BullShift News Checkmate

October 25th, 2022
Nouveau Rishi
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“They were new money, without a doubt: so new it shrieked. Their clothes looked as it they'd covered themselves in glue, then rolled around in hundred-dollar bills.” ― Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin

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  • 🚨🚨🚨 NYC ordered to re-hire and provide back pay to fired, unvaxxed workers
    New York Supreme Court reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, orders backpay... The New York State Supreme Court reinstated all employees who were fired for not being vaccinated on Monday, ordering backpay and saying their rights had been violated. The court found that "being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting COVID-19." New York City Mayor Eric Adams claimed earlier this year that his administration would not rehire employees who had been fired over their vaccination status. NYC alone fired roughly 1,400 employees for being unvaccinated earlier this year after the city adopted a vaccine mandate under former Mayor Bill de Blasio. Many of those fired were police officers and firefighters.
  • Nouveau Rishi
    Nouveau Riche... (noun) a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class British Prime Minister @RishiSunak: "I've just been to Buckingham Palace and accepted His Majesty the King's invitation to form a government in his name. It is only right to explain why I am standing here as your new Prime Minister."
    Rishi and the World Economic Forum (WEF) connection
    Would-Be British PM Rishi Sunak’s Family Runs A China-Linked, World Economic Forum Partner Company Pushing Digital ID and Social Credit Scores.... Former British finance minister Rishi Sunak – a frontrunner to become Britain’s next Prime Minister – has family ties to a technology partner of the World Economic Forum that has advocated for a Chinese Communist Party-style economy complete with trackable, digital identities and currency. Rishi Sunak becomes the next (WEF) PM in the UK after appointment by the Tory party
    WEF Leader caught planning mass extinction event
    Evil WEF Leader Caught Planning ‘Mass Extinction Event’ to Inner Circle... Another week, another leaked video from the World Economic Forum featuring Klaus Schwab’s advisors casually discussing their plans to depopulate the planet.
  • Fauci gets to testify in Legal Challenge to Big Tech Censorship
    Judge Orders Fauci, Other Top Officials to Testify Under Oath in Big Tech Censorship Case... A federal court ordered on Oct. 21 that Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top officials testify under oath at depositions in a case that has uncovered evidence of alleged federal government collusion with Big Tech companies to censor users.
  • The Metaverse Police
    Law Enforcement Metaverse? Interpol Creates New Digital World for Global Police Training... The international policing organization Interpol is unveiling the first metaverse designed for law enforcement communication.
  • The Hateful 8
    “The Hateful Eight” as they’ve become to be known: Soybean Canola (aka Rapeseed [wtf kind of name is this lol]) Corn Sunflower Safflower Cottonseed Grapeseed Ricebran These are the oils on the chopping block. Avoid them like the plague.
  • Blockchain Real Estate
    South Carolina house sold as NFT for $175,000... A real estate investor purchased a three-bedroom house in South Carolina via an NFT marketplace over the weekend for $175,000 paid in USDC.
  • KGB interview
    In the words of the late Soviet defector and KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov who specialized in Marxist-Leninist propaganda and psychological warfare (lightly edited for clarity) KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America... KGB DEFECTOR YURI BEZMENOV'S WARNING TO AMERICA: 29 YEARS AGO, Soviet defector and KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov, specializing in the fields of Marxist-Leninist propaganda and ideological subversion; warned us about the silent war being waged against America as part of a long term plan to take over and destroy the American system and way of life. Watch this clip in AMAZEMENT as you realize he is describing EXACTLY what's happening in America today, where by Obama and his gang of Marxist usurpers who now have control of your government are just the culmination of a very long term plan, but are the ones who are about to bring it into fruition.
  • The tie between UV street lamps and vaccines
    Why they installed UV lights... REAL reason why the UV Lights were installed during lockdown!
  • UAP - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
    NASA launches study on 'unidentified aerial phenomena'... NASA is launching a study on unidentified aerial phenomena, commonly known as UFOs. The group of 16 people will gather data on unidentifiable events in the sky and release its findings to the public in mid-2023. UFO sighting... TR3-B? Benjamin Fulford report... Before talking about China, let us start by looking at the civil war raging in the West. What happened there is that after the murder of Queen Elizabeth II (head of the committee of 300), the KM installed either a blackmail-compromised King Charles III or else a puppet look alike.
  • Fall of the Big 6
    Newsmax cuts ties with Lara Logan after she said world leaders ‘dine on the blood of children’... The Newsmax cable news outlet has severed ties with Lara Logan after the former “60 Minutes” correspondent went on a bizarre rant alleging that world leaders “dine on the blood of children.” Mainstream Media Poses 'Major Threat To Democracy' According To Poll... On Tuesday we noted that the most recent NYT/Siena poll was a disaster for Democrats - putting Trump ahead of Biden in a hypothetical 2024 match up, and a massive swing to the right from independent women. The poll found that the most important issues are to Americans aren't climate, January 6 or Covid (<.5%). The economy and inflation (44% combined vs. 36% in July).
  • Mousepox
    January 2001: Killer mousepox virus raises bioterror fears... A virus that kills every one of its victims, by wiping out part of their immune system, has been accidentally created by an Australian research team. The virus, a modified mousepox, does not affect humans, but it is closely related to smallpox, raising fears that the technology could be used in biowarfare. The discovery highlights a growing problem. How do you stop terrorists taking legitimate research and adapting it for their own nefarious purposes? Mousepox... Fenner used mousepox as a model system for the study of generalized viral infections. Scientists research antidotes to super mousepox virus... Nov 6, 2003 (CIDRAP News) – A team of researchers in St. Louis has retooled a mousepox virus so it can defeat a vaccine that normally protects mice—but has also found ways to beat the customized virus, according to the group's leader. Mark Buller, PhD, a virologist at St. Louis University, says his group has built on the work of Australian researchers, who reported in 2001 that they had accidentally engineered a mousepox virus that was lethal to vaccinated mice. Buller's group modified the mousepox virus in a similar way but also developed two treatment combinations that protected mice from the altered virus. Mouse-pox; infectious ectromelia of mice; a review... The mousepox experience... Much of the debate about science policy in recent years has focused on ‘the dual-use dilemma', which arises when well-intentioned scientific research has the potential to be misused by state and non-state actors for nefarious purposes. In the context of the life sciences, for example, the same discoveries that lead to advancements in medicine could also be used to facilitate the development of biological weapons. I give a full update tomorrow INCLUDING what's happening with [MOUSEPOX] _____ We are coming into a critical moment.... [ They] really want to arrest TRUMP create a civil war//))) This [MOUSEPOX] is NO joke ..... The same people. Fauci, Obama, Daszak, Gates ..// companies > NIH. ECT ECT ECT ECT All behind this deadly strain With over 40 facilities in the U.S. alone doing research on this virus///)) Inside the military is a huge divide..... Top [ DS] commanders are linked to the kickbacks, bribes and illegal investments, stocks into these gain of function deadly projects////// >The white Hats military are coming closer to seizing ALL the Bio labs and LEVEL 4 labs in the U.S.///// I many of you are in fear over fear mongering...... And confusion...... But we are in a state ( world/) of WAR and things are at the critical moment With RUSSIA/ CHNIA/ TAIWAN/Economic COLLAPSE, MOUSEPOX and complete civil unrest (war) they are planning for the U.S. ..... These EVENTS occurring was what several channels and truthers were trying to WARN you about the past year and half coming///)) _____ Be strong and keep your spiritual armor on!. Have Faith and HOPE/////
  • Will November 8th midterms get cancelled or rescheduled?
    On October 30th, at midnight EST, there will be the beginning of a 10 – 14 day period of no communication systems. Internet, phone, and cell phone service will all cease... From October 30th onward during the period of transition, the US (and some other countries), will be under martial law... Generally speaking, there will be no interruption of power, water, and utilities, although minor interruptions may occur in specific areas for unique reasons... US Mid-Term elections scheduled for November 7th will be canceled / postponed until such time as they can be conducted using the new Quantum election system and reflecting the changes to the United States Federal Government. It is suggested that everyone have adequate stored food, medicines, and other essential supplies to cover their needs during this two-week period, as many businesses will not function without communication services. Please consider the needs of others who may experience hardship in this situation. Neighbors are encouraged to consider all other neighbors and provide compassionate support for each other. What to EXPECT: _Several STATES.WILL Contest the outcome of the ELECTIONS And will HALT the Elections _BIDENs EO on Elections was improperly made( mistakes on purpose) and these Will STALL the Elections from going forward in November _Bill Gates WARNED the elections will not happen And lead to Civil War ( this shitturd knows slot because he's invested in the outcome and has [ DS] Mil.Intel ties _RUSSIA and several countries Mil INTEL and WIRES; all report ELECTION DISRUPTIONS INCOMING _ _ _ _ _ _many things are slated..... But what's important is BIDENs approval rating has hit 19% ( If you know what that mean...80% and more of Americans have reached the Military intervention RED>> LINE/////)/ >>>>>>>>> Everything leads too Military is the only way Q We all know this FALSE FLAG EVENT by DEEP STATE to bring U.S. INTO FULL WAR before the ELECTIONS...... Even> Col. Douglas MacGregor Gave a statement saying the BIDEN admin is PUSHING for Ukraine to initiate attacks on RUSSIAN for the cause of stopping U.S. ELECTIONS
  • The greatest chess game of all time?
    The Best Chess Games of all time: 1: Kasparov vs. Topalov, Wijk aan Zee 1999... Despite losing a historic match to the computer engine Deep Blue two years earlier, Garry Kasparov was at the height of his powers in 1999, winning tournaments by big margins and recording the highest Elo rating ever at that time (2851). I Found The GREATEST Game | Kasparov vs Topalov 1999... Hikaru analyzes Kasparov vs. Topalov 1999, also known as Kaspaov's Immortal, and reveals the secrets behind why it's such an incredible game.
  • Pointing fingers at 3 letter orgs
    Ron Paul on the FBI and CIA
  • Politics and Election Integrity
    2020 Election Irregularities... This website aims to summarize and curate the major irregularities and unresolved anomalies in the 2020 presidential election. Every piece of evidence is sourced from news reports, sworn affidavits, data analyses, or witness testimonies at state legislatures or U.S. Senate hearings.
    New York Judge Rules that Continued Absentee Mail-In Voting Based on COVID is Unconstitutional... Allowing New Yorkers to vote by mail due to fear of COVID-19 is unconstitutional, a state judge said Friday in a ruling that Republican and Conservative Party leaders hailed as a victory for fair elections. Early Voting and Mail Ballot Turnouts Point to 2020 Replay... Nationwide early voting and vote-by-mail turnout trends for the 2022 midterm election reflect a pattern similar to that of the pandemic-skewered 2020 election. Florida police cameras show August arrests for alleged voter fraud... Newly obtained police body camera video shows Tampa Police officers arresting confused and stunned convicted felons for allegedly voting illegally in the 2020 election.
  • How do you win every chess game you ever play? ... Always play with yourself!

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🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
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