BullShift News Checkmate

October 19th, 2022
The Real Fauci
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“The most pressing ethical question is to make sure that everything you do from a scientific standpoint is done for the ultimate good and positive issue for the people that you're caring about.” ― Anthony Fauci

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  • The Fauci hoax and the Real Anthony Fauci movie
    The Real Anthony Fauci Movie (Free for 9 days)... Within the first 5 minutes, you know why Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s blockbuster bestelling book The Real Anthony Fauci is now a full-length feature documentary exposing Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government. "The COVID antibody has no path into the lung. When I disocovered this, I let Dr. Fauci know. I did run it by my mentor, the Director of Ophtho at Johns Hopkins... So, being me. And wordy. But precise and detail oriented. I wrote back a 73 page letter to Dr. Fauci. Explaining every aspect of this huge mistake. No reply. Of course, I sent him email after email. and even Dr. Francis Collins who happens to be the NIH director... I told Moderna I would release the tape on twitter. Fast forward. A couple of days ago, big news breaks and its huge on twitter, Pfizer admits did not test for viral transmission... But backing up and explaining the stupidity of the COVID vaccine hypothesis. Our lung is basically a pocket of air. Our body, mostly water. If our lung couldn't keep water out, we would have drowned in our own fluids. Our lung has this waterproof barrier... this waterproof barrier can keep tiny little water molecules weighing only 18 daltons, OUT of our lung. So, COVID enormous antibody molecules are made in the blood/lymph. to get into our lungs, they have only one option, to pass through our LUNG BARRIER... These crazy big COVID antibody molecules weigh 145,000 daltons. If a water molecule looks like a diet coke, covid antibodies are the size of a mini-suv. so, the lung barrier can keep water molecules out and will never let in COVID antibodies into our lung... Even crazier, in 2020, NOT one person in the US who got COVID for the first time (or anyone else for that matter) had a SINGLE COVID antibody in their system. Millions got COVID and healed within a week to 10 days WITHOUT COVID antibodies... To have helped anyone who recovered from COVID in 2020, the COVID antibody would have needed to actually BE there. It wasn't. To have helped, it would have needed a TIME MACHINE. Per fauci, follow the science? or the science fiction?... Very importantly, SOMETHING saved us in 2020, and it was NOT the COVID antibody. So, that SOMETHING, whatever it was, it's important to KNOW. Because if we know what it WAS, we can FACILITATE IT... That SOMETHING that saved us in 2020, I call it the LEE Enzyme (For fun). It's the ribonuclease enzyme. Why wouldn't this be it? IT was actually THERE in the year 2020. Not the COVID antibody. It was actually IN our lung cells, NOT the COVID antibody... The FUNCTION of a ribonuclease enzyme is to DESTROY RNA, not just OUR RNA, COVID viral RNA TOO, very interestingly, COVID VACCINE RNA TOO. anyone wonder why the COVID mRNA vaccine was FROzen?? Cuz, this LEE ribonuclease... "but the mrna vaccine clinial trials showed such good results". ha. Can we clearly say it was NOT the antibody that can't enter the lung? maybe.. it was the SIDE EFFECT of the vaccine, tricking the body into making chemokines and interferon, giving us muscle aches?... So, told money fauci, repeat the clinial trial. Compare the COVID mRNA vaccine to the FLU vaccine. What? why? flu vaccine doesn't make a covid antibody. It DOES ALSO have the main similar side effects of muscle aches and tricking the body into making chemokines... If the FLU vaccine ALSO works just as well as the COVID vaccine, against COVID... hmmm. just maybe the side effects of tricking the body into producing interferon (anti viral by the way), is what resulted in the good results??? (even tetanus shots protect againt COVID)... So then, the COVID vaccine works, very temporarily, AS A MEDICINE??? IT's NOT then a VACCINE? Cuz the reason why it's working is the induction of chemokines by the BODY? holy cow. Then, should you REALLY give people a Medicine when they don't have the illness??? hmmmm... Back to what saved us in 2020. The ribonuclease. The SECRET and the CURE is HOW to activate this enzyme to destroy RNA. FASTING. Fasting activates this ribonuclease and ACTIVATES MORE of these ribonuclease enzymes. FASTING FOR TWO DAYS IS THE CURE... Here is the biochemistry behind it. Fasting increases reactive oxygen species, which oxidizes 6 sulfhyrdryl groups on the ribonuclease inhibitor, that then releases the ribonuclease which is extremely efficient at destroying RNA....
  • Order of Quetzalcoatl - "Q"
    9 Facts About Quetzalcoatl... 1. His Roots Go Back as Far as the Ancient Olmec 2. Quetzalcoatl May Be Based on a Historical Person 3. Quetzalcoatl Fought With His Brother 4. And Committed Incest With His Sister 5. The Cult of Quetzalcoatl Was Widespread 6. Quetzalcoatl Was Many Gods in One 7. Quetzalcoatl Had Many Different Appearances 8. His Association With the Conquistadors Was Likely Made Up 9. The Mormons Believe He Was Jesus Order of Quetzalcoatl... The Order of Quetzalcoatl, colloquially known as the "Q", is a Masonic invitational body. It is heavily involved in philanthropy, and its main contribution is towards transportation funds for Shriners hospitals.
  • Breaking down how BLM spent the $800 Million it raised
    Documentary discovers how the $800 Million dollars raised by BLM were spent...... #blmfuneral
  • The Mystery that the Embalmers Uncovered
    Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Characteristics... Several embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, “fibrous” and rubbery clots inside the corpses they treat, and are speaking out about their findings. Numerous embalmers from different states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they have been seeing these strange clots, starting from either 2020 or 2021. It’s not yet known if the cause of the new clot phenomenon is COVID-19, vaccines, both, or something different.
  • Antartica Uncovered
    Incredible Recent Discoveries in Antarctica!... The Moon rotates around the Earth at about the same speed, as it does around its axis, that’s why we can only see one side of it. It means that 41% of its surface hasn’t been explored yet! This fact surprises many people, as we are used to thinking that we know everything about all things in the world. While even our own planet remains a mystery to us.
  • A light body prayer from the Aramaic Lord's Prayer
    Abwün Oh Thou, from whom the breath of life comes, d'bwaschmāja who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration Nethkādasch schmach May Your light be experienced in my utmost holiest Tété malkuthach. Your Heavenly Domain approaches. Nehwa trevjanach aikana d'bwaschmája af b'arha. Let Your will come true-in the universe (all that vibrates) just as on earth (that is material and dense). Hawvian lachma d'sûnkanan jaomana. Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need, Waschboklån chauben wachtahin aikana daf chnän schwoken l'chaijaben, detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma) like we let go the guilt of others. Wela tachlan l'nesjuna Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations), ela patzån min bischa. but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose. Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l'ahlâm almin. From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act, the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age. Amin. Sealed in trust, faith and truth. (I confirm with my entire being) O, Birther of the Cosmos, focus your light within us - make it useful Create your reign of unity now Your one desire then acts with ours, As in all light, So in all forms, Grant us what we need each day in bread and insight: Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, As we release the strands we hold of other's guilt. Don't let surface things delude us, But free us from what holds us back. From you is born all ruling will, The power and the life to do, The song that beautifies all, From age to age it renews. I affirm this with my whole being.
  • How Europe's Borders changed from 1140 to 2012
    Europe's borders change from 1140 to 2012 simulated...
  • The Golden Cube and symbolism of the cube
    Symbolism of the Cube... A few years ago, I was sitting in the back of the church, reading silently about the enormous golden Cube — the golden cube that comes down from heaven when Christ returns to reign. It’s “1,500 miles in each dimension, with walls of jasper and precious stones, buildings of gold and gates of pearl.” (Barker, p. 1) The golden cube symbolizes the Bride, the Holy of Holies — the Kingdom of God. When Christ, the bridegroom, returns to earth, the Bride will receive Him, and then He will establish the Kingdom of God on earth.
  • The three musketeers of alternative social media: Trump, Musk, and West
    Kanye West to Buy Parler, a Libertarian Social-Media Platform, Company Says... Parler’s parent company, Parlement Technologies, says it agreed to a deal in principle with the entertainer for undisclosed terms
  • What would Walt Disney say?
    What Would Walt Disney Say About Those Ruining His Dynasty Today?... To many American families, The Walt Disney Company has “GROOMING” and “WOKE” image problems and it shows. While consumer prices continue to skyrocket up under the Biden regime, it appears new data for Disney is disappointing.
  • Oregon's Drug Decriminalization 2 Years Later...
    Oregon botched drug treatment plan tied to decriminalization... Oregon officials and lawmakers say efforts to get millions of dollars in funding to treatment centers and related services as part of the state's pioneering drug decriminalization have been botched even as drug addictions and overdoses increase Oregon's Pioneering Drug Decriminalization Experiment Is Now Facing The Hard Test... Last fall Oregon voters decriminalized possession of small amounts of almost all hard drugs, taking a groundbreaking step away from the arrest, charge and jail model for possession that's been a centerpiece of American drug policy since President Richard Nixon declared his War on Drugs 50 years ago this week. Overdose Deaths Rose During The War On Drugs, But Efforts To Reduce Them Face Backlash Oregonians overwhelmingly passed Measure 110 that makes possession of small amounts of cocaine, heroin, LSD and methamphetamine, among other drugs, punishable by a civil citation — akin to a parking ticket — and a $100 fine. That fee can get waived if you get a health screening from a recovery hotline. Drug Decriminalization in Oregon, One Year Later: Thousands of Lives Not Ruined by Possession Arrests, $300 Million+ in Funding for Services... As Infrastructure is Built Out, More Community Organizations Secure Funding & Awareness of Services Grows, Oregonians Start Receiving the Support they Need Two Years Later, Oregon's Drug Decriminalization is Not Going Well ... "Treatment over prison for people with a substance use disorder" is a common refrain—and one that most people agree with. It was the central campaign theme in Oregon when the state decriminalized all drugs by passing Measure 110 with the support of nearly 60 percent of voters in 2020.
  • WARGAMES: Shall we play a game? Global Thermonuclear War!
    MOVIE: WARGAMES... NATO Kicks Off Nuclear War Games On Monday... The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has begun its annual military drills in preparation for nuclear war on Monday. American B-52 bombers will be joined by advanced aircraft from other alliance members as they simulate a war of annihilation with Russia. The war games, dubbed "Steadfast Noon," are scheduled to run through the end of October. Belgium is hosting the exercises which will take place over the North Sea and the United Kingdom. Some American aircraft will take off from bases in North Dakota.
  • Sleeper Cells in the US... Will a terrorist event be blamed on Russia?
    Venezuelan ex-convicts, paramilitary organizing 'cells' in U.S., says exiled Venezuelan officer... Rumors are circulating among Venezuelans in exile who are concerned about the arrival of Venezuelan paramilitary groups to the U.S.
  • Trump Subpoena for J6
    Trump Reportedly Says He’ll Testify Before The Jan. 6 Committee — On One Condition... After 14 months of House J6 hearings, the select committee threw a Hail Mary for relevance by subpoenaing former President Trump. Jan. 6 committee unanimously votes to subpoena Trump... Members of the Jan. 6 select committee unanimously voted on Thursday to issue a subpoena to former President Trump.
  • Should Nancy Pelosi get a subpoena? Evidence is mounting against her and her in-laws...
    Nancy Pelosi randomly had a film crew in her office at the Capitol on January 6th AND her son-in-law Michiel Vos came over from Europe to film and pose with Jake Angeli aka "The QAnon Shaman" on the Capitol steps. Don't worry though, Nancy didn't help coordinate and plan anything...
  • Political Porn... Literally!
    New York Congressional Candidate Makes Porn Video in Order to Show ‘Sex Positive’ Campaign... An independent congressional candidate in New York running to unseat Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., made a porn video to show off his “sex positive” campaign.
  • BU creates deadly COVID with 80% kill rate
    Boston University CREATES a new Covid strain that has an 80% kill rate — echoing dangerous experiments feared to have started pandemic... US researchers have developed a new lethal Covid strain in a laboratory – echoing the type of experiments many fear started the pandemic.
  • Maxwell Sings
    In a rare interview, Ghislaine Maxwell breaks her silence about her special friendship with Bill Clinton... Disgraced Ghislaine Maxwell is trying to appeal to the public for some mercy, showing herself to be ‘just a girl who made a mistake’ when she acted as an elite madame of young women, claiming in a recent interview that she wishes she had never met convicted disgraced and deceased Jeffrey Epstein. Ghislaine Maxwell Speaks Out on ‘Dear Friend’ Prince Andrew: ‘Yes, I Follow What is Happening to Him’... In an extraordinary interview from behind prison walls, Ghislaine Maxwell speaks for the first time about her ‘dear friend’ Prince Andrew, expressing sadness at his own catastrophic fall from grace. ‘Yes, I follow what is happening to him,’ Maxwell confirms. ‘He is paying such a price for the association with Jeffrey Epstein. I care about him, and I feel so bad for him.’
  • Off World Vehicles
    The Pentagon UFO Unit Says It Has Found “Off-World Vehicles” That Are “Not Made On This Earth”... For decades, disclosure has been one of, if not the most talked about topics in the UFO and alien community.
  • VIDEO Rescue of Human Trafficking Victim
    Police Bodycam Video Shows Rescue Of Kidnapped Woman... Newly released video shows the arrest of a man and his transgender lover after the pair allegedly kidnapped a woman. Authorities say they were planning to take her to a cave and brainwash her into marrying one of them.
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Special Report - Elections and Fraud
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Special Report - Persuasion Techniques
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - COVID and Vaccines
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Special Report - the History of Money
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - United States of America
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - The Capitol Insurrection
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Special Report - Blockchain and Crypto
BullShit News Blockchain Special Report
🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
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