<<< Fauci Emails >>>

In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that an email he received last year from an executive at the US-based EcoHealth Alliance has been misconstrued and offered a hint of regret about a February 2020 email downplaying the need to wear a mask.
Dr. Anthony Fauci says publicly released email about lab leak is being misconstrued...
Republican Sen. Rand Paul demanded Dr. Anthony Fauci be fired and claimed that he lied to him about gain-of-function research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that was allegedly funded by the United States.
He told me it wasn't gain of function, but admitted it in these emails': Rand Paul says Fauci lied over US-funded research in Wuhan lab and demands he is fired...
Burwell, also the former Director of President Barack Obama’s Office of Management and Budget, emailed the National Institue of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director on February 4th, 2020 inquiring about the necessity of wearing a mask for a forthcoming trip and advice on the direction of a donation to China from investor Ray Dalio.
Fauci Privately Advised Obama Staffers To NOT Wear Masks: ‘Not Effective’....
It has been known for a long time that Dr. Anthony Fauci has supported the gain-of-function research conducted by the EcoHealth Alliance about bat coronaviruses in China. While Fauci has been attempting to distance himself from having any knowledge of EcoHealth Alliance’s projects, including those of Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of the organization, newly released emails detail the praise Daszak heaped upon Fauci for his dismissing of the lab-leak theory.
Wuhan Lab Funder Daszak Emailed Fauci, Thanking Him for Dismissing Lab Leak Theory...
An email from Adam Gaertner to Dr. Fauci on March 11, 2020.
Telegram: KanekoaTheGreat 229: The true origin of the virus was through the lab....
Dr. Anthony Fauci was a regular on American televisions as the pandemic unfolded across the country and millions looked to the leading expert for insight and guidance on how to defeat the virus.
Thousands of emails from and to Fauci during the pandemic's early days were published. Here's what they show about him...
Scientist Kristian Anderson told Fauci SARS-CoV-2 has “unusual features” that “potentially look engineered”.
Telegram: TheTrumpet 3694: Washington Post and Fauci emails....
In an email dated February of 2020, Fauci is advising a woman not to wear a face mask because they don’t protect against the virus.
Telegram: TheTrumpet 3690: Fauci is against wearing masks during coronavirus....
Is an ankle monitor on order for Fauci?
Wuhan Lab Funder Daszak Emailed Fauci, Thanking Him for Dismissing Lab Leak Theory.
Telegram: Whiplash347 14987: Wuhan Lab Funder Daszak Emailed Fauci, Thanking Him for Dismissing Lab Leak Theory....
Dr. Anthony Fauci received a worried message from a Bill Gates adviser and offered his support to a Chinese health official toward the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, newly released emails show.
Fauci Emails: 5 Biggest Revelations ...
Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote in February 2020 that store-bought face masks would not be very effective at protecting against the COVID-19 pandemic and advised a traveler not to wear one.
Fauci Said Masks 'Not Really Effective in Keeping Out Virus,' Emails Reveals...
Dr. Anthony Fauci corresponded with a Chinese health official early in the pandemic, acknowledging the “crazy people in this world” and vowing to “get through this together,” a new report revealed Tuesday.
Email trove shows Fauci and China health official exchanged correspondence early in the pandemic...
As the coronavirus pandemic engulfed the world last spring, Science magazine quoted a top Chinese health official saying that the United States and other Western nations were making a “big mistake” by not telling people to mask up.
Anthony Fauci’s pandemic emails: ‘All is well despite some crazy people in this world’...
Top infectious disease official Dr. Anthony Fauci was perplexed—and even disturbed—by the public fascination around him that emerged early on in the Covid-19 pandemic, a trove of his emails obtained by the Washington Post reveals.
Fauci Was Baffled By Public Fascination With Him Early In Covid Pandemic, Emails Show...
The woman’s email arrived in Anthony Fauci’s inbox on Feb. 28, 2020, with a one-word subject line: “URGENT.”
Anthony Fauci’s Emails Reveal The Pressure That Fell On One Man...
As the coronavirus pandemic engulfed the world last spring, Science magazine quoted a top Chinese health official saying that the United States and other Western nations were making a “big mistake” by not telling people to mask up.
Anthony Fauci’s pandemic emails: ‘All is well despite some crazy people in this world’...
The Washington Post obtained 866 pages of Anthony Fauci's emails from March and April 2020 via the Freedom of Information Act, revealing what it was like for the government's top infectious-disease expert to navigate the chaotic early weeks of the pandemic under the Trump administration.
866 pages of Fauci emails shed light on early days of COVID crisis...
The woman’s email arrived in Anthony Fauci’s inbox on Feb. 28, 2020, with a one-word subject line: “URGENT.”
Anthony Fauci’s Emails Reveal The Pressure That Fell On One Man...
FAUCI EMAILS REDACTION CODES 🚨 You might want to check the meaning of these redaction codes b5 & b6
Telegram: Forecast432Hz 2472: Radaction numbers....
b5 = Redacted bacause military war plans are in effect and could be compromised by the information.
b6 = Redacted because information could harm foreign relations.
Original documents from Fauci to others in the beginning of the pandemic
LEOPOLD NIH FOIA Anthony Fauci Emails...
Over 800 pages of Dr. Fauci’s emails from the first few months of the pandemic have revealed America’s Chief Medical Advisor to be responsive, concerned, and utterly confused by his celebrity-like status.
All FOIA emails of Anthony Fauci related to COVID-19 pandemic revealed...