BullShift News Checkmate

December 7th, 2022
Old Blood
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“The horizon is touched with red: the sun is rising, a rusty colour, the colour of old blood, and I'm so filled with fear it is an agony, a shredding feeling, worse than any nightmare I've ever had.” ― Lauren Oliver

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    See the Latest Mainstream News next to Citizen Journalists and Trending Internet Theories. We recognize that there is an abundance of information and theories out there, and that conflicting views need to be presented side-by-side in order to try and find the theme behind them. Even though we like to keep things lighthearted, we are very serious about bringing transparency to the media (all news, including the fringe stuff). An unreasonable work shift. One that starts at an unreasonable time or is of unreasonable length. It may also be a change to your regular time or day. Bookmark BullShift.News IP Address Link (, In Case of Internet Issues...
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  • Blood of the old versus blood of the young... And what about adrenochrome?
    Scientists Gave Young Mice The Blood of Old Mice. Then Things Got Weird... The elixir of life remains the stuff of legend, but aging the young before their time may not be as far-fetched.
  • Open Letter & Evidentiary Document: COVID-19 negative vaccine effectiveness and harm evidence
    Dr. Malone on Irreparable Vaccine-induced Harm... In my past professional life - probably a decade ago, I had a client named Dr. Charlton Brown. Dr. Brown, at the time, was CEO and co-innovator at Immune Targeting Systems Ltd (UK). I always enjoyed working with Charlton, as we share a certain curiosity for science/knowledge and a dry wit. It turns out, that Charlton has been part of the medical freedom resistance and has been working to get the word out about the risks of mRNA vaccines. Up until his email to me earlier this week, I had no idea. This isn’t the first time that people from my “former” professional life have emailed me to let me know that they are supportive of what I have been doing. In fact, I had a former colleague from my time at the Salk Institute in the 1980s write to me to express their support for me this week. These emails always lift my spirits as sometimes this seems like a very lonely fight, although the people writing in the comments section of this Substack also let me know that Jill and I are not alone - and this community often saves me from my own dark musings about the state of the world. I have no idea how many scientists and physicians are quietly, sometimes secretly questioning the public health policies in this country and globally. But I do know that dissidents of the new normal are slowly finding their voice and are speaking out. Anyway, Dr. Brown emailed me ask if I could share this document with people who might find it useful. As a trained scientist, Dr. Brown has conducted a deep analysis of the mRNA vaccines and origins of the virus and has created an “evidentiary document” (analysis) that is incredibly powerful. Published below is Dr. Brown’s open letter sent to the prime minister and all ministers in New Zealand. Be sure to click on the link to read and save his full analysis for future reference. Open Letter & Evidentiary Document sent to the New Zealand Prime Minister and all Ministers: COVID-19 negative vaccine effectiveness and harm evidence in New Zealand and overseas...
  • Philly takes action
    A North Philly owner says he’s had enough violent crime at his gas station so he’s hired these guys to protect his customers and store. Does this make you feel safer? Or uncomfortable. My story last night: this is what things have come to for one North Philly gas station…armed security guards in tactical gear to keep customers safe
  • Maybe Pythagoras was not the great creator we were taught
    Ancient clay tablet reveals that Babylonians were using Pythagoras's math theories long before Pythagoras was born... An ancient clay tablet labeled Si.427 is the earliest known example of applied geometry.
  • Hawaii wants to be closer to Japan
    The Hawaiian Islands are physically moving towards Japan at a rate of four inches per year... It's no secret that Hawaii is moving closer to Japan every year. This has been known since 1985.
  • Tetris Mystery
    Was the developer of Tetris and his family killed by the Russian mob? New doc probes grisly theory Moscow gangsters framed video game pioneer for wife and son's murder-suicide beca... Former Palo Alto police officers have suggested the Tetris co-founder who supposedly killed his wife and 12-year-old son before stabbing himself to death in 1998 was actually killed by the Russian mafia.
  • Facebook threatens to ban news
    Meta says it will remove ALL news content on Facebook if Congress approves Journalism Competition and Preservation Act... Meta has threatened to remove all news content from its sites if Congress passes a law allowing news organizations to negotiate the terms of its content distribution with big tech.
  • MSM security detail
    CNN boss Chris Licht was 'forced to hire extra security posted outside his 17th floor corporate office' after he gutted hundreds of the network's staff - as 'big-name anchors now h... CNN CEO Chris Licht reportedly was forced to hire extra security to wait outside a conference room where he was working after gutting hundreds of the network's staff in a recent round of layoffs.
  • NC Power Grid hacked. 30k+ without power still...
    Tens of thousands still in the dark after ‘targeted’ attacks on North Carolina power substations... With no suspects or motive announced, the FBI is joining the investigation into power outages in a North Carolina county believed to have been caused by “intentional” and “targeted” attacks on substations that left around 40,000 customers in the dark Saturday night, prompting a curfew and emergency declaration.
  • Ban Plastics now... What will we use instead?
    Democrats introduce sweeping plastics bill... As international negotiators began hammering out the details of a global plastics treaty last week, legislators in the United States were busy unveiling a domestic policy to address the plastic pollution crisis.
  • Is it really about gay rights?
    Amy Coney Barrett Warns Gay Rights Case Has Future Consequences... Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett said on Monday that any decision made in a gay rights case will result in future consequences to similar cases.
  • Sex between consenting singles is a crime in Indonesia
    Indonesia passes criminal code banning sex outside marriage... Indonesia's parliament has approved a new criminal code that bans anyone in the country from having extramarital sex and restricts political freedoms.
  • Space Force establishes US Central Command in Florida
    Space Force establishes component at U.S. Central Command... United States Central Command, responsible for military operations in the Middle East and South Asia, on Dec. 2 activated a Space Force component known as U.S. Space Forces-Central
  • Super Glue and Baking Soda to the rescue
    Super Glue and Baking soda! Pour Glue on Baking soda and Amaze With Results... how to fix your broken items using glue and baking soda, known as super glue or ca glue. Using baking soda and super glue together is a much more effective and durable method than repairing using cotton and super glue.
  • Ban EVs to save energy
    Switzerland considers electric vehicle ban to avoid blackouts... Switzerland could limit the use of electric vehicles (EVs) in cases of electricity supply shortages this winter under a new four-step plan to prevent power cuts and blackouts.
  • Asking Elon to expose death threats
    Nicholas Sandmann asks Musk to release 'hidden' Twitter files on death threats permitted against him... Former Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann asked new Twitter owner Elon Musk to release any files related to the platform allowing death threats against him while he was a teenager.
  • Operation Midnight Climax... How do they come up with these names?
    Operation Midnight Climax... Operation Midnight Climax was an operation carried out by the CIA as a sub-project of Project MKUltra, the mind-control research program that began in the 1950s. It was initially established in 1954 by Sidney Gottlieb and placed under the direction of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in Boston, Massachusetts with the "Federal Narcotics Agent and CIA consultant"[1] George Hunter White under the pseudonym of Morgan Hall.[1][2] Dr. Sidney Gottlieb was a chemist who was chief of the Chemical Division of the Technical Services Staff of the CIA. 🍭 Search for "Operation Midnight Climax"...
  • Ye - Genius or Just Mad?
    Mad genius or just crazy? What ever the case, Kanye West has brought world attention to Pedophilia, human trafficking that back to early 1900s when kids were sold in Fairs and trafficked through the U.S. in trains and provided to the ELITES and pedophilia trafficking rings through orphanages. What ANONS. Have been talking about the past years that way labeled a conspiracy is now being EXPOSED as BALENCIAGA is caught inside the Satanic pedophilia rings connected to ELITE fashion wear. As KANYE WEST spouts grotesque words as " i love Hitler" the mainstream media is in full force to cancel him..... But this open Mad Genius or just Crazy antic's is trolling the Media and forcing them to cover Kanye's antic's and in the same time people who never heard of Kanye west is going down the rabbit hole of SATANIC rituals , pedophilia, human trafficking connected to the ELITE ESTABLISHMENT that CONTROLs the fashion industry. Hollywood and mainstream media controlled by power's that's created the ROTHSCHILDS family. ROCKEFELLERS ect ect ect. That is connected to a KAZARIAN Mafia that INFILTRATED the Jewish nation centuries ago. Over 3 Crypto CEOs and bosses have died in the past week after the COLLAPSE of FTX.. I'm the meanwhile PANIC of hitting the DNC on the EXPOSURE of FTX and now the DNC is publicly embracing FTX and MSM has soften their tune FTX.....( The REAL reason DNC is defending FTX is their connections to money laundering scheme operations through U.S. corporations. To Ukraine to DAVOS WEF group) ////..... But sources point to COLLAPSE of SEVERAL CRYPTO CURRENCY INCOMING < ....... This COLLAPSE will connect the EU Central banking system to the CORRUPTION money laundering of the EU and make direct ties to the UN. NATO ) In many parts of the world as Italy, France top fashion icons are going against the BALENCIAGA and the open SATANIC Masonic rituals connected to the fashion industry which in turn is connected to premonition of CRYPTO CURRENCY on their countries...... Currently several media BLACKOUTS Have begun of the exposure of BALENCIAGA and several Elite fashion networks connected to pedophilia, human trafficking, Satanism and several small crypto CURRENCY networks COLLAPSING in their countries the past 18 months. With the death of China's ex-leader Jiang Zemin who CONTROLLED the CCP communist party , the COLLAPSE of CCP is IMMINENT as their control of XI has backfired in the Last Coup strike attempt against XI. ( Many don't understand XI is Fighting his deep state forces and he is labeled EVIL.... Just as much as TRUMP is Fighting the Deep State in the U.S. CURRENTLY and he is labeled EVIL... Just PUTIN fought his deep state and labeled EVIL) > Inside sources say XI is EXPECTED to step down in 2026 after the COLLAPSE ( CIVIL WAR) CCP / CHINESE CITIZENS......... And a new era will begin with a new free Chinese republic and Leader and the current moment XI is playing the part inside the COLLAPSE of the CCP. ////// The collapse of CCP is CONNECTED to the world crypto industry.. The Fashion industry ( half a trillion in investments through global fashion industry )......... The same industry that is TRAFFICKING kids, humans between China. Middle east. EU. UK. Canada U.S. > It's HIGHLY EXPECTED KANYE WILL GO INTO MIL. PROTECTION PROGRAM in fall 2023 after the his supposed 🎥🍿 DEATH< _For how MUSK has banned KANYE on TWITTER., TRUMP has PUBLICLY renounced KANYE ///////// .........>. but not everything is as it seems...... Behind the SCENES > Military intelligence PULLING strings. SAFE GUARDING THE ACTORS FROM EACH OTHER ////. _🗝️ McAFEE holds the key to EVERYTHING. >Julian Assange holds the same key >Epstein servers holds the same key >Hunter BIDEN LAPTOP holds the same key >CIA servers from Frankfurt base holds the same key > INFILTRATION of CERN in 2018 holds the same keys >Dong Jingwei the vice minister of State Security in China’s Ministry of State Security and Intelligence brought the same KEYS to TRUMP< ///// WE HAVE IT ALL TIMING IS EVERYTHING IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY
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Special Report - United States of America
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🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
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