BullShift News Yin Yang Cover

Prepare for Disbelief
Pray for the Victims
Prey to the Waters
July 19th, 2021
Dark to Light

BullShift News Yin Yang Cover

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

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  • More Widespread Flooding

    Flooding in China, Oman, India, Austria, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Ukraine, and more...
    Flood in Poland... Intense storms with strong winds passed through Poland over the weekend, submerging houses and roads in the Myslenice area with floodwaters Heavy rain in Kiev flooded streets and metro stations... In Kiev, the streets and metro stations were flooded due to heavy rainfall, UNIAN reports. In particular, as a result of the flood, two metro stations were closed: "Beresteyskaya" and "Akademgorodok". Metro station FLOODED in Kiev... Several metro stations FLOODED in Kiev right now - as a hurricane hits Ukraine’s capital. A dam in Mongolia near China has collapsed.... Two dams in China’s Inner Mongolia collapse after heavy rain Two dams in China's Inner Mongolia collapse after torrential ..... Two dams in China's northwestern region of Inner Mongolia have collapsed after torrential rain, the water ministry said on Monday, highlighting the safety risks posed by ageing infrastructure during the summer flood season. Evacuation underway in China’s Inner Mongolia after torrential rain causes two dams to collapse... Two dams in Inner Mongolia’s Hulunbuir have collapsed following torrential rain, according to an announcement from China’s water ministry on Monday, citing concerns about the safety risks of aging infrastructure in the region. Telegram: China Flooding... China: 🌊The Communist capital is flooded by heavy rainfall Telegram: Flooding Mumbai, India... Floods in Mumbai, India Mumbai: I-FLOWS fails to alert BMC of flooding, civic body says system needs fine-tuning... I-FLOWS, THE city’s flood forecasting and warning system, was unable to assist the civic body during the torrential rainfall between Saturday night and Sunday morning. The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said that the system needs fine-tuning for accurate results. Telegram: Flooding Oman... Oman: Heavy rain and flash floods continue to batter Oman after emergency workers rescued 31 families from their homes in the eastern coastal city of Sur. Heavy rain hits Oman, causing severe floods... Oman meteorologists said such heavy rains are unusual in July. With heavy rains expected to continue for several days, authorities are urging residents to take caution and refrain from going out. Telegram: Flooding Saudi Arabia... Saudi Arabia: Heavy rains and torrential rains caused flood in Southern Riyadh road near Budaiya. Saudi leaders send letter to German chancellor in response to flooding... Guardian of the two holy mosques, King Salman, sent German Chancellor Angela Merkel condolences and condolences to the victims of the massive floods that hit the Western European country. Telegram: Flooding Netherlands... NETHERLANDS – The Army assists locals with evacuations after severe flooding hits the country Telegram: Flooding Austria... AUSTRIA – City of Hallein, yesterday completely flooded! Telegram: Flooding Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany... After heavy floods 🌊🌊 in Germany, Belgium and Netherlands - now Austria Flood catastrophe in western Germany... Photos and videos of the aftermath in Germany See July 18th Edition for more flooding articles and videos
  • Election Challenges Everywhere

    2020 US Presidential Election Related Lawsuits... Status of all Election Integrity Cases with Trump as Plaintiff 7.14.21: All KINDS of HAPPENINGS in TX, GA, PA...their MSM forces are FREAKING OUT! PRAY!... The media is freaking out about the election audits in Texas, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. Raffensperger Calls for Fulton County to ‘Clean House’ or Face State Takeover... Georgia’s secretary of state on July 15 called for Fulton County to fire top elections officials or face takeover by the state. Jon Schwarz Clearly Interfered With The Election.. Why Is He Not In Jail.. "PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP JULY 16, 2021 BEDMINSTER, NJ Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America. Fox News and other media outlets incorrectly side with the outdated and terrible Maricopa County Election Board to report no fraud found in the Presidential Election. They spew the gross misinformation purposefully put out by the county and the Associated Press, and IGNORE the very important Arizona Senate’s hearing yesterday, which showed 168,000 fraudulent ballots printed on illegal paper (unofficial ballots), 74,000 mail in ballots received that were never mailed (magically appearing ballots), 11,000 voters were added to the voter rolls AFTER the election and still voted, all the access logs to the machines were wiped, and the election server was hacked during the election. They sided with the County and not the brave Arizona Senate who is fighting for the people of Arizona. The same anchor at the desk the night Fox called Arizona for Joe Biden now wants you to believe there was no fraud. The anchor was Bret Baier. Thankfully, Arizona has strong State Senators willing to fight for the truth. Senator Wendy Rogers says “I have heard enough. It’s time to decertify this election.” Senator Kelly Townsend said the fraud was so bad “I want to see indictments.” Senator Sonny Borrelli says “I've seen enough evidence to challenge the validity of the certification of the Maricopa County Election results.” Arizona shows Fraud and Voting Irregularities many times more than would be needed to change the outcome of the Election." Arizona Live Senate Hearing on Election Audit... 07/15/2021 10:00 AM - Senate Hearing on the Election Audit in Maricopa County SUMMARY of the hearing: Confirmed! 💥 Chain of Custody Report was not given to the audit team despite multiple requests. - They were required to record an identical serial number on duplicate ballots that were created for damaged ballots. 💥 1000s were found without serial numbers on them, so it was difficult to match them to the original. Make sure that there is only one duplicate for each damaged ballot. You can't confirm the number of times it was duplicated without the serial numbers. You can only see if the totals are equal. - Audit of the digital devices: a write-block device was used to make sure nothing was changed on the original devices. They created a bit for bit copy of each device. They then used an MD5 hash to certify the data is not changed. - Audit of the digital devices: a copy of the original data was then stored in safes for reference in a court system. The machines were not modified or changed in any way. - 💥 Not Received: the router configuration files and router data. Compromise: they would provide virtual access to thaat data. We have not received that from the County because "the data would compromise law enforcement operations." The router data and splunk logs are needed to confirm findings and validate information. We know an eleement of the election system was #compromised or breached during the 2020 election. - 💥 It has become readily apparent during the analysis that there are some cyber security problems. e.g. Antivirus definitions are updated frequently on home computers. Systems should be up to date. That was not the case for any of the endpoints in the election system. The last update was the date that dominion software was installed - August 2019. The systems were vulnerable. - 💥 They have a high vulnerability to hacks. We need the router data to confirm the traffic to these election systems. - Both the ip address and the mac address can uniquely identify all computers in the world that accessed these systems. - 💥 A script made 37,000 queries for a blank password on the system - Poll workers do not get access to configuration of the election device. We require the configuration information for each of the devices, including the mac addresses for each of those devices. We can cross reference the voting machine mac addresses with the router data to see if they ever touched the internet. - Originally board of supervisors agreed to do the forensic audit with us. They then changed their minds and conducted their own audits using ProBNB and SLI. Reports by both of those firms did not address the cyber security concerns. - 💥 They were sharing the same password for the administrator password, EMS admin password, adjudication password, and was not changed during the time period. A single password gives access to all functions. This means you cannot trace a login back to a single individual. - We see anonymous logins and need the splunk logs to validate what that is. - Hand count of ballots discussion now. - 💥 Exhibit B - Duplication Batch Inconsistencies: batches not on manifest, duplicates without original ballots, batches missing. - 25,000 originals and 25,000 duplicates expected for damaged ballots. - 💥 Exhibit C - Duplicates: Numerous ballots without serial numbers and no match. It becomes difficult to match them to an original. - Paper Examination Issues: kinematic artifact detection system used. When you use one side of the ballot, it will bleed through to the other side. On one side is a circle and cross to make sure they are properly aligned. If out of calibration, the cross will not be centered in the circle. - 💥 Only 12% were properly calibrated. 49% failed the test. 26% errored. The problems can cause an overvote or for a different candidate than intended. 💥 VoteSecure paper is supposed to be used to ensure that this is not a problem. The bleed through was happening close to votes.-

    💥 We saw that they did not use the VoteSecure paper as required during the election. We saw a lot of very thin paper. 💥

    The on demand ballots, roughly 168,000, were subject to the bleed through errors. - 💥 Voter Data Analysis: one house got 25 ballots with only 1 person living there. DOJ sent a letter stating concerns of knowcking on doors of original voters. But it's okay to knock on doors for the vaccinated. - 💥 Over 74,000 ballots. EB32 and EB33s were used to compare record of sending vs record received. There should be more mailed out than were received. 💥 There were 74,000 without a record of being sent out. Information FOIAd from accounting. We did not see EB33s matching EB32s. They should match. We could knock of doors of the voters and get postal service records to sort through the discrepancies. - 💥 Over 11,000 did not show on November voter role but did on the December role - 💥 Based on voter registration, 3,981 individuals voted but were registered after October 15th. - 💥 18,000 voted in the election but were then removed from the voter roles. - ⚖ recommendations on next steps - verify paper from ballot printer - go to voters to confirm questionable votes.
    Listen to Bob Hughes, the Maricopa Ballot Printer's Position on the Audit... Congressional Democrats of the House Oversight Committee launch investigation into the Maricopa County audit of the 2020 election in Arizona, just one day after Biden's speech on "voting rights." Arizona State Senator Demands Biden Electors be Recalled to Arizona and New Election Held Following Thursday’s Stunning Audit Revelations... They found 74,243 mail-in ballots with NO clear record of them ever being sent! The audit team also announced that ballots were counted that WERE NOT on the proper paper stock and WERE NOT in proper printing alignment. Other ballots were marked with Sharpie pens that bled through the paper.
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