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January 11th, 2023
Abolish Income Taxes
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“May the IRS find that you deduct your pet sheep as an entertainment expense.” ― Christopher Moore, Practical Demonkeeping

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  • Will the House vote to abolish income taxes? NESARA/GESARA/GCR and Earth Alliance updates...
    House Republicans to vote on bill abolishing IRS, eliminating income tax... Republicans in the House of Representatives will vote on a bill that would abolish the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), eliminate the national income tax and replace it with a national consumption tax. NESARA / GESARA... NESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only the United States of America but the whole planet (thus GESARA) in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more. GESARA: Don't be ruled by fear, Trust the plan!... BRICS Should Admit More Members, South Africa's Ruling Party Says Central banks add more gold in November as China joins the fray China Extends Gold Buying With Fresh Flows to Central Bank GESARA: Enjoy the golden show!... Deutsche Bank downgrades Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase as fundamentals weaken Swiss National Bank Posts Record $143 Billion Loss in 2022 Goldman Sachs to cut about 3,200 jobs this week after cost review Argentina and China formalize currency swap deal China's yuan hits near 5-month high on reopening boost, seasonal demand Forex reserves up by $44 mn to $562.85 bn on rise in RBI gold reserves Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent?... Six different insider sources have confirmed that several spy satellites and computer systems for the Deep State have been blinded… in a stunning attack. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 9, 2023... At 12:01 am 1 Jan. 2023 the US Constitutional Republic Officially Began Along With Implementation of the Global Quantum Financial System Gold/Asset Backed Currencies of 209 Countries To Eventually Trade at a 1:1 with Each Other "RV UPDATE" BY OKIE VIA TWITTER, 5 JAN... #WEARETHEPEOPLE I AM MAINTAINING A HOPEFUL VIGIL AND AM STILL VERY OPTIMISTIC AS TO WHAT IS HAPPENING. 1 BRIEF STATEMENT AND I WILL RUN--AM VERY BUSY AND OCCUPIED TODAY. TODAY WE FINALLY TURNED THE CORNER FROM DARKNESS INTO LIGHT--KEEP VERY ALERT FROM THIS MOMENT ON.-
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    Trudeau’s Brother Says WEF Has ‘Compromising Material’ On Him That Keeps Him In Check... Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a pawn of the global elite in service of the New World Order, according to a bombshell admission by his half-brother Kyle Kemper, who goes on to claim that Justin does not write his own speeches or tweets but instead performs scripts written for him by his globalist overlords.
  • Year of the 🐇 (2/23/2023) - Rabbit Tales
    Year of the Rabbit (2023 Chinese Zodiac), Horoscope and Lucky Things Predictions... 2023 is a year of the Water Rabbit, starting from January 22nd, 2023 (Chinese New Year), and ending on February 9th, 2024 (Chinese New Year's Eve). The sign of Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture. 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In your current timeline and universe, the first successful nuclear fusion reactor will be activated in what you call the year may 17, 2023.>>> With your scientist still totally ignorant of what fusion imply and the real nature of what goes on in the sun, this will cause a mass reaction forming a black hole and colliding our two universe merging both space time continuum. >>> I was born in the year 5345 of your universe but was propelled into the second universe during the incident (all time is simultaneous meaning everything that will ever happen already happened) and lived most of my life into this one. I then spent all this time trying to recreate the condition of the incident to come back here to stop it from existing. >>> I know that i already succeeded since I am already born. The incident will happen in France. The world of my time in 5400 is ignorant of the incident. When I grew up in the future we learned that France was nuked off the map in April 2023 following the declaration of war on NATO by Russia. This stopped the incent from ever happening. We are only few knowing really what happened. My team set off the war in Ukraine in 2022 to precipitate WW3 before the incident ever happen. >>> Nobody can stop what will happen since it already happened AMA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT > MIL. OPS Military COMMS .-When MUSK mentioned FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT. The FINAL year and half White Hats MILITARY OPERATIONS were given the GO._ These Military COMMS were associated with the death of the Queen, Rothschild and The death of the Pope on the last of day of 2022 December 31. //// These DEATHS were Military COMMUTATIONS that The final 14 months of the FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT OPERATIONS are in progress. As January 22, 2023 begins the Year of the RABBIT [ WORLD EXPOSURE OF DEEP STATE CABAL] . CHNIA WILL TAKE TAIWAN AND RUSSIA WILL OVER POWER THE EU. THE U.S. NATO. UN FORCES AS IRAN, TURKEY SUBDUE THE KAZARIAN, ROCKEFELLERS CIA PENTAGON REGIMEN/ with the help SERBIA, SEVERAL AFRICAN NATIONS AND SOUTH AMERICAN BRAZIL, North Korea, BELARUS >>WILL all help to bring apart the dark side of the deep state that controls the U.S. military <<< The White HATS U.S. MILITARY WILL ALSO help in EXPOSING THEIR OWN CORRUPT DEEP STATE MILITARY CONNECTED TO CREATION OF THE VIRUS AND PENTAGON, OBAMA ROCKEFELLER CONNECTION TO CREATION OF THE PLANDEMIC THE VIRUS THE MONEY LAUNDERING SYSTEM... CONNECTED TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS. SEVERAL COUNTRIES WILL SEE THE MILITARY COUPS AND ELECTION FRAUD EXPOSURE. THEIR GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION CONNECTED TO THE PLANDEMIC....... This important FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT OPERATIONS is EXPOSURE OF THE WORLD WIDE CABAL SYSTEM and launches into it's finale 14 months phase into 2024...... As several countries will come close to near death civilization EVENTS ,(civil war. NUCLEAR STANDOFF. Economic COLLAPSE. ECT ECT).. These EVENTS will trigger the EXPOSURE of their governments corruption to the PLANDEMIC, FRAUD banking systems ECT ECT..... The [ EXPOSURE] OF; _ CIA. _ FBI _ PENTAGON _DOD _DOJ _3 LETTER AGENCIES _ THE PANDEMIC. FAUCI > PETER DASZAK< _ NIAIH _ CDC _NIH _GATES WEF.WEF WEF WEF WEF WEF WHO< _BIDEN HUMAN TRAFFICKING _ HUNTER BIDEN _BIDEN CORRUPTION SELLING OIL. SELLING U.S. INTELLIGENCE REPORTS _CLINTONS CIA CONNECTION TO SELLING ARMS. HUMAN TRAFFICKIN _EPSTEIN SAGA BEGINS FULL EXPOSURE OF HOLLYWOOD. CIA. WORLD ELITES. _ MICROSOFT _AMAZON _FACEBOOK [ GOOGLE] _ELECTION INTERFERENCE. _ HUMAN TRAFFICKING CONNECTED TO BIG TECH. CIA._ ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 2023 AND 14 MONTHS IS THE FINAL YEAR OF Q OPERATIONS... THE LAST YEAR KNOW AS FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT OPERATIONS THAT CONNECT TO LAWS OF WAR OPERATIONS> 11.3. NCSWIC MILITARY is the only way. You are already inside the DEVOLUTION PLAN ... CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT. AND LAWS OF WAR 11.3 is taking shape. THEIR is a reason TRUMP signed secret orders that put the U.S. Into A STATE Of EMERGENCY and handed power to the Military OPERATIONS ( The same Military OPERATIONS that put placed TRUMP into POWER) 🎥. Everything your watching is scripted. A PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD. Game theory. Nash equilibrium. Near death civilization EVENT.....> The coming ARREST WARS< FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT. [ PENTAGON ] [CIA] > [ 3 letter agencies]< _FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT _OPS In 2012_13 OBAMA/ ROCKEFELLERS/ CIA [ DS] INSIDE THE PENTAGON ECT ECT.had already issued procedures for the coming PLANDEMIC< In the now LEAKED files, memos and emails circulating among Congress and military divisions, the EVIDENCE and PENTAGON CIA files makes it clear, the VACCINEs would be mandated and social media and Mainstream MEDIA would be protected against prosecution in complying with the PENTAGON in the FUTURE cover-up of the VIRUS. THE VACCINES DEATHS and the funding. The planning of the of the deep state to take over social media and make them comply with the future initiatives placed by the PENTAGON was top priority in 2012._13 ... The funding from the PENTAGON connected to Chapel hill, and several level 4 laboratories that created the gain of function virus and vaccines is being EXPOSED. >THROUGH GAME THEORY of MILITARY OPERATIONS connected to FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT OPERATIONS, The White hats MILITARY ALLIANCE let the DEEP STATE , OBAMA, ROCKEFELLERS, GATES, FAUCI ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT continue into their [ DS] operations to fund the VIRUS. Create the deadly vaccines dating back to 2012 when the initiative PLANDEMIC took form and PENTAGON CIA put out PROTOCOLS to control the INTERNET, social media MSM to cover up the VIRUS, VACCINES AGENDA that was going to be released. In early 2017 after the U.S. military seized the VATICAN gold( 2016 December 24) and killed 13 families of ITALIAN KAZARIAN, Jesuits, nights of MALTA leaders ECT ECT...... The U.S. Military THROUGH TRUMP signed the CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT, DEVOLUTION PLAN> and the MILITARY TOOK OVER THE GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS/ COMMANDING The top actors good and bad to continue their AGENDAs and PLANS ( this means the MILITARY used Game Theory operations and let the DEEP STATE continue their evil agenda as the military monitored all the OPERATIONS To see who was all involved in the CREATION OF THE VIRUS, THE VACCINES THE WORLD MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONS, connected to weapons trade, human TRAFFICKING, planned WARS ECT ECT ECT ECT....... Everything has to happen that the DEEP STATE PLANNED dating back to 1990s and the final initiation of the PLANDEMIC starting in 2012 ///// ALL DEEP STATE OPERATIONS had to happen in order for the white hats to monitor all the MONEY, CORRUPTION AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY TO TAKE PLACE< 2023_ >SASHA LATYPOVA Comes forward with files and documents direct from the PENTAGON The Department of Defense DOD had contracts for the vaccines and created laws through OBAMA to protect the PENTAGON and their vaccine manufacturers from being prosecuted for vaccine manipulation and money financing/ funding the operations. The vaccines COVID 19 clinical trials were created years before the 2019 outbreak .DOD HHS NIH ect ect ect ect and top ELITES and commanders were ALL INVOLVED IN THE CREATION OF THE PLANDEMIC< the vaccines the clinical trials. The FUNDING operations. The censorship of EXPOSING the VIRUS. The Pentagon CIA CONTROL of planned Plandemic narration over MSM. and the censorship of hundreds of millions who tried to EXPOSE the deep state AGENDA virus CREATION< : CABLES]> BEHIND the SCENES The military ALLIANCE is pulling strings and releasing information direct from inside the PENTAGON And leaking to outside SOURCES.... ( In fall off 2021 i told you the CIA . PENTAGON was infighting and a silent WAR was erupting inside as white hats and Blackhats and gray hats began their military operations against each other...).   The real story is TRUMP-in 2017_18 signed military orders that gave power to the White HATS military who have been tracking the deep state since 2012 OBAMA initiative of the virus CREATION... _ it's becoming evident in the PENTAGON that TRUMP gave FULL powers to the Cheyenne mountains military COMMANDERS/ USSF/ MIL.INTEL ECT and the PENTAGON IS UNDER MILITARY SURVEILLANCE AND SEVERAL BLACKHATS AS GENERAL MILLEY are > FORCED ACTORS< by Whites hats... As is BIDEN> IS A FORCED ACTOR< ( playing a role) //🎥 🔥INSIDE THE DEVOLUTION >PLAN< I have been telling you this for the past 2 years and half now..../// Now this conspiracy of the PENTAGON CIA ( ROCKEFELLER REGIME) Obama ECT. Clintons. ECT... Are all involved in the creation of the virus........ And the MILITARY WHITE HATS OPERATIONS ARE LEAKING THE FILES.... ( Last year I mentioned several times... The PENTAGON Whistleblowers are coming forward 2023 and Congress are sitting on this story that will EXPLODE SOON<} The conspiracy of PENTAGON.cia creation of the VIRUS connected to EU. NORWAY GERMANY FRANCE CANADA >UKRAINE< is going to [EXPOSED] ...... THE FUNDING OF THE PLANDEMIC. WORLD MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONS SCHEME and VACCINES DEATH OPERATIONS, VIRUS CREATION is going to hit all the top countries and Leaders and their military intelligence agencies covering up the PLANNED PLANDEMIC.. Who controlled MSM. Social Media. And medical industry............. The WHOLE AGENDA is being EXPOSED.....( This why they are trying to create a war with Russia and create a huge distraction with a world war...)/// The White HATS ALLIANCE is getting closer in the FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT OPERATIONS. MUSK IS DROPPING COMMS; these are real OPERATIONS in progress///)) What Is Adrenochrome? Follow The White Rabbit...... The Dark Rabbit Hole in Detail ADRENOCHROME: Copper-induced oxidation of epinephrine: protective effect of D-DAHK, a synthetic analogue of the high affinity copper binding site of human albumin... Epinephrine is known to be rapidly oxidized during sepsis. Ischemia and acidosis, which often accompany sepsis, are associated with the release of weakly bound cupric ions from plasma proteins. We investigated whether copper promotes oxidation of epinephrine at both physiological and acidic pH and whether D-Asp-D-Ala-D-His-D-Lys (D-DAHK), a human albumin (HSA) N-terminus synthetic peptide with a high affinity for cupric ions, attenuates this oxidation. Young blood could be the secret to long-lasting health: study...The study, published in Nature, was conducted by researchers from University College London (UCL), who said it could reduce the chances of developing age-related disorders. ADRENOCHROME... Video... Adrenochrome & CPS: Trafficking, killing & selling the blood of America’s children...As a large number of children “disappear,” the questions into not only the issue of pedophilia arise, but also the murder and subsequent selling of murdered children’s blood also is in question. Adrenochrome is at the center of it all and sadly children, especially Native American children, are the primary targets. Open your eyes...Video about Adrenochrome and Child Trafficking... WARNING!!! Disturbing Content...
    Lin Wood re: Isaac Kappy’s discovery of pedo blackmail tapes... Lin Wood on TLEEGRAM: “I ran across some unintentional misinformation on another channel today which I wanted to correct describing Isaac Kappy’s key (or password) to the Jeffrey Epstein blackmail video files. The key to the files is “cultstate.com has issued protections on this matter” [inside the quotations]. I posted the key (password) on Parler several weeks ago before I was removed from the site. I received the information from a credible source who hired me as counsel and his/her identity is and shall remain confidential. I do not know if my involvement helped reveal the blackmail tapes. I hope it did. We must stop pedophilia and child sex trafficking. The risk I took was well worth the potential benefit to the world and to children. I did not involve General Flynn. The key (password) was not used in any manner by me as it relates to Chief Justice John Roberts or Former VP Mike Pence. My posts related to potential wrongdoing by those officials are based on the evidence of a credible whistleblower not related to the video files. Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸 Satanic child abuse ring shut victims in oven, forced them to kill animals and filmed themselves gang raping them, court hears... A satanic child abuse ring tortured children by putting them in an oven, forcing them to kill animals and gang raping them, a court has heard. It is a false image in which Lula holds a statue of Baphomet... An image was digitally manipulated to add a statue of the pagan entity Baphomet in the hands of former president and PT candidate for the Planalto, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and simulate a report by G1 ( see here ). The site never published such a report, and the original photo shows Lula holding a doll of himself.
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🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
Past Editions:
01/10/2023 01/07/2023 01/06/2023 01/05/2023 01/04/2023 12/23/2022 12/22/2022 12/21/2022 12/20/2022 12/17/2022 12/16/2022 12/15/2022 12/14/2022 12/13/2022 12/10/2022 12/09/2022 12/08/2022 12/07/2022 12/06/2022 12/02/2022 12/01/2022