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  • Title IV Flag - Maritime Law - Quantum Grammar
    :Russell-Jay: Gould. Postmaster General
    :Mark-kishon: Christopher. :Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge
    :David-Wynn: Miller. Quantum Grammar
    War Castles - Maritime Law - Russell J Gould and David Wynn Miller... This is a precursor to a video I posted the other day that has been taken down. Start here. I will get the other video back up. SERGEANT ROBERT HORTON – WAR CASTLES Overview ... SERGEANT ROBERT HORTON – WAR CASTLES Overview WAR CASTLES: THE MASONIC SYSTEM OF GLOBAL COMMAND & CONTROL – ROBERT L. HORTON Sergeant Robert Leroy Horton (US ARMY CIVIL AFFAIRS & PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS COMMAND) Trains US ARMY SPECIAL FORCES GREEN BERETS - explains how Russell Jay Gould & David Winn Miller saved our Republic in 1999. This video is long but well worth your time. Once you understand how the USA Corporation ties to the banking system then Trumps plans for the Republic of the USA will become clear. What country holds most of our debt? CHINA! Once the USA Corporation is desolved it will effect CHINA's economy this is why they wanted Biden in the White House. China owns Biden, the voter fraud & stolen votes cannot stand. Trump has helped to bankrupt the USA Corporation which is located in Washington, D.C. that is a foreign nation with in our boarders. Like the Vatican in Italy & the Corporation of London in England. The U.S. Military currently has Washington, D.C surrounded like a hostile foreign nation. Once this plays out NESARA will be implemented. The Act of 1871 created the USA Corporation, Trump is trying to bring back the Replublic of the USA and the stage is set. How it plays out is not clear to us therefore not clear to the Deep State. Watch this after you watch the one with the Whiteboard Do your own research... :Russell-Jay: Gould. Postmaster General :Mark-kishon: Christopher. :Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge :David-Wynn: Miller. #Title4Flag #QuantumGrammar #MartimeLaw 10-4 Jan A PLANETARY JUDGE FOR THE WORLD, A FACTUAL COURT! WITH MARK - KISHON CHRISTOPHER & CHARLIE WARD... : Russell-Jay: Gould. :LAST-FLAG-STANDING. : Website of :Russell-Jay: Gould.... : Russell-Jay: Gould. and the capture of the flag... Postmaster General... LAST-FLAG-STANDING: Russell-Jay: Gould.... A documentary on Russell-Jay-Gould VIDEO of history of American Flags in 80 seconds... Here's a list of various flags that have represented the U.S. throughout the nation's history: Sons of Liberty - 1767 Forster - 1775 Continental Colors - 1775 Gadsden - 1775 Betsy Ross - 1776 Francis Hopkinson - 1777 Cowpens - 1781 French Alliance - 1781 Indian Peace - 1803 Star-Spangled Banner - 1813 20-Star - 1818 Great Star (20) - 1818 Old Glory - 1822 Great Star (26) - 1837 Great Flower - 1861 Concentric Circle - 1877 48-Star - 1912 49-Star - 1959 50-Star - 1960 No one ever wants to ask the question of what backs a US Treasury Bond the gov sells to guarantee liquidity. I'll tell you, but you might need to sit down. It is people who have had a Cestui Que Vie Trust taken out under their name. This is a bond, which literally means enslaved. That bond is claimed by the US gov as an asset. The asset is placed up on the STOCK market (as in LIVEstock such as cattle, but worded in finance laws as "chattel" so as to not give away the true nature of what's happening) and offered for sale. Your bank and all the other banks around the world buy these bonds at night, then sell the next morning, profiteering off of the interest your own money allows them to invest. Every time it sells, it increases in value and they are usually worth many millions of dollar by the time you reach employment age. Here's how it works: At birth, the state you are born in has the doctor present a form (contract) to your mother to sign that claims she just gave birth (to you). This is a legal and binding claim known as an Affidavit once signed by two witnesses. In this case it will be signed by your doctor and an assistant right there in the hospital. That contract states that your mother is unmarried. Sure, she was more than likely married to your father at the time, but only her maiden name was on the contract, and that's how she signed it. Your father's name is nowhere to be found on that document. Why is that? Because each state has a law in place that any child born out of wedlock is automatically the legal property of that corporation. Yes, your state isn't merely a landmass, it is a subsidiary asset of the USA Corp. This means that the doctor just kidnapped that child and gave it away on paper. Oh, you can take the child home with you to feed and care for, but the state legally owns it. But the grift doesn't stop there. It gets even sicker. In order for that child now to become a bonded chattel (corporate asset), it must be monetized (think of this as a way to identify that livestock), so it is given a number that's on the birth certificate (CUSIP number). When the state has this number after about 3 days time, they now submit it to a Cestui Que Vie Trust taken out in the name of the child, claiming that the child died, but before doing so, they gained assets, so they insure the Trust at a cost of $100k that is worth $2m under the corporation asset listed in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Read more...
    See more in "1776" Special Feature
  • From Bitcoin to NOUR - The Divine Light - 12/18?
    What Is the Genesis Block in Bitcoin Terms?... On Jan. 3, 2009, an anonymous developer or group calling themselves Satoshi Nakamoto made history when they released the Genesis Block, the original block containing the first 50 bitcoins, onto Sourceforge. Unlike any of the hundreds of thousands of blocks that came after, Nakamoto left a message in the code of the block:1 "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks" That line comes straight from the headline of a London Times article dated Jan. 3, 2009, which detailed banks being bailed out by the British government.2 While Nakamoto never clearly stated the message's meaning, many have interpreted it as a reference to why Nakamoto developed Bitcoin: to cut out the banks and intermediaries viewed as corrupt and unreliable, electing to create a more people-driven currency. The origin of the Genesis Block is shrouded in mystery—who is Nakamoto, why the bitcoins within the original block remain unspendable, why the subsequent block took five (or six) days to mine, and why people still transfer bitcoins into the Genesis Block.3 The Missing Genesis Block: The XRP Ledger Early History ... The world of blockchain technology has witnessed remarkable advancements, revolutionizing the way we transact and store value. Among the prominent players in this ever-evolving landscape is the XRP Ledger (XRPL), a powerful and widely-used blockchain network known for its native digital asset, XRP. However, behind the success of XRPL lies a peculiar mystery – the absence of a recorded Genesis Block. Unraveling this enigma sheds light on the early days of Ripple’s history, the significance of Genesis Blocks in blockchain networks, and the intriguing consequences of this unusual anomaly on the XRPL’s functionality and industry perception. In this exploration, we delve into the intricacies of XRPL’s missing Genesis Block, seeking to understand the implications it holds for investors, blockchain enthusiasts, and the future of this captivating blockchain platform. 3 Satoshi-Era Bitcoin Whales Come Alive After 6 Years, Transfer $230M In A Day... Three Bitcoin BTC/USD wallets, dormant since the Satoshi period and last active six years ago, have transferred Bitcoins amounting to around $230 million. What Happened: Bitcoin whale wallets from the early stages of the Bitcoin network, often referred to as the ‘Satoshi-era’, have moved a total of 6,500 BTC. Data from BitInfoCharts reveals that the first wallet moved 2,550 BTC ($90 million). The second wallet transferred roughly 2,000 BTC ($71 million), and the third wallet moved around 1,950 BTC ($69 million). The three wallets have a similar history, with their last activity recorded on Nov. 5, 2017. The Bitcoin in these wallets dates back to July 2011 and is associated with F2Pool, a Bitcoin mining pool, suggesting the source of these Bitcoins could be early Bitcoin mining. Although it is not confirmed whether these wallets belong to the same owner, the wallet history and transaction patterns suggest this possibility. NOUR token... Organization Name CryptoG Group - Organization Description - CryptoG Group (the"Organization") is an anonymous, privately-owned non-profit organization of volunteered humanitarians and experts from various fields from all over the world. Since the year 2004, leveraging the best of the team's vast experience in FinTech along with the power of blockchain technology and supported by our anonymous community all around the world, we strive to break the conventional financial ground by bridging liberated governance to give back the power to the people. Email Address - cryptog.finance@protonmail.com Asset NOUR (GA2F CRDV WLTG OEZX AXM3 RTZ6 RI2S 2ZI3 XAAX 6MIL QWQB 6Z4C EXLH M4WP)...
  • Texas says that chemtrails are a problem
    Texas Becomes First State To Potentially Outlaw Chemtrails... Texas is set to become the first State to potentially outlaw the spraying of aerosolized particulate matter into the skies – a phenomenon commonly referred to as “chemtrails.” A PETITION FOR THE CITIZENS OF TEXAS:... This is a petition to prohibit the continuation of aerosolized spraying without prior testing and the formalized approval of public representatives to ensure the safety of our families and our environment. Geoengineering Watch... NSF 66-3 WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODIFICATION Report of the SPECIAL COMMISSION ON WEATHER MOIJIFICATION NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION ... Of Weather Control Or Modification Patents (Class 239/2.1) ... List of patents Collapse of Earth's Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason... Earth's life support systems are breaking down, including the stratospheric ozone layer, which protects all higher life on the planet from deadly ultraviolet radiation. This breakdown is a direct result of human activities including the large-scale manipulation of processes that affect Earth's climate, otherwise known as geoengineering. We present further evidence that coal fly ash, utilized in tropospheric aerosol geoengineering, is the primary cause of stratospheric ozone depletion, not chlorofluorocarbons, as "decreed" by the Montreal Protocol. The misdiagnosis was a potentially fatal mistake by mankind. Coal fly ash particles, uplifted to the stratosphere, are collected and trapped by polar stratospheric clouds. In springtime, as these clouds begin to melt/evaporate, multiple coal fly ash compounds and elements are released to react with and consume stratospheric ozone. Contrary to the prevailing narrative, the stratospheric ozone layer has already been badly damaged and now increasingly deadly ultraviolet radiation, UV-B and UV-C, penetrates to Earth's surface. Our time is short to permanently end all geoengineering activities, and to reduce and/or eliminate all sources of aerosolized coal fly ash, including first and foremost the jet-sprayed emplacements into the troposphere that are systematically breaking down Earth's support systems and poisoning life on this planet. Petition Seeks to Eliminate Chemtrails in Skies Over Texas... Fed up Texans are asking their representatives to stop the spraying of aerosolized particulate matter into the state’s skies – a phenomenon commonly referred to as “chemtrails.” In a petition recently launched at ipetitions.com, the group Clean Skies Texas is collecting signatures to ask legislators to pass laws banning atmospheric aerosol spraying without prior approval and testing of the chemicals being sprayed.
  • Juan gets serious
    JUAN O SAVIN- To SAVE AMERICA? Stand with GOD!- VEM MILLER 11 13 2023... (Juan gets serious) VEM MILLER WITH BLOOD MONEY. You might not hear from Juan for a while because his voice is going. Just overuse and travel, happened before, so do not worry. He doesn't get sick often. Honey, lemon tea. And he needs to rest. (but he won't) We are coming into a time where there is no quick solution. This is one of those Presentations where Juan lays it all out because of the way things look. What are the next few moves and who is going to counter the infiltration of these masses and how does that look to us? Are we going to make it for potentially SIX MONTHS of DISRUPTION?? If you can last through this one.. your score card just got an extra boost. Vem is a great host. This was clipped to just Juan's part of the Presentation. And it is one of the best.
  • Who is the Real Enemy?
    VIDEO SHOCKING History You Were Never Told. They Teach False History To Keep The Population Unaware Of The Real Enemy. The Revolutionary War Was NOT About Tea Taxes... Benjamin Franklin On The REAL Cause Of The War Of Independence. It Was The Rothschild Banking Takeover Of Their Money In England 🚨 “—What was the real reason for the Revolutionary War? Very interesting. Not what you were taught in school. Real reason for the Revolutionary War. Here's a few quotes from William Manley German in a speech to the House of Commons December 1913. The Rothschild's Bank caused a bill to be introduced in the English Parliament, which provided that no colony of England could issue its own money. Thus, they had to use English money. The colonies were compelled to discard their money and mortgage themselves to the Rothschild's Bank of England to get money. Then, for the first time in the history of the United States, money began to be based on debt. Benjamin Franklin stated that in one year from that date, the streets of the colonies were filled with the unemployed. Franklin later claimed this was the real cause of the War of Independence. He said the colonies, you know, we heard it was the Tea Act, right? You know, things like tea tax and stuff. The colonies would gladly have, this is according to Benjamin Franklin, the colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England and the Rothschilds Bank took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment, dissatisfaction, and debt. And that is the real cause, folks, of the war. Next thing that I want to talk about real quick is something called the definitive trading. We heard this nasty rumor that we won the Revolutionary War. Ain't true! We did not win it. The last battle that was fought, Cornwallis, surrendered the battle, not the war. Proof? About one year ago, this document, which I just threw on the floor came into the country, it was brought in by some folks that I know. It's called the definitive treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States signed at Paris 3 September 1783. It had never been in this country before that. This is what really, really, really happened. You think there was a war? Nah, read this. Listen to this. And again I've got this stuff available for anybody who wants to look at it later. Here's an introduction. It having pleased the divine providence to dispose the hearts of the most serene and most potent prince. This is somebody that lost the battle as the most potent prince. I don't think so. George III, by the grace of God, listen to this, here's his titles. King of Great Britain. France. Who did we borrow the money from that helped us win the war, we thought? France? Now we owe that money to the King of England? Interesting. Ireland, defender of the faith, youth of Brunswick and Lunenburg, archtreasurer and prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire, treasurer of the Catholic Church, positions all over, etc. And it goes on and on and on and on and on. What happens is we start looking then at who are the parties to the treaty. We find out the parties to the treaty is this guy named John Adams, comma, Esquire. Does anybody know where you go get an Esquire title? England. I don't think we gave them out. Benjamin Franklin, Esquire. John Jay, Esquire. These were all people who were titled nobility in England, who were negotiating this treaty. And do you know what the treaty really said? The treaty really said, it's agreed that everything that England and the people of England and the King and whoever else owned and any obligations that existed before this treaty are still law. The King still owns it. The King still owed all the money. Nothing changed except we could govern ourselves theoretically as long as we paid the rent” I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits but this is an excellent listen!
  • Social Score System Rollout - May I see your vaccine ID?
    UN Launches Gates-Funded Global Digital ID Program as Experts Warn of ‘Totalitarian Nightmare’... With support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations this month launched its “50-in-5” campaign to promote and accelerate the development of a global digital public infrastructure. One critic called the campaign “a totalitarian nightmare” designed to “onboard” small countries with “digital ID, digital wallets, digital lawmaking, digital voting and more.”
  • Battery Wars
    New Battery Crushes Tesla's Tech, Unveils A Solid-State Marvel With 300% Higher Energy Density, 15-Minute Ultra-Fast Charge... In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicle (EV) technology, a new player is emerging as a formidable challenger to Tesla Inc.’s dominance. QuantumScape, a Silicon Valley-based startup, is revolutionizing the EV battery market with its cutting-edge solid-state batteries. The batteries are touted to have triple the energy density of Tesla’s lithium-ion cells, significantly faster charging times and a safer, more sustainable design.
  • Seth Rich's Laptop
    Federal Judge Orders FBI To Finally Release Seth Rich's Laptop... The murder of Seth Rich has long been one of the stones left unturned since the fall out following the 2016 presidential election. Rich, a 27-year old staffer for the Democratic National Committee was shot twice in the back on July 10th, 2016 while walking back to his home in Washington DC. He was not robbed, yet his death was ruled nothing more than a botched robbery.
  • Cybertruck Rollout - living Mad Max
    Cybertruck doors are bulletproof to 45 and 9mm... Elon Musk's Cybertruck is already a production nightmare for Tesla... Musk says Tesla is digging its own grave with the Cybertruck, full of 'a lot of bells and whistles' Mad Max... Mad Max is an Australian post-apocalyptic and dystopian action film series and media franchise created by George Miller and Byron Kennedy. It began in 1979 with Mad Max, and was followed by three sequels: Mad Max 2 (1981, released in the United States as The Road Warrior), Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) and Mad Max: Fury Road (2015); Miller directed or co-directed all four films. Mel Gibson portrayed the titular character Max Rockatansky in the first three films, while Tom Hardy portrayed the character in Mad Max: Fury Road.
  • Maui Investigations
    Subpoenas served on Maui as AG pushes for key information in its wildfire investigation... Attorney General Anne Lopez announced today that her office continues to aggressively push the first phase of the independent investigation into the Maui wildfires forward. Critical facts are still needed from several key stakeholders for Phase 1 to be completed. The timeline for the release of the Phase 1 findings is dependent on the Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) gaining access to all facts before completing Phase 1 and a comprehensive scientific analysis on how the fire incident unfolded. “Until that happens, this critical process cannot move forward,” said Attorney General Lopez. Subpoenas have been served upon the Maui Emergency Management Agency, the County of Maui Department of Public Works, and the County of Maui Department of Water Supply. Subpoenas will allow the Attorney General to collect information in a timely manner.
  • iPhone NameDrop
    Police Warn Parents About iPhone’s New ‘NameDrop’ Feature... Multiple U.S. police departments issued alerts about a new iPhone feature that allows sharing contact info and images wirelessly between two closely held devices, warning that the feature could pose a risk to children and other vulnerable individuals. “If you have an iPhone and have done the recent iOS 17 update, they’ve installed a feature called NameDrop. This feature allows you to easily share contact information and photos to another iPhone by just holding the phones close together,” the Middletown Division of Police, Ohio, said in a Nov. 26 Facebook post. “PARENTS: Don’t forget to change these settings on your child’s phone to help keep them safe as well!” “With this feature enabled, anyone can place their phone next to yours (or your child’s phone) and automatically receive their contact information to include their picture, phone number, email address, and more, with a tap of your unlocked screen,” the Watertown CT Police Department, Connecticut, said in another post.
  • Alternative/Natural Remedies
    IF YOU SUFFER F R O M INFLAMMATION LISTEN TO THIS!... VIDEO Hystotripsy to treat cancer... VIDEO Vitamin D3 ... Here’s the truth about Vitamin D. Must Watch VIDEO treating pneumonia with onions... "This is how you defeat pneumonia naturally.." Dr Peter McCullough: Povidone Iodine, Oral and Nasal Hygiene (2023)... VIDEO Decalcify your pineal... HAVE Y O U DECALCIFIED YET? VIDEO Iron Deficiency... W H A T SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU HAVE AN IRON DEFICIENCY VIDEO breathing hydrogen peroxide... I found this video about hydrogen peroxide The Med Bed Revolution: Transform Your Age with the DNA Replicator and Restorator!... In the unrelenting quest for scientific breakthroughs, we’ve stumbled upon a revelation that challenges the very essence of our existence. Picture this: a world where age is just a number, a mere flip of a switch. This isn’t the script of a sci-fi movie; it’s a burgeoning reality. The implications of this are profound, unsettling, and irresistibly intriguing. Imagine an 80-year-old with a desire not just to reminisce about youth but to relive it, to reset the clock back to 30. This isn’t a fanciful daydream; it’s a possibility that’s closer than we think. With grandchildren and a lifetime of experiences, this transformation isn’t just physical; it’s a complete existential overhaul. VIDEO AR E YOU SUFFERING FROM INFLAMMATION? WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? - Gary Brecka... VIDEO IS CANCER P A R A S I T E S ? - Lee Merritt... VIDEO THERE ARE MANY TYPES OF NATURAL PARASITE CLEANSES... THIS ONE IS VERY SAFE! VIDEO T H E Y DON ' T W A N T YOU TO KNOW T H I S ! - Dr. Lee Merritts... VIDEO Dr. Stanislow Burzynski's discovery of peptides that may cure cancer... WHY WAS DR BURZYNSKI TARGETED FOR DISCOVERING A LINK BETWEEN CANCER PATIENTS + THEIR LACK OF SPECIFIC PEPTIDES? DR. BURZYNSKI CURED MANY PEOPLE WHO HAD CANCERS, BUT WAS INDICTED + FACED 75 FELONY CHARGES IN 1995 VIDEO making colloidal silver... VIDEO CONQUER YEAST + FUNGUS IN THE BODY - Barbara O’Neill... Kill the fungus with garlic and watermelon
  • Ndranghetta
    One of the biggest discoveries I've ever been a part of was the 'Ndrangheta arrests on Sunday the 7th of July 2019, reported on Monday the 8th of July 2019, in São Paolo Brazil. Many of you know this story. This was the same weekend that Jeffrey Epstein was arrested...so naturally, Epstein dominated the news cycle. After learning all I have learned, I now wonder if Epstein's arrest was actually Deep State ammunition being expended? Considering the fact that I believe I'm just about the only Anon digging continuously on this topic for the past 4.5 years, it looks like their Epstein distraction worked. Nicola Assisi and his son Patrick were arrested in São Paolo Brazil on Sunday the 7th of July, 2019. Nicola was a MAJOR figure in the 'Ndrangheta Mafia out of Calabria, Italy. Nicola personally oversaw the majority of the Ndrangheta's cocaine trafficking to Europe and the United States. According to Forbes magazine, the Ndrangheta made more profit per year than freaking McDonalds and Duestche Bank - combined! They're by far the most successful and powerful Mafia in the world, yet most people have never heard of them. There's a reason for that.
  • Mainstream Factcheck of Pizzagate spells it out
    VIDEO mainstream fact check of pizzagate... The Only Mainstream Media Reporter Speaking The Truth About PizzaGate. Ben Swann Brought Real Facts About The Pedophile Ring To The Entire World, He Was Then Fired By CBS Ben Swann ( @BenSwann_ ) “I spent the last month investigating. So what exactly is Pizzagate, and are there any actual facts to support this story? I've got to warn you. What we're gonna talk about tonight will be disturbing to some people, but this is a reality check you won't see anywhere else. Pizzagate actually comes from the WikiLeaks release of hacked emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. In all, WikiLeaks dumped around 50,000 email messages, and it was from those emails that the claims that John Podesta may be part of a child sex trafficking ring come from? To be clear, not 1 single email in the Podesta emails discusses child sex trafficking or pedophilia. That is a fact. But there are dozens of what seemed to be strangely worded emails dealing with pizza and handkerchiefs. Self described online investigators say that those words in the emails about pizza and the talk of handkerchiefs is code language used by pedophiles. So how did a DC pizza parlor get pulled into the story? Well, again, read any mainstream report, and they indicate that Comet Ping Pong Pizza was somehow linked to this fake story and has no relation to anyone involved. But the truth is that's not true either. What media is ignoring is that the Comet Ping Pong pizza place is actually referenced in the Podesta emails at least a dozen or so times and that the owner of that place, James Alfantis, is a friend of John Podesta. He was actually named, this is kinda strange, by GQ Magazine as one of the top 50 most powerful people in Washington. Yes. We're talking about a pizza parlor owner. Now let's talk facts here. There is no solid evidence that Comet Ping Pong Pizza is being used to run a child sex trafficking ring. But There are some very strange connections between Comet Ping Pong Pizza and a 2nd pizza place 2 doors over, Besta Pizza, and the accusations of pedophilia. Now this is where things start to get strange when you research the story. Now to begin, I need to show you a 2007 unclassified FBI document. That document, According to the FBI, contains commonly used symbols by pedophiles to express their preference in children. I want you to see these images here. These are the images. Notice this 1 on the end, the triangle. That image signifies something called boy love. The pizza place next door to Comet Ping Pong Pizza, Besta Pizza. Well, this was their logo until only a few weeks ago. Clearly, you can see But the Besta logo actually contains the same image, I'm gonna show you again, as that boy lover image. Interestingly, after Pizzagate investigators pointed this out, Besta Pizza changed their logo, and there it is now. They removed the triangle. Also, Comet Ping Pong, owned by Alphantis, is the place where a number of performance artists perform regularly. 2 of the groups that perform You who you can see advertised, by the way, on this Comet Ping Pong poster include a group called Heavy Breathing and another group called Sex Stains. Well, Well, if you check out the YouTube videos by these bands, Heavy Breathing has songs that do joke about pedophilia, and the band Sex Stains has a video that includes, and you see it right there, That same boy lover symbol, it's nearly identical to the one that the FBI does say is a pedophile code symbol for boy love.” This is over 5 minutes of pure gold. I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits but this is an EXCELLENT listen! 🔊 #PizzaGate
  • Henry Kissinger
    This was the last vessel of the reptilian Pidkozox (leader of dark forces, satan) before confinement by Galactic Federation. The soul was already gone. We've been seeing his clones for years. Henry Kissinger, former secretary of state and presidential adviser, dies at 100... Henry Kissinger, the former U.S. secretary of state during the Nixon and Ford administrations who was said to be one of the most influential and controversial foreign policy framers in postwar United States, has died. He was 100. The world just got a little safer... Henry Kissinger is dead... RIP Ghoul...... Who’s his replacement? Klaus Schwab is his protege… Declassified CIA and Henry Kissinger State Department Records... On Tuesday, February 16, 2016, the CIA announced that it released scanned copies of approximately 750,000 pages of declassified intelligence papers, records, research files, and other content through the CIA’s Records Search Tool (CREST), which is located at the National Archives at College Park, MD. Read press release: CIA Releases Declassified Documents to National Archives
  • Is light a particle or a wave?
    Wave–particle duality quantified for the first time... One of the most counterintuitive concepts in physics – the idea that quantum objects are complementary, behaving like waves in some situations and like particles in others – just got a new and more quantitative foundation. In a twist on the classic double-slit experiment, scientists at Korea’s Institute for Basic Sciences (IBS) used precisely controlled photon sources to measure a photon’s degree of wave-ness and particle-ness. Their results, published in Science Advances, show that the properties of the photon’s source influence its wave and particle character – a discovery that complicates and challenges the common understanding of complementarity.
  • College is losing its appeal
    How the college degree lost its value: Nearly half of US companies plan to ax Bachelor's degree requirements - after Walmart, Accenture and IBM led the charge... Some 45% of companies plan to eliminate bachelor's degree requirements And 55% said they'd already eliminated bachelor's degree requirements in 2023 Walmart , IBM , Accenture and Google are among those to have led the charge
  • Sustainable Concrete
    Experts revive ancient techniques to make concrete more sustainable... A team of experts from EPFL, ETH Zurich and a Geneva-based architecture firm has developed a new type of non-reinforced concrete made from stone offcuts. Their method, which reduces the use of carbon-intensive cement-based binders, draws on ancient techniques uncovered in historical archives. Some walls could easily be built without reinforced concrete, a material that accounts for a large share of the construction industry's carbon footprint. In fact, these walls could even be made from unprocessed quarry waste. To see how this might be possible, the research team—consisting of experts from EPFL's Archives of Modern Construction (Acm) research group, the ETH Zurich Chair of Sustainable Construction, and Archiplein—delved into historical archives to unearth forgotten construction methods.
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Special Report - the History of Money
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🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
Past Editions:
11/19/2023 11/09/2023 10/13/2023 09/19/2023 09/11/2023 09/03/2023 08/26/2023 08/22/2023 08/11/2023 08/04/2023 07/28/2023 07/21/2023 07/14/2023 07/08/2023 07/07/2023 06/23/2023 06/15/2023 06/10/2023 06/08/2023 06/06/2023 06/02/2023 06/01/2023 05/26/2023 05/24/2023 05/20/2023 05/19/2023 05/18/2023 05/17/2023 05/11/2023 05/10/2023 05/05/2023 05/04/2023 05/03/2023 05/02/2023 04/28/2023 04/27/2023 04/26/2023 04/25/2023 04/21/2023 04/19/2023 04/18/2023 04/15/2023 04/14/2023 04/13/2023 04/12/2023 04/07/2023 04/06/2023 04/05/2023 04/04/2023 03/31/2023 03/30/2023 03/29/2023 03/28/2023 03/25/2023 03/24/2023 03/23/2023 03/22/2023 03/21/2023 03/20/2023 03/17/2023 03/16/2023 03/15/2023 03/14/2023 03/11/2023 03/10/2023 03/09/2023 03/08/2023 03/07/2023 03/04/2023 03/03/2023 03/02/2023 03/01/2023 02/28/2023 02/24/2023 02/23/2023 02/22/2023 02/21/2023 02/17/2023 02/16/2023 02/15/2023 02/14/2023 02/10/2023 02/09/2023 02/08/2023 02/07/2023 02/06/2023 02/02/2023 02/01/2023 01/31/2023 01/27/2023 01/26/2023 01/25/2023 01/24/2023 01/20/2023 01/19/2023 01/18/2023 01/17/2023 01/13/2023 01/12/2023 01/11/2023 01/10/2023 01/07/2023 01/06/2023 01/05/2023 01/04/2023 12/23/2022 12/22/2022 12/21/2022 12/20/2022 12/17/2022 12/16/2022 12/15/2022 12/14/2022 12/13/2022 12/10/2022 12/09/2022 12/08/2022 12/07/2022 12/06/2022 12/02/2022 12/01/2022 2022 2021 2020