BullShift News Coin Cover

April 7-11, 2023
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

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  • It's time to laugh
    I only saw a snippet of his stand up a while back but this had me hysterical this morning 😅 sharing the laughs with you! Enjoy
  • Castor Oil
    Unlearn what you have been taught because it's all been lies
  • Hand Gestures
    Trust the plan🤣👌 Nah man. The shocker is two in the goo, one in the poo. Prince Harry’s Hand Gesture: What Does It Mean?... Body language experts have analyzed the Harry hand gesture, and many of them seem to believe it’s a self-protective barrier that Harry is placing between himself and the crowd, a sign that he’s not quite comfortable in the setting. That would fit with him tending to do the gesture in formal settings.
  • When will they release all of the JFK files?
    The CIA’s Sinister 'Transparency Plan' for JFK Files... The website of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), where all files in the JFK Collection are housed, now features links to official documentation on a new process governing disclosure of records related to the JFK assassination that is not written into law and not approved by Congress. By publishing these materials on behalf of executive branch agencies still in control of such files, the National Archives is helping the CIA, FBI, National Security Agency (NSA) and others to evade their legal obligations under the JFK Records Act, passed unanimously by Congress in 1992.
  • Bud Light Boycott
    "We just refused our #Budlight orders for my liquor store. We are pulling it from our shelves. We are not the only ones according to our reps. They said it's bad." She’s in Bud Light ads and all over the internet. Who is Dylan Mulvaney?... Dylan Mulvaney’s videos have all the hallmarks of a star social media influencer: cheery reels promoting her favorite sponsored products, dramatically staged glamour shots and behind-the-scenes selfies with her famous friends. But after a recent video promoting Bud Light beer, Mulvaney, a trans actress and comic, became the subject of anti-trans attacks. Right-wing media figures also called for a boycott of Bud Light and its parent company, Anheuser-Busch.
  • Bee Vaccine
    The first-ever vaccine for honeybees has been approved by the USDA... The United States Department of Agriculture has approved the first-ever vaccine for honeybees to prevent American foulbrood disease, a fatal bacterial disease that can destroy honeybee colonies, officials say. The USDA told CNN that it issued a conditional vaccine license to Diamond Animal Health, the collaborating manufacturer for Dalan Animal Health, on December 29. The agency said that it was its “first licensure of a honeybee product.”
  • Tesla's theory of gravity
    Nikola Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity... Tesla claimed to have developed his own physical principle regarding matter and energy that he started working on in 1892 and in 1937, at age 81, claimed in a letter to have completed a "dynamic theory of gravity" that "[would] put an end to idle speculations and false conceptions, as that of curved space" This theory is based on the work and ideas of Tesla although the main manuscript is lost many of his ideas and concepts on a gravitational theory can still be found. This video gives us an objective understanding of the electromagnetic force explaining gravity as a secondary force to the EM force (Tesla dynamic theory of gravity). In this theory electrical potential, gravitational potential and human potential are all linked by one universal process! Also curved space is never empty because electric charge is an innate part of matter, there is always electromagnetic fields. Nikola Tesla: "There is nothing endowed with life—from man, who is enslaving the elements, to the nimblest creature—in all this world that does not sway in its turn. Whenever action is born from force, no matter how small it is the cosmic balance is upset and the universal motion results".
  • How to disable a robot security dog
    WATCH: Tips for disabling the dystopian robot dogs.... These robots were used in China to enforce quarantine rules during the plandemic.
  • Act blue... A sophisticated money laundering operation using innocent democrats to cover up their financial crimes?
    Money laundering through political donations
  • A map of the domes
    Over the Ice-Wall lies other Continents, that's the secret behind the Ant-Artica treaty. Domes on a super earth... The real flat earth by Martin Kenny
  • Parallel Worlds
    Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why... The most elegant interpretation of quantum mechanics is the universe is constantly splitting
  • Project Sandman and the history o f the dollar sign
    The Curious Origins of the Dollar Sign... Nobody knows for certain who invented the dollar sign. Rendered as the letter “S” struck through with one or two vertical lines, its use dates back at least to the late eighteenth century. Some have hypothesized it originated with the Pillars of Hercules appearing on Spanish coats of arms or that it derives from the intertwining of the letters “U” and “S,” standing either for “United States” or “units of silver,” but the likeliest explanation traces its lineage to the challenges of paying for the Revolutionary War. It is likely to denote the change from a gold backed currency to a fiat one, which ended in the united states in 1933. If you look at any typewriter on ebay, per 1933 typewriters have two strikes through the S, and those post 1933 have a single strike.
  • Vitamin K shot
    Let’s start with the vitamin K used in the shot itself. Is it a natural form of vitamin K such as would be found in leafy greens (K1) or butter (K2)? No, it is a synthetic vitamin K, generic name phytonadione. Synthetic vitamins should be avoided as they can cause imbalances in the body and have unintended consequences. For example, synthetic vitamin A actually causes the type of birth defects that natural vitamin A prevents! VITAMIN K injections given to infants within minutes of birth contain benzyl alcohol and Polysorbate 80, which target the liver (causing jaundice), and open up the blood brain barrier (exposing the central nervous system to viruses, bacteria, and toxins). How much synthetic vitamin K is in the shot? Shockingly, the national standard mandated by most states for US hospitals to administer is over 100 times the infant’s RDA of this nutrient. Since studies have linked large doses of vitamin K with childhood cancers and leukemia. The fact is that medical science still does not know that much about the metabolic fate of vitamin K. Little to no unmetabolized vitamin K shows up in urine or bile. This is disturbing given the fact that vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin and therefore has the potential to accumulate in body tissues. More disturbing is that the liver of a newborn does not begin to function until 3 or 4 days after birth. As a result, this little being has very limited to no ability to detoxify the large dose of synthetic vitamin K and all other the dangerous ingredients in the injection cocktail. Both of which are neurotoxic! The manufacturer’s insert included with the shot includes the following warning: "Severe reactions, including fatalities, have occurred during and immediately after intravenous injection of phytonadione [synthetic Vitamin K] even when precautions have been taken to dilute the vitamin and avoid rapid infusion" The manufacturer’s insert is no exaggeration of the risks.
  • One way or another, they're gonna....
    WE MUST SUPPORT #Missouri #HB1169. It is LITERALLY the ONLY chance we have to prevent this… NO ONE knows the the impacts of doing this but we are all potentially facing the risk of being a #DiedSuddenly if we don’t stop this. Eat Your Vaccines!… I Mean Vegetables!... I have been talking about gene therapy vaccines being introduced into the food supply without providing people informed consent on my Twitter account (@RenzTom) as well as pushing Missouri HB1169 which is our best bet of stopping this happening. This is a nightmare scenario whereby people’s genetics are potentially altered with “factory foods” without them even knowing. Bill Text: MO HB1169 | 2023 : To amend chapter 196, RSMo, by adding thereto three new sections relating to required disclosures for certain products.... "Gene therapy product", any product with any capacity to alter, interfere with, or otherwise act in any manner similar or equivalent to genes;.. If a product is known to be a gene therapy product, the product shall be conspicuously labeled with the words "Gene Therapy Product".
  • Stop the next pandemic...
    TLS UPDATE 4/4/23: The next global outbreak is here... & we can stop it!... Avian flu is here and is being weaponized through gain of function research. It has already been released into the wild. They plan to introduce it into the human population. Consider staying away from poultry.
  • The TRUMP files...
    Elon Musk Urges Equal Pursuit of Justice to Avoid Losing American Public’s Trust... Elon Musk has called on the U.S. justice system to pursue Democrats and Republicans in a non-partisan fashion, as the tech CEO reacted to remarks on this week’s arraignment hearing of former President Donald Trump. On Tuesday, Trump was charged in New York City with 34 counts of felony falsifying business records to the first degree. He pleaded not guilty to all charges, which were unveiled at a courtroom in Manhattan. Musk’s comment was in reaction to a tweet from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who contended on the micro-blogging website that Trump “will have a fair trial” that will follow “the facts and the law.” “There’s no place in our justice system for any outside influence or intimidation in the legal process,” Schumer said. “As the trial proceeds, protest is an American right, but all protests must be peaceful.” Musk responded to Schumer’s post that it’s crucial for the U.S. justice system to “pursue Democrats and Republicans with equal vigor” in order to avoid losing the trust of the American people. Appeals court orders Stormy Daniels to pay Trump $122K in legal fees hours after arraignment ... Former President Donald Trump secured a legal victory against Stormy Daniels hours after his arraignment in a Manhattan courtroom on Tuesday in connection to a hush-money payment made to the porn star during the 2016 presidential campaign. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday ordered Daniels to pay Trump $121,972 in legal fees stemming from a 2018 defamation lawsuit she filed against him that was later dismissed. Daughter of Judge Overseeing Trump's Case Worked For 'Kamala Harris Campaign', Now Serves As President of Company that Has Biden-Harris Campaign As Client Daughter of Judge Overseeing Trump’s Case Worked For ‘Kamala Harris Campaign’, Now Serves As President of Company that Has Biden-Harris Campaign As Client... The Gateway Pundit previously reported New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan is presiding over President Trump’s Stormy Daniels ‘hush payment’ case. Judge Merchan previously oversaw the tax fraud cases of the Trump’s Org and the Trump Org’s former CFO Allen Weisselberg. Trump is not a fan of Merchan and took to Truth Social last week and wrote “Juan Manuel Merchan, was hand picked by Bragg & the Prosecutors, & is the same person who “railroaded” my 75 year old former CFO, Allen Weisselberg.” Merchan has been described as a life long Democrat and a bombshell discovery of his daughter’s LinkedIn account reveals his daughter is not just a Democrat but a Democrat who previously worked on Kamala Harris’ Presidential campaign. Trump arraignment live updates: Hundreds of protesters gather around NY courthouse ahead of hearing... Donald Trump heads to court in Manhattan on Tuesday for the first-ever criminal arraignment of a former U.S. president. Dems' Trump Attack Backfires, Accidentally Set Stage to Prosecute Biden Himself - Judicial Watch... Two can play at the indictment game, and several voices outraged at the indictment of former President Donald Trump predicted on Friday that will happen. Trump’s indictment is likely to spark a volley of similar efforts against President Joe Biden — already facing heat due to the activities of his son, Hunter — and other top-name Democrats, Tom Fitton said, according to the New York Post. Fitton is president of the conservative legal group Judicial Watch. “All bets are off,” he said. “You can expect grand jury indictments of leftist politicians like Biden, [former House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and [Senate Majority Leader Chuck] Schumer as surely as night follows day.” Donald Trump indicted by Manhattan grand jury on more than 30 counts related to business fraud ... Donald Trump faces more than 30 counts related to business fraud in an indictment from a Manhattan grand jury, according to two sources familiar with the case – the first time in American history that a current or former president has faced criminal charges. Trump is expected to appear in court on Tuesday. The indictment has been filed under seal and will be announced in the coming days. The charges are not publicly known at this time.
  • Country in Distress
  • XX Predictions
    Threads coming tonight. (I also did not forget about a final map for those asking) Predictions: DJT head wound in Ohio (Likely Cleveland) on August 4 (8.4) and his recovery or return on August 8 (8.8) Seattle and possible the entire west coast suffers severe (water) damage from a major event on June 9-11th (6.11) or fake alien encounter/ threat There are many connections to other Presidents and events as well included, and predictive programming examples. This is MY belief based on the numbers. I find the coincidences overwhelming at this point. If i am wrong (likely i will be) do not be upset. I am just sharing the information collected. This is a combination of things I’ve collected over the last year with the help of a few other accounts. I will send a “hat tip” tweet before sharing the threads. This is JUST THE TIP OF THE ICE BERG It is hard compiling all this in organized threads so bare with me as i share it. There are MANY things not included here but i will continue sharing threads after as more information is compiled and organized. This should be enough to get you to understand that there are no coincidences with these sadistic mathematicians. This WILL NOT be for everyone.
  • Kennedy corners Biden nominees
    New World Order ends 500 year plan to conquer the planet... ...Now, look at how the fake masked Biden’s judicial nominees can’t even answer Sen. John Kennedy’s basic questions—including a nominee who was unable to explain Article V of the Constitution. It is actually pathetic how stupid these judges really are. See for yourself in the video below.... Video of Senator Kennedy asking basic constitutional law questions to Biden's judicial nominees......
  • Cocaine production in NJ
    Coca-Cola produces as much as $2BN of pure COCAINE every year in a secretive New Jersey factory - all thanks to its iconic recipe and a VERY special arrangement with the DEA... A small chemical processing plant hidden in a quiet neighborhood of New Jersey has an exclusive license to import coca leaves into the US on behalf of The Coca-Cola Company and manufactures as much as $2 billion of pure cocaine every year. The leaves are used to produce a 'decocainized' ingredient for the iconic soda and the cocaine byproduct is sold to the nation's largest opioid manufacturer, which markets the powder as a numbing agent and topical anesthetic for dentists. The unassuming facility in Maywood has been processing coca leaves for Coca-Cola for over 100 years and is now run by a chemical manufacturer called Stepan Company.
  • CTGX moves to oprx... Another pump and dump or a real Satoshi style move?
    Retrospective (2022): CryptoG Group (CTGX): The Second Coming Of Bitcoin Creator, Satoshi Nakamoto?... The real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains a mystery but their brainchild, Bitcoin, has gone on to achieve wonderful things since it was created in 2009. Nakamoto’s anonymity had first given people reason to doubt the digital asset, but in time had become one of the major reasons why it is such a trusted cryptocurrency. Even though Bitcoin has done tremendously well, Satoshi Nakamoto has refused to reveal their identity. While there are speculations about who this might be, there is also talk of the fact that Bitcoin has strayed far away from its creator’s vision, and as such, they’re no longer proud of it. This is where CryptoG Group (CTGX) enters the picture. The CryptoG Group project was founded by an anonymous individual who is eerily similar to the Bitcoin creator. The founder has no plans to make their identity public but wants to build out what will effectively do what Bitcoin has failed to do, and that is to provide a new monetary system that is free from the control of the current unjust traditional and conservative monetary system. CryptoG Group’s mission has sparked a lot of interest from crypto enthusiasts who have likened it to the early days of Bitcoin. Retrospective (2021): A Gift To Mankind: CryptoG launches global wealth distribution project... CryptoG has launched a global wealth distribution project aimed at restoring financial power back to the people. Its official token, CTG, is a digital currency used within its community as a worldwide cross-border anonymous payment system in exchange for goods and services, 100% backed and redeemable for gold. CTGX creates 1-1 trade with oprx... The CryptoG Global Wealth Distribution Project has now started another coin for which CTGX holders can trade 1-1. We are back. It is now time to implement our grand plan!... We have issued a new token named OperationX ("OPRX") with 2,000,000,000 (Two Billion) tokens issued, in which 1,000,000,000 (One Billion) is available for a 1:1 swap with CTGX token, while the remaining 1,000,000,000 (One Billion) will be reserved for liquidity pool in 3 major exchanges with a combined of more than 30 million+ global users (locked, signed NDA's) used for future trading on these Centralized Exchanges (CEXs). Please be informed that this listing exercise will be done within 90 days (starting from the 1st of April 2023). Upon listing, the starting price is $2 to $5 /OPRX, with our minimum $10 billion liquidity (in BTC) for these 3 exchanges. New World Order - The Great Reset: CryptoG Global Wealth Distribution Project... Inequality has been on the rise across the globe for several decades. Some countries have reduced the numbers of people living in extreme poverty. But economic gaps have continued to grow as the very richest amass unprecedented levels of wealth. The top 1% ultra rich of the world's population is systematically destroying the middle and lower classes thus making the poor suffer even more. This situation thus begs the need for the emergence of a monetary system that works for all. We are building a community of people who are in complete control of their own finance without the interference of a third party e.g. the governments, banks or any central authority. CryptoG is a special purpose vehicle for a global wealth distribution project to undertake the development of a then (initiated by the year 2004) proposed of the world’s biggest mega gold mining operations - located within the South-East Asian region. Recently approved by our board of directors, we are distributing in total $1 trillion+ in aid funds to eligible recipients globally with the aim to balance the global wealth inequality. CTGX is our official cryptocurrency created on the Stellar blockchain as its core network, was first issued to the public on 19th of September, 2021. All tokenholders of CTGX who buy, sell, or trade on the Stellar DEX starting from 20th of September 2021 onwards will be eligible to receive funding and rewards on our 2nd phase distribution period. Up to date, the total approved fund distribution for the 2nd phase is $175.8 billion with millions of people worldwide will benefit from this initiative. The funds will be distributed in a liquidity pool to all CTGX token holders available on all Stellar Decentralized Exchanges (SDEX) based on their shareholdings.
Special Report - Holograms and Light
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Elections and Fraud
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Persuasion Techniques
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - COVID and Vaccines
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - the History of Money
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - United States of America
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - The Capitol Insurrection
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Blockchain and Crypto
BullShit News Blockchain Special Report
🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
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