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July 18th, 2021
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  • 🚨 July 15th Arizona Forensic Audit Senate Hearing 🚨

    "PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP JULY 16, 2021 BEDMINSTER, NJ Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America. Fox News and other media outlets incorrectly side with the outdated and terrible Maricopa County Election Board to report no fraud found in the Presidential Election. They spew the gross misinformation purposefully put out by the county and the Associated Press, and IGNORE the very important Arizona Senate’s hearing yesterday, which showed 168,000 fraudulent ballots printed on illegal paper (unofficial ballots), 74,000 mail in ballots received that were never mailed (magically appearing ballots), 11,000 voters were added to the voter rolls AFTER the election and still voted, all the access logs to the machines were wiped, and the election server was hacked during the election. They sided with the County and not the brave Arizona Senate who is fighting for the people of Arizona. The same anchor at the desk the night Fox called Arizona for Joe Biden now wants you to believe there was no fraud. The anchor was Bret Baier. Thankfully, Arizona has strong State Senators willing to fight for the truth. Senator Wendy Rogers says “I have heard enough. It’s time to decertify this election.” Senator Kelly Townsend said the fraud was so bad “I want to see indictments.” Senator Sonny Borrelli says “I've seen enough evidence to challenge the validity of the certification of the Maricopa County Election results.” Arizona shows Fraud and Voting Irregularities many times more than would be needed to change the outcome of the Election." Arizona Live Senate Hearing on Election Audit... 07/15/2021 10:00 AM - Senate Hearing on the Election Audit in Maricopa County SUMMARY of the hearing: Confirmed! 💥 Chain of Custody Report was not given to the audit team despite multiple requests. - They were required to record an identical serial number on duplicate ballots that were created for damaged ballots. 💥 1000s were found without serial numbers on them, so it was difficult to match them to the original. Make sure that there is only one duplicate for each damaged ballot. You can't confirm the number of times it was duplicated without the serial numbers. You can only see if the totals are equal. - Audit of the digital devices: a write-block device was used to make sure nothing was changed on the original devices. They created a bit for bit copy of each device. They then used an MD5 hash to certify the data is not changed. - Audit of the digital devices: a copy of the original data was then stored in safes for reference in a court system. The machines were not modified or changed in any way. - 💥 Not Received: the router configuration files and router data. Compromise: they would provide virtual access to thaat data. We have not received that from the County because "the data would compromise law enforcement operations." The router data and splunk logs are needed to confirm findings and validate information. We know an eleement of the election system was #compromised or breached during the 2020 election. - 💥 It has become readily apparent during the analysis that there are some cyber security problems. e.g. Antivirus definitions are updated frequently on home computers. Systems should be up to date. That was not the case for any of the endpoints in the election system. The last update was the date that dominion software was installed - August 2019. The systems were vulnerable. - 💥 They have a high vulnerability to hacks. We need the router data to confirm the traffic to these election systems. - Both the ip address and the mac address can uniquely identify all computers in the world that accessed these systems. - 💥 A script made 37,000 queries for a blank password on the system - Poll workers do not get access to configuration of the election device. We require the configuration information for each of the devices, including the mac addresses for each of those devices. We can cross reference the voting machine mac addresses with the router data to see if they ever touched the internet. - Originally board of supervisors agreed to do the forensic audit with us. They then changed their minds and conducted their own audits using ProBNB and SLI. Reports by both of those firms did not address the cyber security concerns. - 💥 They were sharing the same password for the administrator password, EMS admin password, adjudication password, and was not changed during the time period. A single password gives access to all functions. This means you cannot trace a login back to a single individual. - We see anonymous logins and need the splunk logs to validate what that is. - Hand count of ballots discussion now. - 💥 Exhibit B - Duplication Batch Inconsistencies: batches not on manifest, duplicates without original ballots, batches missing. - 25,000 originals and 25,000 duplicates expected for damaged ballots. - 💥 Exhibit C - Duplicates: Numerous ballots without serial numbers and no match. It becomes difficult to match them to an original. - Paper Examination Issues: kinematic artifact detection system used. When you use one side of the ballot, it will bleed through to the other side. On one side is a circle and cross to make sure they are properly aligned. If out of calibration, the cross will not be centered in the circle. - 💥 Only 12% were properly calibrated. 49% failed the test. 26% errored. The problems can cause an overvote or for a different candidate than intended. 💥 VoteSecure paper is supposed to be used to ensure that this is not a problem. The bleed through was happening close to votes.-

    💥 We saw that they did not use the VoteSecure paper as required during the election. We saw a lot of very thin paper. 💥

    The on demand ballots, roughly 168,000, were subject to the bleed through errors. - 💥 Voter Data Analysis: one house got 25 ballots with only 1 person living there. DOJ sent a letter stating concerns of knowcking on doors of original voters. But it's okay to knock on doors for the vaccinated. - 💥 Over 74,000 ballots. EB32 and EB33s were used to compare record of sending vs record received. There should be more mailed out than were received. 💥 There were 74,000 without a record of being sent out. Information FOIAd from accounting. We did not see EB33s matching EB32s. They should match. We could knock of doors of the voters and get postal service records to sort through the discrepancies. - 💥 Over 11,000 did not show on November voter role but did on the December role - 💥 Based on voter registration, 3,981 individuals voted but were registered after October 15th. - 💥 18,000 voted in the election but were then removed from the voter roles. - ⚖ recommendations on next steps - verify paper from ballot printer - go to voters to confirm questionable votes.
    Listen to Bob Hughes, the Maricopa Ballot Printer's Position on the Audit... Congressional Democrats of the House Oversight Committee launch investigation into the Maricopa County audit of the 2020 election in Arizona, just one day after Biden's speech on "voting rights." Arizona State Senator Demands Biden Electors be Recalled to Arizona and New Election Held Following Thursday’s Stunning Audit Revelations... They found 74,243 mail-in ballots with NO clear record of them ever being sent! The audit team also announced that ballots were counted that WERE NOT on the proper paper stock and WERE NOT in proper printing alignment. Other ballots were marked with Sharpie pens that bled through the paper. See more on Election Integrity Below
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    Patents & Methods for Controlling Weather... There have been patents to control or modify weather as far back as the 1800's. As any weather modification device that was created more than a century ago has since been modified or replaced with something better; they are not included on this page. According to NASA, the United States is set to face a surge in high-tide floods along its coasts due to a “wobble” in the moon’s orbit coupled with global warming. NASA predicts record flooding on Earth. Weather modification method... The present invention provides a method for producing rain or snow from natural atmospheric clouds using seeding agents characterized by a high solubility in water and a large endothermic heat of solution in water. Typical examples of materials suitable for use in practicing this invention are urea, potassium nitrate, potassium nitrite, and ammonium nitrate. Geoengineering and Weather Modification Patents... My patent list has been featured on sites like Geoengineeringwatch.org, NaturalNews.com, and Infowars.com. This list only includes patents from 1891-2003. Weather modification by artificial satellites... A Satellite Weather Modification System (SWMS) uses earth satellites to harness solar energy to modify the thermodynamics and composition of the earth's atmosphere. SWMS has three subsystems: The first subsystem includes a network of earth satellites called Satellite Engines (SEs) used to reflect solar energy and/or transform solar energy into other forms of energy beams discharged at specified locations. List of 100 US Patents Related to Weather Modification... A long list of patents that are for weather modification.
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  • Election Integrity

    "Matt DePerno says the Arizona testimony is confirming everything they found in Antrim County, Michigan. “This is a pattern.”" The news coming out of Georgia is beyond incredible. The hand recount in Fulton County was a total fraud! They stuffed the ballot box—and got caught. We will lose our Country if this is allowed to stand. According to the just released report from Garland Favorito and the highly respected Voter GA, in Fulton County the hand recount was wrong by 60%; 100,000 tally sheets for ballots were missing; they duplicated thousands of extra votes for Joe Biden; and fabricated vote counts of 100–0 for Biden, many times! Ballot batch sheets fraudulently showed multiple unanimous 100–0 counts for Biden, as well as 150–0, and 200–0. Are we now in a Third World country? What else will they find once the full Forensic Audit takes place? This means Brad Raffensperger certified the 2020 Presidential Election Scam despite it being “riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.” This proves what Suzi Voyles, who worked Fulton elections for decades, suspected, that fraudulent photocopied ballots were counted for Biden. This is on top of the 35,000 illegal votes recently found in Georgia, and the over 100,000 obsolete voter registrations, plus thousands of dead people, deleted AFTER the election. Will the Attorney General of Georgia Chris Carr finally act? How has Governor Brian Kemp allowed this to happen? This is corruption at the highest level. Our Nation is at stake! Internet Explodes After Tucker Airs HARD EVIDENCE of Voter Fraud in Fulton County... Tucker Carlson reveals new evidence of significant fraud in the 2020 election. Telegram: Whiplash347 24097: Tucker Carlson on Georgia election audit.... ICYMI - Tucker Carlson says there is evidence of voter fraud in Fulton County, Georgia. Pennsylvania 423,166 Votes Subtracted From Trump... This presentation was done by a team of data scientists and programmers with experience working for the US Navy, the CIA, the National Counter-Terrorism Center, and a Big-Four Accounting Firm. JUDGE ORDERS NEW ELECTION AFTER ASTONISHING 78% OF MAIL-IN BALLOTS PROVED FRAUDULENT — PEOPLE ARRESTED... The more that states and counties investigate their own elections the way that they’re supposed to, the more they’re finding out that it’s all been a sham that liberals have been stealing elections right out from under the people. WATCH – MASS DUPLICATE BALLOTS FOUND DURING FORENSIC AUDIT IN MARICOPA COUNTY ARIZONA.... With the Democrats in complete meltdown due to what is about to be released in Maricopa County, footage has emerged showing duplicate ballots being found in the same batch from the same scanner. VoterGA Releases Explosive New Report: Fulton County Georgia Recount Included 60% Error Reporting Rate — THOUSANDS of Fraudulent Biden Votes... VoterGA will review highlights of its amended ballot inspection complaint and provide proof that election fraud occurred in the November 2020 election. BOOM! Steve Bannon: Shot Heard Around the World Will Be Karen Fann’s Letter to Maricopa County BOS “I Believe in the Next 10 Days” (VIDEO)... On Tuesday morning Steve Bannon invited Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters on The War Room to discuss his campaign in Arizona. PROVEN ELECTION FRAUD IN GEORGIA!... Newly Released Evidence Reveals GA Audit Fraud And Massive Errors Connecticut Senator Surrenders to U.S. Marshals After Election Fraud Charges... CT Senator surrenders after election fraud charges. VoterGA presents evidence of duplicate scanned ballots, 60% reporting errors in 2020 election... Garland Favorito, the founder of the election integrity group VoterGA, announced evidence at a Tuesday morning presser.
    Texas Democrat Fugitives
    My first meal as a fugitive': Runaway Texas Democrat is ridiculed for sharing a photo of his Caesar salad and trying to mock law enforcement after Republicans voted to arrest fleer... A Texas Democratic state representative was mocked for posting an image of a caesar salad on Tuesday after fleeing his home state to Washington D.C. to block Republicans from passing voting rights bills. Texas House votes to ARREST runaway Democrats for blocking voting rights bill: State Dems sing outside the Capitol and insist they are willing to go to jail after fleeing on privat... Republicans in the Texas State House voted 76-4 on Tuesday to arrest the runaway Democrats who fled to Washington D.C. to break the quorum and block the passage of Governor Greg Abbott's voting rights bills. Now fugitives, Texas Democrats vow to stay in DC as long as it takes to protect voting rights... Texas Democrats rallied at the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday morning as fugitives, with the state House voting to drag them back to Austin after they fled by chartered plane in order to stymie a GOP bill they says would impede minority voting rights. We are not afraid of Abbott': Runaway Texas Democrats say they are willing to go to JAIL and are prepared to stay in DC for a month to stop the voting rights bills being passed aft... Texas Democrats say they aren't afraid of Governor Greg Abbott's threats to arrest them for fleeing the state to break a quorum and avoid voting on Republicans' election legislation.
    Gov. Abbott says 58 'hypocrite' Texas Democrat runaways WILL be arrested when they return to Austin after jetting to DC on $100K chartered private jets to stop vote on GOP's new st... Governor of Texas Greg Abbott on Monday night has described state Democrats who fled to Washington DC to prevent a vote as 'quitters' who were 'un-Texan' in running from a fight, and said they will be arrested on their return. Voter GA website... Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia Cyber Ninjas Reportedly Followed Jovan Pulitzer Method in Arizona Audit and Democrats Are Terrified... The Cyber Ninja audit team and the hundreds of volunteers may not know this but they followed Jovan Pulitzer’s method in the Arizona audit and the Democrats are terrified. See more Election Integrity News in the Special Report
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