Everything Pandemic...
Mandates, Quarantine, Passports, Discrimination, Boosters, Tests, Protests, Censorship, Lockdowns, Masks, Fines, Incentives and Lawsuits
CDC COVID data tracker...
FDA Drops Ivermectin Bombshell... Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this week. “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.
Remdesivir Stopped Kidney Function in COVID Patients — So Why Did FDA Approve It for Kidney Patients?... Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history, earning the nickname “Run, Death Is Near” for its lethal record during COVID-19. Experts claimed that it would stop COVID-19; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs. Now this reviled destroyer of kidneys has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for COVID-19 treatment of kidney patients. Does anybody else feel as if the FDA is shoving its power in our faces and laughing at us? I’ve been joining online support groups for people who lost loved ones to the Remdesivir Protocol — a nightmarish sequence in which a patient is isolated in the hospital, bullied into taking remdesivir, ventilated and then sedated to death. Thousands of Americans were killed this way, possibly hundreds of thousands.
"If you induce a chronic anxiety or fear state, and isolate someone from people they love, and dehumanize them by putting a face diaper on... they become vulnerable, gullible & very easy to manipulate."
Watch the full interview:
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko 2022 Update: “We Could Have Ended COVID Long Ago” – Ask Dr. Drew... “Psychological warfare,” is how Dr. Vladimir Zelenko describes the COVID-19 pandemic. “If you induce a chronic anxiety or fear state, and you isolate someone from the people they love, and you dehumanize them by putting a face diaper on – what’s going to happen for the majority of people is they’re going to psychologically decompensate: they become vulnerable, gullible and very easy to manipulate.” Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is a Ukrainian-American family physician and author known for promoting a three drug combination of hydroxychloroquine, zinc sulfate, and azithromycin as part of an experimental outpatient treatment for COVID-19 that he has promoted as the Zelenko Protocol. He was nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom, a Nobel Prize, and was recognized as a hero at a US Senate Homeland Security committee hearing. Despite these accomplishments, Dr. Zelenko also enjoys the distinct honor of being banned by Twitter.
"The exercise brings together the combined firepower of the Navy and Marine Corps team across six maritime component commands, seven numbered fleets, and 22 time zones." "It is scheduled to run from Aug 9-18."
Fmr. Houston Methodist Reg. Nurse Jennifer Bridges Exposes the Hospital's Appalling Behavior "I've seen text messages, I've seen emails where Methodist Hospital threatened their doctors. You cannot sign medical exemptions. You cannot report adverse reactions to these vaccines. And then if you do...there were other people higher up to erase those. Those were not allowed to be on record." From Sen. Ron Johnson's COVID-19: A Second Opinion Senate Hearing in Jan 2022
Here is EVERYONE saying it:
Canadian Court Invalidates Covid Lockdowns Due To Illegal Implementation... An Albertan court ruled on Tuesday that lockdown orders enacted in response to Covid were invalid. The ruling in Ingram v. Alberta will likely force prosecutors to withdraw charges against individuals, churches, and other organizations in several other standing cases. Justice Barbara Romaine ruled in favor of the applicants because the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) delegated her decisions to the cabinet, which she was not authorized to do under Canadian law. The CMOH herself testified at trial that she provided only advice and recommendations to politicians but did not make the decisions herself. Justice Romaine did conclude that although they violated the rights in section 2 of the Canadian Charter, lockdowns would not have violated the Charter if they had been implemented legally.
Healing from the Spike Protein
"We thought it had to be a fluke. But then we saw patient after [dying] patient get better..."
Synergistic pairing of ivermectin and fenbendazole found HIGHLY EFFECTIVE at preventing and treating cancer... During the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic," the powers that be made it a top priority to discourage and even prevent the general public from using ivermectin as a prophylactic, instead pushing masks and "vaccines." Well now there is another use for ivermectin that is sure to put it right back in Big Pharma's crosshairs, and it involves the treatment of cancer. One of the "side effects" of taking ivermectin for COVID, it turns out, is that it also helps prevent cancer cells and tumors from forming. This could be very helpful for those dealing with the sudden onset of "turbo cancer," a phenomenon that appeared not long after the launch of Operation Warp Speed. If "fully vaccinated" people who got jabbed for COVID had easy access to ivermectin, many of them could potentially find relief and healing from it. And even better is the fact that fenbendazole, another anti-parasite drug, also works to fight against cancer.
No...not even close.🥲 It's very important, but when you're dealing with a weaponized microbiome and incessant SGP production you will ultimately have to get to the root of the problem... plasmids infecting the microbiome. I keep seeing people do a little bit of this and a little bit of that and that just won't work. This is a genetic infection and must be respected as such. So, I'm sharing our latest approach to spike glycoprotein clearance... it's essential that people lowering SGP load select at least one from all 4 categories in order to clear SGP. IVIG and Ivermectin are listed in the neutralizing category. This helps a lot but does not address root cause... a weaponized microbiome. For that there are other things including plasmid curing compounds like quercetin and natural antibiotics that must be employed. If you want I'll share more from the Art of Cellular Healing on our approach to dealing with a weaponized microbiome. I am so intolerant to people acting like they have solved this because of situations like today. I get a call from Germany. Double Pfizer. Immediate crushing abdominal pain. 11 year old genius. Complete lower limb paralysis. Wasting away. Dad spends every night with him in a rehab center. Mom feels completely overwhelmed. Everyone has an opinion. No one has a plan. Baby spent FIVE months in the psych ward because white coats said it was all in his head. This is my day off folks. Translation, there are no days off. We're going to solve this. We will. It's harder when people make this sound easier than it is for the people fighting their asses off to recover. I fight for them.❤️
mRNA vaccine injured people have damaged immune systems. Fasting creates new immune cells. Autophagy removes cells damaged by spike protein, pre-cancerous cells, senescent cells, damaged mitochondria, protein aggregates, amyloid, prions, misfolded or abnormal proteins. Try a 72 hour water fast to get autophagy detox, immune system reset and stimulation of stem cell production to repair your body Article link in photo to avoid Twitter shadowban, just re-type the URL into your browser.
Vaccine Injury Treatment - Fasting for 48-72 hours creates autophagy - the body's detox process that kills COVID-19 vaccine spike protein damaged cells and reboots the immune system... The benefits of fasting on COVID-19 vaccine injuries, are now being looked at seriously in the scientific literature with a number of new papers coming out:
Ivermectin works against COVID in double blind, randomized, controlled trial... May 2, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD A new medical meeting poster shows the results of a double blind, randomized, controlled trial of ivermectin as a therapy for COVID. The drug works very well. MedinCell is the drug company that conducted the trial. They are making a long-acting version of ivermectin to sell at higher prices than the generic version.
Spike Protein Detox Guide... This is an evolving guide with emerging information on how to clear viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins from the body. The lists of herbal and other medicines and supplements have been compiled in a collaboration between international doctors, scientists, and holistic medical practitioners.
New Information from Japan Finds That Nattokinase Degrades or Dissolves the Harmful Spike Protein. It's also a natural anti-fibrinolytic agent for blood clots. Nattokinase is featured in @twc_health's formula for those concerned about spike proteins.
Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2... The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), emerged as a pandemic and has inflicted enormous damage on the lives of the people and economy of many countries worldwide. However, therapeutic agents against SARS-CoV-2 remain unclear. SARS-CoV-2 has a spike protein (S protein), and cleavage of the S protein is essential for viral entry. Nattokinase is produced by Bacillus subtilis var. natto and is beneficial to human health. In this study, we examined the effect of nattokinase on the S protein of SARS-CoV-2. When cell lysates transfected with S protein were incubated with nattokinase, the S protein was degraded in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that S protein on the cell surface was degraded when nattokinase was added to the culture medium. Thus, our findings suggest that nattokinase exhibits potential for the inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection via S protein degradation.
Outbreaks and Impending Endemics
Warning as Disease X could lead to 'civil unrest and food shortages'... The UK's potential response to another Covid-esque pandemic is under question as the inquiry into how it handled COVID-19 continues.
Investigators found HUNDREDS OF HAPHAZARDLY STORED vials of infectious viruses and bacteria in bad freezers which were samples of 👇 • MALARIA • HERPES • MENINGITIS • CHLAMYDIA • HIV • COVID-19 • & MORE Additionally, investigators found nearly 1,000 dead and dying mice that had been genetically modified to CATCH AND SPREAD COVID-19. According to records, this illegal bio-lab received nearly $150,000 from the US to produce illegal COVID-19 tests, and WERE EVEN FOUND to be in possession of disease-riddled mice and hundreds of samples of pathogens, blood, and other dubious chemicals. Investigators from the CDC and Fresno County, CA found containers of plasma and blood of UNKNOWN ORIGIN and UNKNOWN PURPOSES. WHY ARE WE STILL ALLOWING THIS TO OCCUR IN OUR COUNTRY?
Hammerhead worms have invaded Washington DC yards as toxic mucus-coated creatures have slithered to around 30 states... Ginormous toxic hammerhead worms - which can grow up to 15 inches - have invaded DC backyards as the slithering creatures shock residents and have scientists warning about getting too close. Americans are being advised to avoid touching the foot-long flatworms, which feast on slugs, snails and earthworms by paralyzing them with the same potent neurotoxin found in deadly puffer fish. Also known as spade-headed garden worms, the slippery specimens excrete a septic slime, which can be harmful to humans if ingested.
EPA Authorizes Release of 2 Billion More GMO Mosquitoes as Reports of Malaria Surface in States That Already Released Them... Genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes created by biotechnology company Oxitec have been released in the U.S. in Florida and Texas. In March 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted Oxitec a two-year extension of its experimental use permit, or EUP, which would allow the biotech company to release additional GE mosquitoes in Florida as well as in four counties in California for the first time. While the EPA extended Oxitec’s EUP both the Florida Department of Agriculture and California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) must approve Oxitec’s testing in order for it to move forward in their states. Following pushback from legislators, California’s DPR announced Oxitec voluntarily withdrew its research authorization application to test its GE mosquitoes in California. Locally acquired malaria has been nonexistent in the U.S. for the last 20 years, but five such cases have recently been diagnosed — four in Florida and one in Texas.
CDC Reports Uptick in Leprosy Cases in Florida, While U.K., India Researchers Link Leprosy Adverse Events to mRNA Vaccines... In a peer-reviewed paper published last week, U.K. researchers said they found a link between the Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) COVID-19 and vaccine leprosy adverse events in people who previously were diagnosed with the condition. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) meanwhile issued a case report of leprosy in central Florida this month, citing “rising evidence that leprosy has become endemic in the southeastern United States.” The agency, however, did not issue a travel warning for the state. According to the CDC, cases of leprosy more than doubled in Florida over the last decade.
CDC says Valley Fever fungus cases could rise by 25 times in coming years due to climate change... A deadly fungus for which there is no vaccine is expected to surge over the coming decades, according to alarming official predictions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that in the coming decades, Valley Fever could infect more than half a million Americans each year - compared to around 20,000 who currently fall sick annually. The agency said that due to rising temperatures across the globe, the endemic region of the disease will spread north to include dry western areas. Other experts fear that it could be endemic in 17 states by 2100.
Other than fertility problems, the GMO phenomenon has been noticed elsewhere-even in our own United States. Farmers using GM feed have reported infertile pigs and cows. Other incidents involving GMOs include: Austrian researchers reporting 4th generation "Frankencorn"-fed mice totally infertile. Thousands of dead sheep, buffalo, and goats in India after grazing on GM cottonseed. Offspring of mother rats fed GM soy dead within three weeks and recorded smaller sizes. Cooked GM soy with up to 7 times the amount of a soy allergen. Organ lesions, altered liver and pancreas cells, and changed enzyme levels. Excessive cell growth in the stomach lining of GM-potato-fed rats, potentially leading to cancer. GMO corn contributing to human obesity and organ disruption. Overall, GM sounds like a sweet deal only for Monsanto (and our own FDA and USDA, repeatedly found in bed with them). It remains a bad deal for us, the consumers.