John McAfee Murdered or Still Alive?
John McAfee’s death has set off numerous conspiracy theories, tributes and criticism of the extradition to the US the now-deceased antivirus magnate was facing.
‘If I suicide myself, I didn’t’: Supporters dredge up old McAfee tweets to cry foul over death as his Instagram page posts ‘Q’...
This is interesting. A McAfee cyber vulnerability with D5. So if any systems like Dominion were using McAfee and did not patch their machines. Then it can be hacked.
Telegram: MelQ 5475: McAfee and Dominion....
"There is the possibly a Key code to a dead mans switch. A file that has damning evidence against the deep state, that is to be unlocked at the time of his death. We will see if this pans out. Only time will tell."
Telegram: MelQ 5478: The code for the deadman switch....
John McAfee instagram account was archived.
Telegram: Aquila 5894: McAfee Instagram...
John McAfee, the eccentric 75-year-old antivirus software pioneer who killed himself in a Barcelona jail cell on Wednesday within hours of learning he'd be extradited to the US, lived a colorful life of womanizing, government conspiracies and running from the law.
Silicon Valley's eccentric outlaw: How John McAfee overcame his father's suicide to pioneer anti-virus tech before spending his millions on rock star lifestyle of drugs and women -...
Antivirus software pioneer John McAfee was facing 10 counts of tax evasion in Tennessee and seven counts of fraud and money laundering conspiracy in New York when he was found dead in a Spanish jail.
The charges against John McAfee: Antivirus software pioneer was facing 10 counts of tax evasion in Tennessee and 7 counts of fraud and money laundering conspiracy in New York when ...
John McAfee's wife posted a Father's Day message alleging U.S. authorities wanted him to 'die in prison' just three days before his suicide.
John McAfee's wife posted Father's Day message alleging U.S. authorities wanted him to 'die in prison' just three DAYS before his suicide...
More from yesterday...
Antivirus software tycoon John McAfee died by an apparent suicide in a Spanish jail cell Wednesday evening — hours after reports surfaced that he would be extradited to face federal charges in the US, according to local media.
Antivirus software pioneer John McAfee dead after prison suicide: report...
John McAfee reportedly died by suicide Wednesday afternoon in a Spanish prison cell just hours after the Spanish High Court authorized his extradition to the United States on tax evasion charges.
John McAfee Found Dead in Spanish Prison Cell: Reports...

NOW DELETED: McAfee Instagram account posted "Q" after news broke of his death... Still Alive?
Instagram: Q: John Mcafee post on instagram after death announcement...
McAfee: "I am content in here. I have friends. The food is good. All is well. Know that if I hang myself, a la Epstein, it will be no fault of mine."
Know that if I hang myself, a la Epstein, it will be no fault of mine....
Getting subtle messages from U.S. officials saying, in effect: "We're coming for you McAfee! We're going to kill yourself". I got a tattoo today just in case. If I suicide myself, I didn't. I was whackd. Check my right arm.
An even older tweet from McAfee saying that he would be murdered by the US govt...
McAfee: Is there a deep state? Does it secretly control America? Use your common sense! Have a listen... Secret? Please people. Career employees that can't be fired... The SEC. The CIA. The Securities and Exchange Comm. The IRS. There are 20 regulations enacted by federal agencies that have more impact on our lives than Congress... Since 1975 200k regulations have been passed by our agencies. The Deep State does control America. Wake Up. Use some common fucking sense!
John McAfee talking about the Deep State....
Trending Internet Theory (T.I.T.): CM insights on McAfee. He was in jail. He has a deadman switch. He died. His deadman switch has not yet been activated.
Telegram: MelQ 5487: CodeMonkey on John McAfee...
T.I.T.: Dead Man Switch??? If there is incriminating information released via bitcoin blockchain, then it can't be destyroyed without destroying bitcoin!!!
"McAfee will have surely utilized a blockchain’s immutability attribute to activate his deadman’s switch.
Look carefully through BTC’s OP_RETURN transactions in the next few days and also the equivalent type of transaction on other crypto coins."
Telegram: CodeMonkeyZ 541: McAfee had a deadman switch linked to bitcoin....
T.I.T.: McAfee didn't kill himself... Epstein Didn't Kill Himself... McAfee and Epstein are still alive and telling all the secrets of the Deep State...