BullShit News Doctor Fallacy on the Crapper

June 22nd, 2021

โ€œIn times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.โ€ โ€• Lee Iacocca

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  • Mel is joined renowned journalist Benjamin Fulford known for many things including his no nonsense geopolitical insights
  • The Capitol

    The FBI is seeking the publicโ€™s assistance in identifying individuals who made unlawful entry into the U.S. Capitol building and committed various other alleged criminal violations, such as destruction of property, assaulting law enforcement personnel, targeting members of the media for assault, and other unlawful conduct, on January 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C. U.S. Capitol Violence... Court filings suggest that FBI operatives were among the mob who stormed the US Capitol in January, and may have set up the riot. With the riot used as justification for new terrorism policy, the media is downplaying the story. Media hushes up report suggesting FBI involvement in Capitol riot, as White House turns anti-terrorism efforts on American people... Of all the questions asked, words spoken, and ink spilled on the so-called โ€œCapitol Siegeโ€ of January 6, 2021, none hold the key to the entire event quite like what Sen. Amy Klobuchar asked of Christopher Wray. The Democrat from Minnesota asked the Trump-appointed FBI Director: Did the federal government infiltrate any of the so-called โ€œmilitiaโ€ organizations claimed to be responsible for planning and executing the Capitol Siege? Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge... On Tuesday Revolver News published an important piece on the โ€œunindicted co-conspiratorsโ€ in the Jan. 6 attack who were never charged by the DOJ or FBI for their part in the violence on Jan. 6. NOW WE HAVE PROOF: FBI and DHS Attempted to Recruit Green Beret to Infiltrate Oath Keepers Before Jan. 6 Riot โ€” AND HE RECORDED IT... NOW WE HAVE PROOF: FBI and DHS Attempted to Recruit Green Beret to Infiltrate Oath Keepers Before Jan. 6 Riot โ€” AND HE RECORDED IT... Matt Gaetz is calling for full disclosure by Christopher Wray on the involvement of FBI operatives on January 6th. Gab: TheSharpEdge: Matt Gaetz is calling for full disclosure by Christopher Wray on the involvement of FBI operatives on January 6th.... Jan 6 Capitol Protest: Magnetic Locked Doors(another media coverup)... Here is the censored video on rumble... Was YouTube right to remove it?
    US Capitol Doors on Jan. 6 Were Magnetically Locked - Someone Had to Release Lock from Inside (voice altered as per request) US Capitol Doors on Jan. 6 Were Magnetically Locked - Someone Had to Release Lock from Inside... VIDEO: Oathkeepers make way through mob towards Capitol Oathkeepers make way through mob towards Capitol... Gateway Pundit Article: Last week a member of the Oath Keepers called The Gateway Pundit to tell us his story of the January 6th protests and riot. He is living in fear since the Jan. 6 protests at the US Capitol and wanted to get his story out. EXCLUSIVE: US Capitol Doors on Jan. 6 Were Magnetically Locked โ€“ Someone Inside Capitol Security Had to Release the Lock to Open the Doors (VIDEO)... This video speaks VOLUMES about what happened on January 6th. The people are wanting the police back up at the capitol building.... See all the videos and links in the Capitol Special Report... The Capitol Special Report
  • <<< Greada Treaty >>>

    On the 1954 Greada Treaty, the Eisenhower administration bypasses the US Constitution and formed a pact with alien races. In exchange for advanced technology, such as the cloaking device and a few others; the aliens would be allowed to do experiments on life stocks, minerals, and a small group of humans.. . . Treaty States are as follows: โ€ขThe aliens would not interfere in our affairs, and we would not interfere in theirs. โ€ขThe US Government would keep their presence on earth secret. โ€ขThe aliens would furnish the US with advanced technology. โ€ขThe aliens could abduct humans and livestock on a limited basis for medical examination and monitoring. โ€ขThe people subjected to experiences would not be harmed, and returned to their point of abduction with no recollection of the event. โ€ขThe US could also do a medical examination and genetic experience with aliens. โ€ขThey should share the results. โ€ขThe aliens would be granted secret facilities for their accommodations and experiences. . . President Dwight Eisenhower established a permanent committee to oversee and conduct all covert activities with the aliens by the Greada Treaty. This committee, created on secrecy by Executive Memorandum, NSC5410, is known as โ€œMajestic Twelveโ€ or simple as MJ12. In later years this operation evolved into and became known as MAJI (the Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence)..
    The Greada Treaty... Muroc still appeared on maps as of 1942.[1] Muroc's site is now on Edwards Air Force Base. Wikipedia: Muroc, California... Tonight's guest Robert O. Dean believes the US government has had knowledge of an extraterrestrial reality for quite some time. One fascinating account that would be corroboration of this, concerns a secretive visit that President Eisenhower allegedly made to Muroc Field (now Edwards Air Force Base) in 1954. Eisenhower & the Aliens... Gerald Light, also known under the pseudonym Dr. Kappa, was an American occultist and saucerian, commonly noted for his 1954 letter to Meade Layne on the subject of his alleged two-day tour to Muroc AFB (now Edwards), in which he reported witnessing "five separate and distinct types of aircraft being studied and handled by our Air Force officials -- with the assistance and permission of the Etherians," and further claimed that then-President Dwight Eisenhower had likewise interacted with the Etherians. Gerald Light... Most of this knowledge comes directly from, or as a result of my own research into the TOP SECRET/MAJIC material WHICH I SAW AND READ between the years 1970 and 1973 as a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet. Since some of this information was derived from sources that I cannot divulge for obvious reasons, and from published sources which I cannot vouch for...(this) must be termed a hypothesis. I firmly believe that if the aliens are real, THIS IS THE TRUE NATURE OF THE BEAST. Archived: The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12. May 23, 1989. Updated November 21, 1990... The Treaty, (the Greada Treaty) finally signed in 1954 between America and the Greys was resisted at first. Contact between the greys and USA started much earlier, but the USA was reluctant to allow the greys on US soil. The UFOโ€™s observed in Washington in 1952 were from the greys.The Greada Treaty... On the 1954 Greada Treaty, the Eisenhower administration bypasses the US Constitution and form a pact with alien races. 1954 Greada Treaty โ€“ President Eisenhower form a treaty with aliens at Holloman AFB... The GREADA Treaty: Eisenhower & Multi-Planetary Species Agreement. The GREADA Treaty: Eisenhower & Multi-Planetary Species Agreement... There are so many conversation about UFOs, for so long we have debated this topic and now we have to think about it in different terms. Russia is telling the US that if they do not come to the public with the news that they are aware of the existence of aliens, THEY will! The Illuminati, The Greada Treaty, UFOs, The New World Order & Russia's knowledge of Space Aliens... The Greada Treaty was signed by then President Elect Dwight Eisenhower. According to the testimonies examined so far, the February It is February 20, President Dwight David Eisenhower is on a quickly called for and arranged mini-vacation to Palm Springs, California GREADA TREATY 1954 PDF...
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  • <<< Former FBI employee discusses NWO >>>

    After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica. In 1980, he became a defense investigator for Green Beret Doctor Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who had been convicted of the 1970 murders of his pregnant wife and two daughters. Gunderson obtained affidavits from Helena Stoeckley confessing to her involvement in the murders. Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Exposes Satanic Ritual Child Abuse... Wikipedia: Oklahoma City Bombing... Oklahoma City Bombing...
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Special Report - The Capitol Insurrection
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