associated with the reign of a monarch after a milestone number of years have passed. The Queen's Platinum Jubilee... The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
  • The Black Madonna
    Black Madonna... The term Black Madonna or Black Virgin tends to refer to statues or paintings in Western Christendom of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus, where both figures are depicted as black. The Black Madonna can be found both in Catholic and Orthodox countries. The Black Madonna A Divine Mystery Veiled In Blackness... The Black Madonna, an image of Divinity shrouded in darkness, is enshrined in countless pilgrim churches, in remote monasteries, in tiny chapels and vast cathedrals, down in dark crypts and upon high altars, in Sicily, Spain, Switzerland, France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Turkey, and as Black Tara in China, as Kali in India, and as “Our Lady of Guadalupe” in Mexico. She has been visited by millions of people for hundreds of years.
  • The Legend of Isis
    Isis... Isis (Ancient Egyptian: ꜣst; Coptic: Ⲏⲥⲉ Ēse; Classical Greek: Ἶσις; Meroitic: 𐦥𐦣𐦯‎ Wos[a] or Wusa) was a major goddess in ancient Egyptian religion whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. Isis was first mentioned in the Old Kingdom (c. 2686 – c. 2181 BCE) as one of the main characters of the Osiris myth, in which she resurrects her slain brother and husband, the divine king Osiris, and produces and protects his heir, Horus. Deities in Ancient Egypt - Isis... Great mother Isis, the goddess of healing and magic, was crucial to ancient Egyptian religious beliefs. She is known today by her Greek name Isis; however, the ancient Egyptians called her Aset The Egyptian myth of Isis and the seven scorpions - Alex Gendler... Dive into the Egyptian myth of Isis, a powerful goddess protecting her son from her murderous brother with the help of seven scorpions.
  • The Balfour Declaration
    The Balfour Declaration's impact, 100 years on... Balfour Declaration... The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. Balfour Declaration... The Balfour Declaration was a letter written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lionel Walter Rothschild, in which he expressed the British government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The long-term effects of the Balfour Declaration, and the British government’s involvement in Palestinian affairs, are felt even today.
  • The Six Day War
    Six-Day War... The Six-Day War (Hebrew: מִלְחֶמֶת שֵׁשֶׁת הַיָּמִים, romanized: Miḥemet Šešet HaYamim; Arabic: النكسة, romanized: an-Naksah, lit. 'The Setback' or حرب 1967, Harb 1967, 'War of 1967'), also known as the June War, the 1967 Arab–Israeli War or the Third Arab–Israeli War, was an armed conflict fought from 5 to 10 June 1967 between Israel and a coalition of Arab states primarily comprising Jordan, Syria and Egypt (then known as United Arab Republic). Six-Day War summary... Six-Day War, or Arab-Israeli War of 1967, War between Israel and the Arab countries of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Palestinian guerrilla attacks on Israel from bases in Syria led to increased hostility between the two countries. The Six Day War 1967 Documentary... Six-Day War (1967) - Third Arab–Israeli War DOCUMENTARY... We are continuing our series of animated historical videos on the modern wars with the Six-Day War of 1967, also known as the Third Arab–Israeli War during which Israel fought the alliance of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq. This conflict entered history as short, but decisive, as it took less than a week for hostilities to start and end, and was mostly decided in the air.
  • SSP Negotiations
    Conducting Diplomatic Negotiations Between Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrials... Chris O'Connor claims to have completed three "20 and back" tours of duty with secret space programs including one run by the United Nations. He says that he was born into a human family as an extraterrestrial starseed as part of a pre-life agreement with the US Navy/Air Force.
Special Report - Holograms and Light
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Elections and Fraud
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Persuasion Techniques
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - COVID and Vaccines
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - the History of Money
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - United States of America
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - The Capitol Insurrection
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Blockchain and Crypto
BullShit News Blockchain Special Report
🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
Past Editions:
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