BullShift News Checkmate

October 22nd-24th, 2022
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“Tis the times' plague, when madmen lead the blind.” ― William Shakespeare

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  • Mousepox
    January 2001: Killer mousepox virus raises bioterror fears... A virus that kills every one of its victims, by wiping out part of their immune system, has been accidentally created by an Australian research team. The virus, a modified mousepox, does not affect humans, but it is closely related to smallpox, raising fears that the technology could be used in biowarfare. The discovery highlights a growing problem. How do you stop terrorists taking legitimate research and adapting it for their own nefarious purposes? Mousepox... Fenner used mousepox as a model system for the study of generalized viral infections. Scientists research antidotes to super mousepox virus... Nov 6, 2003 (CIDRAP News) – A team of researchers in St. Louis has retooled a mousepox virus so it can defeat a vaccine that normally protects mice—but has also found ways to beat the customized virus, according to the group's leader. Mark Buller, PhD, a virologist at St. Louis University, says his group has built on the work of Australian researchers, who reported in 2001 that they had accidentally engineered a mousepox virus that was lethal to vaccinated mice. Buller's group modified the mousepox virus in a similar way but also developed two treatment combinations that protected mice from the altered virus. Mouse-pox; infectious ectromelia of mice; a review... The mousepox experience... Much of the debate about science policy in recent years has focused on ‘the dual-use dilemma', which arises when well-intentioned scientific research has the potential to be misused by state and non-state actors for nefarious purposes. In the context of the life sciences, for example, the same discoveries that lead to advancements in medicine could also be used to facilitate the development of biological weapons. I give a full update tomorrow INCLUDING what's happening with [MOUSEPOX] _____ We are coming into a critical moment.... [ They] really want to arrest TRUMP create a civil war//))) This [MOUSEPOX] is NO joke ..... The same people. Fauci, Obama, Daszak, Gates ..// companies > NIH. ECT ECT ECT ECT All behind this deadly strain With over 40 facilities in the U.S. alone doing research on this virus///)) Inside the military is a huge divide..... Top [ DS] commanders are linked to the kickbacks, bribes and illegal investments, stocks into these gain of function deadly projects////// >The white Hats military are coming closer to seizing ALL the Bio labs and LEVEL 4 labs in the U.S.///// I many of you are in fear over fear mongering...... And confusion...... But we are in a state ( world/) of WAR and things are at the critical moment With RUSSIA/ CHNIA/ TAIWAN/Economic COLLAPSE, MOUSEPOX and complete civil unrest (war) they are planning for the U.S. ..... These EVENTS occurring was what several channels and truthers were trying to WARN you about the past year and half coming///)) _____ Be strong and keep your spiritual armor on!. Have Faith and HOPE/////
  • Born After 1990: Show this video to your friends who believe the CDC loves children more than money...

    Born Before 1990: If you still know someone who thinks that jabbing school children with an unproven vaccine that doesn't prevent transmission but could cause myocarditis in an age group that rarely has long term issues from the virus is a good idea becuase the CDC says so, then remind them that Doctors pushed cigarettes as healthy in the 50s with this video...

    Tobacco Industry's Campaign to Hide the Hazards of Smoking... From the 1920s to the 1950s, the tobacco industry undertook a marketing campaign to hide the hazards of smoking and lure new consumers to its products. This video combines campaign images and the commentary of Stanford experts to demonstrate key tactics in this strategy. With the number of smoking-related deaths estimated to climb from 100 million in the last century to 1 billion in the 21st century, this retrospect provides insight into the industry's ongoing pursuit of profits at the expense of public health.
  • Will November 8th midterms get cancelled or rescheduled?
    On October 30th, at midnight EST, there will be the beginning of a 10 – 14 day period of no communication systems. Internet, phone, and cell phone service will all cease... From October 30th onward during the period of transition, the US (and some other countries), will be under martial law... Generally speaking, there will be no interruption of power, water, and utilities, although minor interruptions may occur in specific areas for unique reasons... US Mid-Term elections scheduled for November 7th will be canceled / postponed until such time as they can be conducted using the new Quantum election system and reflecting the changes to the United States Federal Government. It is suggested that everyone have adequate stored food, medicines, and other essential supplies to cover their needs during this two-week period, as many businesses will not function without communication services. Please consider the needs of others who may experience hardship in this situation. Neighbors are encouraged to consider all other neighbors and provide compassionate support for each other. What to EXPECT: _Several STATES.WILL Contest the outcome of the ELECTIONS And will HALT the Elections _BIDENs EO on Elections was improperly made( mistakes on purpose) and these Will STALL the Elections from going forward in November _Bill Gates WARNED the elections will not happen And lead to Civil War ( this shitturd knows slot because he's invested in the outcome and has [ DS] Mil.Intel ties _RUSSIA and several countries Mil INTEL and WIRES; all report ELECTION DISRUPTIONS INCOMING _ _ _ _ _ _many things are slated..... But what's important is BIDENs approval rating has hit 19% ( If you know what that mean...80% and more of Americans have reached the Military intervention RED>> LINE/////)/ >>>>>>>>> Everything leads too Military is the only way Q We all know this FALSE FLAG EVENT by DEEP STATE to bring U.S. INTO FULL WAR before the ELECTIONS...... Even> Col. Douglas MacGregor Gave a statement saying the BIDEN admin is PUSHING for Ukraine to initiate attacks on RUSSIAN for the cause of stopping U.S. ELECTIONS
  • Bannon sentenced, but will not serve unless appeals fail
    Steve Bannon gets 4 months for contempt of Congress after defying subpoena... Former Trump White House strategist Steve Bannon was sentenced to four months in prison and ordered to pay a $6,500 fine Friday for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the House select committee investigating last year’s Capitol riot — but the sentence will be suspended while Bannon’s expected appeal plays out. Bannon gets 4 months jail term for defying Jan. 6 committee subpoena... A federal judge has sentenced longtime Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon to four months in jail for defying a subpoena from lawmakers investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob. He will also be required to pay a $6,500 fine if his convictions stand.
  • The Fauci hoax and the Real Anthony Fauci movie
    The Real Anthony Fauci Movie (Free for 9 days)... Within the first 5 minutes, you know why Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s blockbuster bestelling book The Real Anthony Fauci is now a full-length feature documentary exposing Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government. "The COVID antibody has no path into the lung. When I disocovered this, I let Dr. Fauci know. I did run it by my mentor, the Director of Ophtho at Johns Hopkins... So, being me. And wordy. But precise and detail oriented. I wrote back a 73 page letter to Dr. Fauci. Explaining every aspect of this huge mistake. No reply. Of course, I sent him email after email. and even Dr. Francis Collins who happens to be the NIH director... I told Moderna I would release the tape on twitter. Fast forward. A couple of days ago, big news breaks and its huge on twitter, Pfizer admits did not test for viral transmission... But backing up and explaining the stupidity of the COVID vaccine hypothesis. Our lung is basically a pocket of air. Our body, mostly water. If our lung couldn't keep water out, we would have drowned in our own fluids. Our lung has this waterproof barrier... this waterproof barrier can keep tiny little water molecules weighing only 18 daltons, OUT of our lung. So, COVID enormous antibody molecules are made in the blood/lymph. to get into our lungs, they have only one option, to pass through our LUNG BARRIER... These crazy big COVID antibody molecules weigh 145,000 daltons. If a water molecule looks like a diet coke, covid antibodies are the size of a mini-suv. so, the lung barrier can keep water molecules out and will never let in COVID antibodies into our lung... Even crazier, in 2020, NOT one person in the US who got COVID for the first time (or anyone else for that matter) had a SINGLE COVID antibody in their system. Millions got COVID and healed within a week to 10 days WITHOUT COVID antibodies... To have helped anyone who recovered from COVID in 2020, the COVID antibody would have needed to actually BE there. It wasn't. To have helped, it would have needed a TIME MACHINE. Per fauci, follow the science? or the science fiction?... Very importantly, SOMETHING saved us in 2020, and it was NOT the COVID antibody. So, that SOMETHING, whatever it was, it's important to KNOW. Because if we know what it WAS, we can FACILITATE IT... That SOMETHING that saved us in 2020, I call it the LEE Enzyme (For fun). It's the ribonuclease enzyme. Why wouldn't this be it? IT was actually THERE in the year 2020. Not the COVID antibody. It was actually IN our lung cells, NOT the COVID antibody... The FUNCTION of a ribonuclease enzyme is to DESTROY RNA, not just OUR RNA, COVID viral RNA TOO, very interestingly, COVID VACCINE RNA TOO. anyone wonder why the COVID mRNA vaccine was FROzen?? Cuz, this LEE ribonuclease... "but the mrna vaccine clinial trials showed such good results". ha. Can we clearly say it was NOT the antibody that can't enter the lung? maybe.. it was the SIDE EFFECT of the vaccine, tricking the body into making chemokines and interferon, giving us muscle aches?... So, told money fauci, repeat the clinial trial. Compare the COVID mRNA vaccine to the FLU vaccine. What? why? flu vaccine doesn't make a covid antibody. It DOES ALSO have the main similar side effects of muscle aches and tricking the body into making chemokines... If the FLU vaccine ALSO works just as well as the COVID vaccine, against COVID... hmmm. just maybe the side effects of tricking the body into producing interferon (anti viral by the way), is what resulted in the good results??? (even tetanus shots protect againt COVID)... So then, the COVID vaccine works, very temporarily, AS A MEDICINE??? IT's NOT then a VACCINE? Cuz the reason why it's working is the induction of chemokines by the BODY? holy cow. Then, should you REALLY give people a Medicine when they don't have the illness??? hmmmm... Back to what saved us in 2020. The ribonuclease. The SECRET and the CURE is HOW to activate this enzyme to destroy RNA. FASTING. Fasting activates this ribonuclease and ACTIVATES MORE of these ribonuclease enzymes. FASTING FOR TWO DAYS IS THE CURE... Here is the biochemistry behind it. Fasting increases reactive oxygen species, which oxidizes 6 sulfhyrdryl groups on the ribonuclease inhibitor, that then releases the ribonuclease which is extremely efficient at destroying RNA....
    Will He Get Away With It? Exclusive Fauci Interview... Fauci tells all in our exclusive exit interview!
  • Fighting "disinformation" by using disinformation
    POSOBIEC: Hypocritical Nina Jankowicz Used 'Disinformation' as a Cover for her Secret NATO-Funded Cabal... Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec slammed the Biden regime's former appointed censorship czar and her roll in a "shadowy" cabal "Nina Jankowicz is tied to some very powerful, very shadowy individuals in our country," said Posobiec. "A new piece from Revolver.news, titled Biden's Minister of Truth Participated in a Secret NATO-Funded Cabal to Subvert Western Democracies Using 'Disinformation' as Cover.
  • Twitter staff shaking in their pleather boots as Elon threatens cutting 75% of staff
    Elon Musk Planning a Major Shake-Up for Twitter... Billionaire Elon Musk will reportedly gut Twitter with massive cuts when he takes over, getting rid of the overwhelming majority of the company. The Washington Post reported that Musk told prospective investors that he plans to get rid of “nearly 75 percent of Twitter’s 7,500 workers, whittling the company down to a skeleton staff of just over 2,000.”
  • Cataloging the kids like pets...
    Texas schools are distributing DNA kits to help parents identify their kids in emergencies... Texas public schools are distributing DNA and fingerprint identification kits to parents in case they need to provide their child’s DNA to law enforcement if they go missing — or in case of other emergencies. PSA FROM YOUR FRIENDLY PUBLIC DEFENDER: DO NOT PROVIDE YOUR CHILDREN’S DNA TO A DATABASE! For that matter, this applies to everyone: DO NOT EVER VOLUNTARILY GIVE A DNA SAMPLE.
  • Slavery on the ballot in 5 states
    Slavery is on the ballot for voters in 5 US states... More than 150 years after slaves were freed in the U.S., voters in five states will soon decide whether to close loopholes that led to the proliferation of a different form of slavery — forced labor by people convicted of certain crimes.
  • Nuclear Fear Porn
    What could happen if Putin uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine: Terrifying computer simulation reveals how a Russian strike could trigger a war that kills 34 MILLION people in just fiv... It was developed by Princeton University researchers associated with the Program on Science & Global Security (SGS), and was originally released in 2017. Simulation of US and Russia Nuclear War - Nuclear War simulation... Simulation of US and Russia Nuclear War Nuclear War simulation This realistic, facts-based simulation is divided into 3 stages: Nuclear War, Nuclear Fallout and Nuclear Winter. Watch this video to find out what will happen to the world during each of those stages.
  • The Elixir of Life
    The Italian village with the 'elixir' of healthy life... It's a place of terraced lemon groves, a paradoxically warm mountain breeze, and a powerful fat-killing gene carried by a few lucky residents.
  • Underground Florida
    2nd Mission to Underground Civilization in Florida & the missing Gift for Humanity... On October 11, 2022, JP, who currently serves with the US Army, completed his second mission to an underground civilization in Florida. JP was again part of a squad of 8 soldiers drawn from different military services that met with representatives of an Ant Civilization. JP was in charge of security for the mission while two members of the squad conducted negotiations with the Ant People, who were upset that the gift given during the first mission had been sent to Europe contrary to an agreement that it would remain in the US.
  • Cattle dying from mRNA vaccine
    LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of cattle DIE immediately following mRNA “vaccination”... Much of the conversation surrounding mRNA (messenger RNA) “vaccines” centers around their impact on humans, but how about all the animals that are being injected with it? Believe it or not, cattle are reportedly now getting jabbed with the stuff, which in a recent mass “vaccination” campaign of an Australian herd resulted in 35 of the 200 animals dying immediately. We are told that dairy farmers and others are now being forced to inject their animals for the Fauci Flu in order to remain in business, and that the animals are not responding well to it.
  • The greatest chess game of all time?
    The Best Chess Games of all time: 1: Kasparov vs. Topalov, Wijk aan Zee 1999... Despite losing a historic match to the computer engine Deep Blue two years earlier, Garry Kasparov was at the height of his powers in 1999, winning tournaments by big margins and recording the highest Elo rating ever at that time (2851). I Found The GREATEST Game | Kasparov vs Topalov 1999... Hikaru analyzes Kasparov vs. Topalov 1999, also known as Kaspaov's Immortal, and reveals the secrets behind why it's such an incredible game.
  • Financial Protection Bureau to be stripped of its authority... Bad news for consumers or for 3 letter agencies?
    America’s Trumpiest court just declared an entire federal agency unconstitutional... Three judges appointed by former President Donald Trump handed down an astonishing decision on Wednesday, effectively holding that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the federal agency charged with protecting consumers from a wide range of predatory activity by lenders and other financial services, is unconstitutional and must be stripped of its authority.
  • Justice Department announces charges for export violations to aid russian military
    Justice Department Announces Charges and Arrests in Two Cases Involving Export Violation Schemes to Aid Russian Military... In separate charges unsealed today in the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices for the Eastern District of New York and the District of Connecticut, and with the support of the Department’s Task Force KleptoCapture, the Justice Department has charged nearly a dozen individuals and several corporate entities with participating in unlawful schemes to export powerful, civil-military, dual-use technologies to Russia – some of which have been recovered on battlefields in Ukraine while another nuclear proliferation technology was intercepted before reaching Russian soil.
  • Globalist Coup
    Nigel Farage discusses the globaliost coup and how Liz Truss is associated... Globalist Coup Nigel Farage... Nigel Paul Farage (/ˈfærɑːʒ/;[c] born 3 April 1964)[3] is a British broadcaster and former politician who was Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) from 2006 to 2009 and 2010 to 2016 and Leader of the Brexit Party (renamed Reform UK in 2021) from 2019 to 2021.
  • Pump, pump, give...
    Pot is coming to U.S. gas stations... Gas, weed, and munchies will be available at the same place soon.
  • J.P. Sears summarizes the real, ridiculous news
    They Admitted It! And We're Trying to Cover it Up - News Update... Pfizer finally admits it, Biden’s got a huge new scandal with Saudi Arabia, and More! Tune in for all the Lies You Can Trust.
  • Voting to mandate COVID vaccine for school children to save Pharma from vaccine injury lawsuits
    CDC advisory committee votes to add COVID-19 vaccine to immunization schedules for children, adults... The vote was unanimous, with 15 in favor and none against CDC Presents Their Recommendation for Adding COVID-19 to the Child Immunization Schedule... CDC To Vote Thursday To REQUIRE Covid Shots For Kids... Even as uptake for the new Covid shots hovers around zero, the CDC is not giving up. For an announced Thursday meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), one CDC official announced a vote on adding the shot to the child immunization schedule - a backdoor mandate! CDC To Vote To Permanently Shield Pfizer and Moderna From Covid Vaccine Injury Liability The CDC will vote Thursday to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from COVID vaccine injury liability... A CDC committee will convene this week and likely vote Thursday to deliver permanent legal indemnity to Pfizer and Moderna, through the process of adding the drug companies’ mRNA injections to the child and adolescent immunization schedules. A history of Pfizer and medical fraud.... Say no to the CDC vote...
  • Preserving meat without refrigeration
    grandma showed me how to keep meat out of the fridge all year round! like in the village!... For 10 years I have been preparing meat in a jar according to this recipe. I keep it in the basement out of the fridge all year round. You can take meat from a jar with you anywhere, on a picnic or wintering. You always have lunch ready. This is how we stored meat outside the refrigerator, during the war in my country... Preserve meat in a jar without refrigeration or electricity for a year. Beef, pork or chicken with rice, on the lunch table as a complete meal. The recipe is simple. Prepare the dish and store it in the cellar when you need it.
  • Pointing fingers at 3 letter orgs
    Ron Paul on the FBI and CIA
  • pResident Biden and his teleprompter brain
    Biden's latest Ron Burgundy moment: President spells out 'D-O-T' from the teleprompter while reciting web address during his student loans relief speech... President Joe Biden appeared to get caught vocalizing instructions from a teleprompter during the speech at the White House Monday. Joe Biden: "The right that I pushed hard and I finally got changed to marry couples in the privacy of their bedroom." State Department Cleans Up Diplomatic Mess After Biden Questions Pakistan Having Nuclear Weapons... The U.S. State Department on Tuesday walked back remarks questioning Pakistan’s ability to keep its nuclear weapons safe by leftist President Joe Biden, who went as far as to call the South Asian nation, a nominal ally of America’s, “one of the most dangerous nations in the world.”
  • Shipping containers block the border in Arizona, and Biden wants them removed
    Biden administration demands Arizona remove shipping containers in gaps along border... The Biden administration on Friday demanded that Arizona remove several dozen shipping containers that the state placed in gaps along its southern border with Mexico.
  • GPS disruptions in Texas
    Mysterious GPS Disruptions Spread In Texas Near Fort Hood... GPS interference in Texas has spread from the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area to now east and west regions of Waco, Texas.
  • Only you can see your flight info
    Futuristic personalised airport display in Denver.... The future is now.
  • UFOs over Pacific
    EXCLUSIVE: Dramatic videos of UFOs over the Pacific are revealed, as expert pilots describe seeing bright lights moving in 'race track' circles over the summer - but say their empl... A series of strange UFO incidents over the Pacific Ocean this summer were captured on video and in air traffic control recordings after sightings by dozens of pilots.
  • Order of Quetzalcoatl - "Q"
    9 Facts About Quetzalcoatl... 1. His Roots Go Back as Far as the Ancient Olmec 2. Quetzalcoatl May Be Based on a Historical Person 3. Quetzalcoatl Fought With His Brother 4. And Committed Incest With His Sister 5. The Cult of Quetzalcoatl Was Widespread 6. Quetzalcoatl Was Many Gods in One 7. Quetzalcoatl Had Many Different Appearances 8. His Association With the Conquistadors Was Likely Made Up 9. The Mormons Believe He Was Jesus Order of Quetzalcoatl... The Order of Quetzalcoatl, colloquially known as the "Q", is a Masonic invitational body. It is heavily involved in philanthropy, and its main contribution is towards transportation funds for Shriners hospitals.
  • Breaking down how BLM spent the $800 Million it raised
    Documentary discovers how the $800 Million dollars raised by BLM were spent...... #blmfuneral
  • The Mystery that the Embalmers Uncovered
    Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Characteristics... Several embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, “fibrous” and rubbery clots inside the corpses they treat, and are speaking out about their findings. Numerous embalmers from different states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they have been seeing these strange clots, starting from either 2020 or 2021. It’s not yet known if the cause of the new clot phenomenon is COVID-19, vaccines, both, or something different.
  • Antartica Uncovered
    Incredible Recent Discoveries in Antarctica!... The Moon rotates around the Earth at about the same speed, as it does around its axis, that’s why we can only see one side of it. It means that 41% of its surface hasn’t been explored yet! This fact surprises many people, as we are used to thinking that we know everything about all things in the world. While even our own planet remains a mystery to us.
  • A light body prayer from the Aramaic Lord's Prayer
    Abwün Oh Thou, from whom the breath of life comes, d'bwaschmāja who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration Nethkādasch schmach May Your light be experienced in my utmost holiest Tété malkuthach. Your Heavenly Domain approaches. Nehwa trevjanach aikana d'bwaschmája af b'arha. Let Your will come true-in the universe (all that vibrates) just as on earth (that is material and dense). Hawvian lachma d'sûnkanan jaomana. Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need, Waschboklån chauben wachtahin aikana daf chnän schwoken l'chaijaben, detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma) like we let go the guilt of others. Wela tachlan l'nesjuna Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations), ela patzån min bischa. but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose. Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l'ahlâm almin. From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act, the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age. Amin. Sealed in trust, faith and truth. (I confirm with my entire being) O, Birther of the Cosmos, focus your light within us - make it useful Create your reign of unity now Your one desire then acts with ours, As in all light, So in all forms, Grant us what we need each day in bread and insight: Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, As we release the strands we hold of other's guilt. Don't let surface things delude us, But free us from what holds us back. From you is born all ruling will, The power and the life to do, The song that beautifies all, From age to age it renews. I affirm this with my whole being.
Special Report - Holograms and Light
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Elections and Fraud
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Persuasion Techniques
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - COVID and Vaccines
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - the History of Money
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - United States of America
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - The Capitol Insurrection
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Blockchain and Crypto
BullShit News Blockchain Special Report
🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
Past Editions:
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